Writing Question

Before you begin research, it’s important to answer a few questions:

  1. What is your topic for your informative project?

  1. What are the key concepts you want to address?

  1. Name all of the possible key search words you can think of:

Now that you understand your topic, let’s start looking for research. There are few things to look for when collect research:

  1. Scholarly, Peer-reviewed

  2. Research within the last 10 years

  3. Reputable sources

The best place to find information like this is through the school library website. Now that we know what we are looking for, we can begin researching.

  1. Go to https://www.cpcc.edu/academics/library/research-databases

  2. Click on Find Articles

  3. Under “Not sure where to start with your research?” click on Try ProQuest Central

  4. Log-in with your CPCC credentials

  5. You should be on the green ProQuest Central homepage

Instructions: Complete the worksheet on the next page. Fill out all of the sections to your best ability. Remember, if you have questions or get stuck, you can always ask Molly for help!



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