1. Gather the graduated cylinder, distilled water, short stem pipet, and isopropyl alcohol.
  2. Place the clean, dry, 25 mL graduated cylinder on the tared scale. Record the mass of the graduated cylinder (g), in Data Table 4.
  3. Fill the graduated cylinder with 5.0 mL of distilled water by using the short stem pipet to add water dropwise until the minuscus in the graduated cylinder reads 5.0 mL. Record the volume in Data Table 4.
  4. Place the 25 mL graduated cylinder with 5.0 mL distilled water on the tared scale. Record the mass of the graduated cylinder and the liquid in Data Table 4 .
  5. Calculate the mass of the water by subtracting “Mass A” from “Mass B.” Record the mass of the water in Data Table 4 .
  6. Dispose of the water and fully dry the graduated cylinder.
  7. Repeat steps 2–6 for isopropyl alcohol.
  8. Calculate the densities of both the water and the isopropyl alcohol and record in Data Table 4 .

Note: The accepted value for the density of water is 1.00 g/mL and the accepted density for isopropyl alcohol is 0.786 g/mL.

  1. Determine the percent error, using the equation below, between your calculated densities and the accepted values for both water and isopropyl alcohol.


Percent error(%)=|experimental density – accepted density|accepted density×100%Percent error(%)=|experimental density – accepted density|accepted density×100%


  1. Record the percent error in Data Table 4.



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