1. How well do you feel is your medical health? How often do you visit the physician?

  2. Is there anything that interferes with your medical health? I.e., smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet, insufficient resources or medical insurance to seek medical care.

  3. How many medications do you take on a daily basis? What are they for? Do they result in xerostomia?

  4. Which factors that you participate in are those that promote your medical health? i.e., regular exercise, proper diet, adequate sleep, regular medical care.

  5. How well do you feel is your dental health? How often do you visit the dentist?

  6. Which factors interfere with your dental health? I.e., smoking, oral habits, poor diet, oral hygiene insufficient resources or dental insurance to seek dental care.

  7. What do you do to maintain your dental health? I.e., regular dental care, proper plaque control measures, good diet.

  8. Have you ever been told that you have an oral disease? Gingivitis, periodontitis, cavities, oral cancer?

  9. Do you have any oral pains? Have you spoken to a professional about it?

  10. What is does your dental care at home consist of?

  11. What services would you like to see provided at the dental office?

  12. Do you have any questions or concerns about your medical or dental health?

  13. Do you have medical insurance? Dental insurance? How do you pay for yourhealth care?

  14. Are you edentulous?

  15. Do you wear an oral prosthesis? When did you obtain it? When did you last

have it adjusted?

  1. How do you maintain your prosthesis on a daily basis?

  2. Do you have difficulty eating as a result of your teeth?

  3. Do you have any limitations to your daily activities?



Remember, these are sample questions, not a script. Have a conversation with your candidate. Feel free to expand on questions and even ask additional ones.

  1. What do you remember about your childhood? (Earliest memories, family, etc.)

  2. When and where were you born?

  3. What were your school days like? What level did you complete in school?

  4. What responsibilities did you have at home when you were young?

  5. Did you work outside the home? If so, what was your profession? Would youchoose the same occupation today?

  6. Did you go to university or college? How did you decide what you wanted tostudy?

  7. Do you have any military experience?

  8. Did you marry? If so, what do you remember about your wedding? What do yousee differently in the marriages of today and what has stayed the same?

  9. Do you have any children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren? How often doyou see them?

  10. What’s different about growing up today from when you were growing up?

  11. Where did you live as a child? As an adult?

  12. Are you happy with where you live now?

  13. Who do you currently live with, is there a special reason behind thecircumstances?

  14. Do you have a close relationship with any other person now? (Friends, family,significant other)

  15. Do you have any hobbies? Any collections?

  16. What’s your most cherished family tradition? Why is it important?

  17. How do you usually spend your day? What do you like to do in your spare time?

  18. What are you the most proud of in your life?

  19. Who has had the greatest influence on your life? How?

  20. Are you retired? If so, how has your life changed since retirement, how do yousupplement your income? If not, why have you chosen not to retire, when do you

think you will?

  1. Is there anything you would still like to do in your life? If you won $1 milliontomorrow, what would you do with the money?

  2. What’s the hardest thing about growing older? The best thing?

  3. What advice do you have for a younger person?

  4. Did you visit the dentist as a child? What experiences did you have at theoffice? How have dental visits changed over the years?

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