The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

First, take the Jung Typology Test. (Links to an external site.) Once you get the results, read over your profile and respond to the following questions in essay format:

1. Write a brief introduction that indicates the four letters of your personality type (e.g., ESTJ, INFP, etc.) and provide a general description, in your own words, of your personality type as you understand it.

2. Using specific examples, explain at least three strengths your traits could bring to a group. For example, if you are an extrovert, perhaps you are able to break the ice and help people get comfortable with one another. Provide specific, descriptive, detailed examples from your experiences in groups when you have actually exhibited these strengths.

3. Using specific, descriptive, detailed examples, explain at least three liabilities your traits could bring to a group. For example, if you are an extrovert, perhaps you tend to talk a little too often and interrupt or even ignore quieter people in your group. Provide specific, descriptive, detailed examples from your experiences in groups when you have actually exhibited these behaviors. Then, explore some suggestions for ways group members might work with these traits to get them back into balance (the book gives you some ideas, use them).

4. Write a brief conclusion that summarizes your findings.

As you are discussing these areas, remember to provide specific examples from your own life experiences (who, what, when, why, where, how) to illustrate the ideas you’re talking about.



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