The Haunting of Juan Preciado. An analysis of Pedro Paramo by Rulfo Juan

The Haunting of Juan Preciado. An analysis of Pedro Paramo by Rulfo Juan

Textbook: Pedro Paramo by Rulfo Juan

Topic: The Haunting of Juan Preciado

Describe what the narrator, Juan Preciado, finds when he comes to Comala, how it affects him, and how his narration affects the reader (include comments about the book’s surrealist style). What would you have done if you were Juan Preciado?

Be sure to include direct quotations from the novel in your paper. Place the page number in parentheses after the quote.

Format: 4 pages, 1.5 spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, no spaces between paragraphs, quotes over 3 lines should be indented and single-spaced. add your own TITLE for your paper.


1. Choose your topic and narrow it down by asking a question you have about it. The answer to this question will be your thesis. Your thesis may change as a result of your writing process.

2. Create a file with quotes from the text that you have selected in accordance with your topic. You may not use all of the quotes you select but it helps to isolate them from the text.

No external resources!!!

3. Make an outline: What are the points you want to make in support of your central thesis? – You do not have to stick to this outline but it helps to organize your thoughts.

4. Your introduction tells your reader what you will be writing about. State which books you are discussing and what your thesis is; as well as relevant background information (biographical info about the author; historical facts, etc.). Your introduction is like a roadmap.

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