Elements of Retail Logistics and distribution course: Netflix case study


  1. What were some of the key structural and infrastructural elements that defined Netflix’s supply chain strategy before 2011? Today?

  2. How have the customers’ order winners for Netflix’s customers changed over time? Would today’s customer be satisfied by the delivery performance or selection of Netflix’s “old” supply chain?

  3. As of early 2017, Netflix still supported customers who want to rent DVDs, although the number of subscribers has fallen to around 4.1 million (vs. 94 million online subscribers)19. Should Netflix abandon its physical distribution system altogether? Why or why not?

19M. Whener, “Here’s How Many People Still Rent Netflix DVDs by Mail, and Why Netflix Loves It,” January 20, 2017, http://bgr.com/2017/01/20/netflix-dvd-rentals-subscribers/.



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