CS 512 Cryptography

Question 1.  Understanding and Using “cryptool”  :

Task 1: Download and install Cryptool 2 software

Cryptool 2: https://www.cryptool.org/en/

Task 2: Use Cryptool 2 to answer the following questions “Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:


  1. Perform Hill cipher using the key =on the text below and write the ciphered text below:

“Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering”

(Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:)

[Marks: 2]

  1. The following text was encrypted using the Vigenere cipher with Key=”this”. Find the plain-text.

“Mom kxjzwm vn dbmm, lavcya, pa lh mide zmnxu bafla sgk bg zlb mi lqyaa bafla”

(Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:)

[Marks: 2]



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