Active Listening – SPCH 1311 Interpersonal Assignment

Objective: Improve communication skills by engaging in active listening. After reading the
textbook, you understand the importance of having active listening skills in our own lives. In order
to meet the oral skills active listening demonstration requirement for this course, you’ll need to
complete the following exercise.
Overview: Review the steps to active/mindful listening, think about your active listening responses
to the case studies below, then either 1) record your best responses to two case studies of your
choosing and post an unlisted youtube link to this Blackboard assignment by Wednesday April 7th
An active listening response consists of the following steps:
1) As an active listener, you’ll begin every paraphrase with a tentative, introductory type
statement. I call these tentative phrases “intro phrases” or “pocket phrases”. They make it easier
for you to begin the paraphrase and send a message to the speaker that you are clarifying their
message. Possible intro phrases include:
• Let me see if I have this right…
• So, you mean…
• I hear you saying…
• As I understand, you…
• Sounds like…
• I’m hearing…
• It sounds to me…
• In other words…
• So you’re saying…



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