Write about matlap Image Processing Toolbox

Student Self-Directed Learning ME 476C – Capstone I Moving forward in your career you will find that systems, technologies and problems in need of solutions will evolve or even revolutionize from what you encountered as a student in engineering. To best adapt to these changes, it is critical that you learn to teach yourself new skills. A major educational objective of the NAU Mechanical Engineering program is to help you develop “an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.” This assignment is requiring you to identify a self-learning opportunity. You will be asked to self-learn a new skill (e.g. programming an Arduino microcontroller) and apply this skill to any engineering design activity (e.g. remotely control a robot) related to content in ME 476C. You will be required to do this twice during the semester. You may choose which skill you would like to apply to each assignment based on your interests, but it is highly advised that you do the tutorials that best contribute to your capstone project.


My self learning assignment is to learing about Image Processing Toolbox, what is MATLAB toolbox and how you can ues it to analysis 3-D or 2-D images such as MRI ( DICOM file). What are process in MATLAB you need to know to able to use Image Processing Toolbox.

You need to follow part 1 and 2 to do part 3 which is writing 2-4 pages about my self learning


Part II: Identify a way in which to further practice or apply the skill that goes beyond the instruction videos, text or in-person training. Next, actually apply the new knowledge by accessing equipment, materials and/or software to practice the new skills. Some examples are given below, but what application you choose is dependent on the skill that you are trying to learn. Apply it in some manner towards your capstone project. o Create advanced drawings of your project parts based on GD&T principles o Program an Arduino board (checked out from a library) to power or control your capstone device or a prototype version of it. o Machine a part for a prototype in your design project. o Write a MATLAB or C++ program which can plot some of your data or perform calculations for your analysis. o Perform statistical analysis of your data to understand difference among data sets and their variation as well as their effect on the performance of your design.

Part III: In a 2-4 page memo, communicate the following information about your self-learning experience: o What skill did you begin to learn and why are you learning it? What attributes of design is this skill developing? Provide evidence of your self-learning training. o How did you apply the new skills, and what are the results of this early practice (actual physical device, code or calculations)? Use photographs of prototypes, drawing files, code or graphs to communicate the results of the application. o Provide a reference list in IEEE format at the end of the report for all websites/videos/resources used in the option that you chose for this assignment. Assignment Deliverable: The only deliverable that will be turned in for a class grade is the memo in part III detailing what skill you learned and then practiced and/or applied. This Self-Learning memo is due by the posted due date on Bb Learn though most learning activities will be taking place earlier in the semester and completing the activity sooner will only help you succeed with your capstone project. If you have questions about what is an acceptable self-learning activity, please come see the professor during office hours. The grading rubric for this assignment will be posted on BBLearn.

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