COSIC Packet tracer needed


The introduction provides an overview of the proposal and introduces the reader to the problem that the project intends to solve.  The introduction should also give a motivation for the project and why the project is a worthwhile endeavor.  The motivation should also state how the project will impact student learning during the semester.  The introduction should also include any background information that is needed to understand the problem.  Finally, this section should give an overview of the rest of the project proposal.

Vision Statement and Goals and Objectives:

The vision statement describes the project at a high level and gives a description of the grand scheme of the project.  List the goals of the project.  The goals are also high level statements of what the team plans to achieve.  List specific objectives for each goal.  Objectives are lower level statements that describe the specific deliverables that the project will produce.  Remember that you are working at a high level right now and you will drill down on each objective as the semester progresses.


Give an overview of the method that you will use to reach your goals and objectives.  At this point, the approach can be written at a high level and doesn’t need to be precise.  Give the reader an idea of how you plan to solve the problem and reach the goals and objectives of the project. List critical tasks that will need to be completed.


Describe the resources that will be needed to complete the project.  Resources include people, equipment, software, and time.  At this point, you should at least describe human resources in terms of the team makeup and skills that will be needed and equipment or software that will be needed


Give an overview of the timeline for the project.  This timeline can be at a high level and can relate to the tasks that are listed in the approach section.


List ways in which the team plans to communicate.  How often do you plan to meet?  What methods of communication will be used for meetings and project updates.  Some technologies that might be useful are Slack, Trello, WebEx, Zoom, and Google Docs.


What risks might hinder project success?  List each risk and try to describe how it will be mitigated.


Today, networks are created and defined through software rather then physical interfaces. As a means of efficiency, leveraging virtualization and subnetting became the new norm to create networks of all sizes for all purposes. This project is to present one such scenario to showcase the students’ hands-on technical expertise in system architecture and administration. Using Cisco packet tracer, we will be able to emulate real networks, technologies, and scenarios to present a project of a virtual, yet logical topology for a network.



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