UMAP 322 Difference Equations with Applications

Select one of the following two projects to do.

Note that the report should adequately summarize the derivation of the model(s), the key mathematical tools used, and the conclusions made.

1. UMAP 322 Difference Equations with Applications

Read pages 1-21 of UMAP 322 and write a 1-2 page report on the first order difference equations and their applications. In addition, solve problem 3 on page 21 (Note: the answer to this problem is at the end of the file, so you should explain in details how you set up the difference equation and the method to solve the equation).

2. UMAP 73 Epidemics

Read UMAP 73 and write a 1-2 page report on the model for an epidemic. In the report, address the following questions

1. What is the extent W?
2. and how to estimate W ? then do problem 5 on page 15.

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