Write a methods lab report
Please follow directions in the document
Objectives for Lab 11:
Describe your participants
Describe your materials
Calculate internal consistency reliability for your existing scale
Describe your procedure
Outline for Method Section
Read and complete this outline prior to starting the lab. You may write in fragments (words, phrases) or in complete sentences. Please note that thinking about paper construction and outlining your thoughts will aid in writing each section of your lab report, so take advantage of this process!
Participants & Procedure
Who were the participants? How many participants were in OUR study?
3rd demographic question (of your choice): _______________________
4th demographic question (of your choice): _______________________
How did you collect the data?
(Note. We will combine these two sections because the Procedure subsection will potentially be too short to stand on its own).
Describe the existing DV scale that was provided by your professor/TA.
Name of scale (don’t forget to cite your source), number of items, sample item, response options, internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha)
Describe the items in the survey that was created by you and the class
Number of opinion questions and an example (one you used; include response options)
Number of demographic questions and an example (one you used; include response options)