Category Archives: Discussions

English multilingual discussion

This assignment is for course participants to explore topics of interest regarding the assessment of Multilingual Learners/English learners. Searching for, reading, and critiquing two articles related to the content of this course is intended to give participants the opportunity to differentiate the learning based on individual interests and needs.

Addresses Discipline Standards

Depending on the articles chosen, this assignment could address any or many of the following standards:

Develop an understanding of foundational assessment concepts and the issues in effectively assessing and educating MLs and culturally diverse students without disabilities (CF Outcome 1/K-2, K-3, K-4, D-1, D-2, CF Outcome 2/K-2, D-2, F-3, TESOL Standards 4.a, 4.b, and 4.c)

Explore current research on educational assessment and apply it to the classroom. (INTASC Standards 1, 8, and 9, CF Outcome 1/K-2, K-3, K-4, D-2, TESOL Domain 4)

In addition, this assignment is expected to give candidates practice in developing ways to help other teachers and school administrators work effectively with ELs by helping colleagues and policymakers understand the benefits and challenges of assessment for English Learners (TESOL 5.b.6)


  • articles searched through Google Scholar
  • Sources must be scholarly articles and NOT blogs, mass media articles, or wikipedia


All articles must be published in the professional literature and submitted with a web link or a scan. Each critique is expected to follow the ATTACHED format. Both critiques are expected to be three pages in Times New Roman, 12pt. font with 1.5 spacing.

Please enter text in the spaces provided by using the ATTACHED format.

Mobile Computer Architecture CSC 548

1. What does a compiler do? What information does a compiler need to have in order to do its job? Why does it need all of that info?

2. Given 0111 1110 0101 1101, if we assume we are storing 4 separate 4-bit values in this single 16-bit register, what are the necessary steps to extra the value associated with 1110 (that is to say the second set of 4 bits)?

3. What is 123,456 kb in MB?

4. What is the difference between a load and store instruction? Why might we use the stack instead?

5. Why do mobile devices often have multiple core CPUs where not all of the cores are the same speed?

mobile technology

making money from apps is possible but difficult. There are hundreds of thousands of apps available. The revenue generated from an individual app is typically very small, and the app stores take a 30% cut of all the revenue that your app generates. How do you get people to pay you to use yours? What are the different ways you can collect money for the use of your apps? More importantly, how can you get a lot of people to pay you to use the app so that the revenue generates enough to fund further development or expansion? These are some of the questions that many developers ask. The two primary audiences are typically the employees of an organization for which the app was developed or the public. Many aspects of publishing are the same for both audiences. However, some important differences exist that the developer needs to be aware of. Likewise, publishing Android versus iOS apps can be very similar, but with some significant differences. Some questions have concrete answers; others are still very much open for debate.

  • How do you get a piece of that pie?
  • You’ve created and tested a great app. Now you want your efforts to pay off. What is the best way to do this?
  • What options do you have to make money from apps?
  • What do you have to do to start?
  • Using the industry where you currently work or have worked before, what would you recommend to the organization: Android or iOS? From a user and developers’ perspective, which would you recommend to your company and why?
  • instructions
  • you must include at least two citations (APA style) from different academic resources
  • all bullet points need to have an explanation

MIMT5350 Assignment 2 – Conveyor Belt Project (Con’d)


Prepare an executive summary for the CEO (Max 2 pages, excluding Appendix)
You may consider the following questions to help you with the executive summary:
Part 1 – Open CBP_P3B.mpp
1. How much will the project cost?
2. Generate a cash flow report (or any reports/views which you find relevant), how costs are
distributed over the life span of the project?
Save this planning as a baseline, for comparing against the actual project progress in Part 2.
Part 2 – Insert the actual project progress into CBP_P3B.mpp, set the status date to 1/1/11
3. As of Jan 1, 2011, will the project be delayed? If so, when is the new estimated completion
4. What are the remaining tasks on the critical path? Are majority of the remaining tasks
critical? What is the implication?
5. Calculate and analyze the current progress of the project, by using the Earned Value
Management (EVM) technique, such as CPI, CV, SPI, SV, EAC, BAC etc. Attach relevant
reports/graphs in appendix.
6. What recommendation would you make at the moment?


Imagine that the cell phone you have confiscated has readily visible sexually inappropriate messages on it. How would you handle the situation? Be sure to cite any applicable case law, school board policies, and state laws to support your answer.

581 Business Strategy

Case Study 1

Consolidated Computers


James Pruitt was ushered into the president’s office. Three months ago, he had been appointed manager of the first foreign plant of Consolidated Computers, Inc. He appeared to be the ideal person for this assignment, as a proven division manager of many talents. He was an innovator and very much interested in a foreign appointment. Now he was calling on his superior just before catching the plane for Riyadh.


“I wanted to talk to you,” the president began, “about some issues you will be facing when you reach Saudi Arabia. I guess you might call what I want to say a matter or my search for a business philosophy. We have not had to experience here the new issues that you will face, and we simply do not have a set of policies and procedures to cover such matters. Perhaps out of your experience we can move in that direction in case we later establish our operations in other countries.


“I am not concerned about your encountering new principles of management. They are universal, you have developed great skill in applying them to domestic operations, and I have no doubt about your skill in applying them in a foreign environment. You will soon discover, however, that managing is different abroad precisely because the cultural environment is so different.

