Wk 5 – Apply: Business Plan: Gantt Chart

For a Business Plan to be effective, it is critical that managers track the progress and development of their proposed plans. Managers can leverage various tools, such as a Gantt Chart, to track and evaluate the effectiveness of business plans. As part of your Business Plan this week, you will create a Gantt Chart for your proposed Business Plan.


Create a Gantt Chart that can be used to track your progress, ensure you are meeting your business goals, and secure funding and investors.


Track your progress via the use of critical milestones.


In a 525-word document, include the following:

  • Your created Gantt Chart to support your Business Plan
  • Your tracked progress via the use of critical milestones
  • A justification of how you will use your Gantt Chart to evaluate the effectiveness of your Business Plan
  • A justification of how you will use your Gantt Chart as a means to secure funding and investors


Submit your assignment.


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