User Stories CS-250-Q1507 Software Development Lifecycle

  • Identify at least five user requests or requirements based on the user interactions in the animation. These should be written in the following format: As a <type of user> I want to <perform some task> so that I can <achieve some goal>.

  • Next, identify the user requests or requirements as large, medium, or small and prioritize them according to your perceived user needs. Then place these requirements into the Product Backlog, which is the first sheet in the CS 250 Module Three User Stories Assignment Template. Put your requirements in order so that the highest priority item is first on the list and the lowest priority item is at the end.

  • Review the User Story Details Example, which is the second sheet in the template. Then select one large requirement, one medium requirement, and one small requirement from your Product Backlog. Write a detailed user story for each requirement using the User Story Details sheets in the template.



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