Drawing on the emerging research evidence on the use of virtual teams in organisations, analyse the benefits and challenges associated with them and how their effectiveness can be increased.

Drawing on the emerging research evidence on the use of virtual teams in organisations, analyse the benefits and challenges associated with them and how their effectiveness can be increased.

  • Poor quality sources – you should primarily use peer-reviewed journals, ideally from the list on canvas, but can be any that are listed on the uni library website; limit use of the textbook to definitions and for your background reading rather than as a referenced source; be careful with books that they are for an academic audience, not ‘generalist’ management books
  • Not having a clear stance/ argument that runs through the essay – use a strong introduction, paragraph topic sentences and a strong conclusion to make your stance really clear.
  • Support your argument with evidence: make sure you are referring to academic literature throughout to justify what you are saying (and show your research skills). Minimize the use of quotes and primarily paraphrase in your own words.



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