To what extent might digitalization result in a homogenized global culture

Digital technologies are transforming the creation, spread and consumption of cultural products such as music, television, film, and online content. To what extent might digitalization result in a homogenized global culture?” For this task, you are required to submit a full draft of your essay. Please note that you must reference appropriately any source materials used within your essay, and provide a List of References at the end of your essay (i.e. a list of the works you have cited or referred to in your text).


Essays must be submitted in a Word document. The first page of your essay should be a completed Submission Cover PagePreview EAP Coursework Submission Cover Sheet .docx Download Submission Cover Page which is available in the assignment on Canvas.

Your name should appear on the cover page only. Your name must not appear on any other page of your assignment. Please use page numbers and add your student ID number to every page (but NOT your name).

Font: Times New Roman or Arial

Spacing: 1.5

Font size: 12 or 14 pt.

Length: 1000 words. +/- 10 per cent

You may be penalised if your essay is considerably under or over length.d online content. To what extent might digitalization result in a homogenized global culture

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