Experiment 5: Power Splitters using strip-line circuits

Experiment 5: Power Splitters using strip-line circuits



Aim:    To simulate the microwave performance of several microstrip circuit power splitters using Puff software (free download from http://www.qsl.net/yo4hfu/PUFF.html Please see the download instruction sheet) and to become familiar with the operation of a Vector Network Analyser (VNA) to measure the scattering parameters of a four port network.

Q5.4    What is the difference in the S11 for a load impedance of 150W open circuit and a load impedance of 150W earthed? Explain your answer.

Q5.5    Sketch a 5 port microstrip divider circuit which is matched to a 50W load. Note the expected power output in dB of the loss-less divider and the impedance of the matching transformer line.



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