“I think our best position is to realize that we are going into Saudi Arabia as a guest. We each need the other at this time, but there may come a time when their political forces will require us to give up ownership of our plant. It is up to you to develop the rapport with all interested parties which will most benefit our long-run interests.

“Since all your employees will be, or soon will be, Saudi, it is vital to learn as quickly as possible something about their culture. Perhaps your best move is to perfect your skill in the use of their language and really learn to think and act as a native. I am not sure anyone from the United States can do this. You and I were raised in the folds of Western Civilization, which has very different institutions, behavioral patterns from those you will encounter in the Near East.

For instance, does one adhere to the ethical principles of the Saudi or our own? Do they have the same trust and reliance on people that we do? Will they always react as we here are accustomed? Is social responsibility thought of in the same terms? What intentions and actions on your part can be well received by your suppliers, customers, competitors, and public figures? “You know, I suppose that what is really on my mind is that we don’t really know at what point there may be a conflict in our two cultures, and when that is discovered, what choice you will make.”



  1. If you were James Pruitt, how would you go about finding what the local business customs in Saudi Arabia are? What other environmental factors would you look for? How would you respond to them?


  1. Suppose you found that it is customary not to lay off employees when work slackens. What would you do?


  1. Suppose you found that it is normal business practice to give employees a small amount of money when they help your people to get something through a department or clear up some paperwork jams. Would you do the same thing? Why, or why not?


  1. In the last paragraph, the president showed many worries about the difference in the two cultures and asked many questions. What would be your response?




BIOL2410 Assignment 2 (25 marks total)

1. Starting with the action potential on the sarcolemma, create a flow chart that describes
the events of excitation contraction coupling and the contraction cycle in skeletal muscle.
Which of these events is prevented from occurring during rigor mortis and why? (8
2. Explain why the corneal reflex can be considered a cranial somatic reflex that is both
ipsilateral and contralateral (3 marks)
3. For the following hormones, identify their site of production (name the gland, tissue or
structure that produces them), their classification (peptide, steroid or amine) their primary
targets, and their main effects. Which of the hormones listed is/are considered a
neurohormone? (5 marks)
Hormone     Site of production     Classification              Targets                          Main Effect
Hormone (GnRH)
4. A person has a genetic disorder that causes a malfunction in the pendrin transporter in
thyroid follicular cells.
a) How would synthesis of thyroid hormones be affected and what one word would
you use to describe the resulting condition? (2 marks)
b) Would you describe the pathology of this condition as a primary or secondary or
tertiary pathology? Explain why. (2 marks)
c) What specific process involved in thyroid hormone synthesis is affected? (1 mark)
5. During the ovarian cycle what feedback mechanism causes the LH surge that results in
ovulation and which endocrine glands, hormones, and target cells are involved? (4 marks)
6. Be certain to attach a completed Honesty Declaration form as the final page of your
assignment. Assignments submitted without this form will not be graded.

EEL 3705: Fundamental of Digital Circuit

1) A sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A and B, two inputs, x and y, and one output z is
specified by the following next-state and output equations: (10 point)
??+1 = ??
′ + ??
??+1 = ?? + ??

? = ?
a) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit.
b) List the state table for the sequential circuit.
c) Draw the corresponding state diagram.
2) A sequential circuit has two JK flip-flop A and B and one input x. The circuit is described by the
following flip-flop input equations: (15 point)
?? = ? ?? = ?
?? = ? ?? = ?

a) Derive the state equations ??+1 and ??+1 by substituting the input equations for the J
and K variables.
b) Draw the state diagram of the circuit.
3) A sequential circuit has three flip-flops A, B, C; one
input ???; and one output ????. The state diagram is
shown in next figure. The circuit is to be designed by
treating the unused states as don’t care conditions.
Analyze the circuit obtained from the design to
determine the effect of unused states. (15 point)
a) Using D flip-flops
b) Using T flip-flops
4) Design a sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A
and B, and one input ???. (15 point)
a) When ??? = 0, the state of the circuit remains the same. When ??? = 1, the circuit goes
through the state transitions from ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? and repeats the
b) When ??? = 0, the state of the circuit remains the same. When ??? = 1, the circuit
goes through the state transitions from ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? and repeats the
5) Design a four-bitshift register with parallel load using D flip-flops. There are two control inputs:
shift and load. When shift = 1, the content of the register is shifted by one position. New data are
transferred into the register when load = 1 and shift = 0. If both control inputs are equal to 0, the
content of the register does not change. (10 point)
6) Draw the logic diagram: (15 point)
a) A four-bit register with four D flip-flops and four
4 × 1 multiplexers with mode selection inputs 1 and 0.
The register operates according to the following
function table.
b) A four-bit binary ripple countdown counter using
flip-flops that trigger on the positive-edge of the clock.
c) A timing circuit that provides an output signal that stays on for exactly twelve clock
cycles. A start signal sends the output to the 1 state, and after twelve clock cycles the
signal returns to o state.
7) Using D flip-flops: (20 point)
a) Design a counter with the following repeating binary sequence ? → ? → ? → ? → ?.
Draw the logic diagram of the counter.
c) Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence 0 → ? → ? → ? → ?.
Draw the logic diagram of the counter

Lab Project: PI Controller for a Single Tank System

technical report and power point presentation



The project is to design a PI controller for the head of a tank system. The simple model of the system is shown. All the sensors and actuators are voltage based. The block diagram for the model is:


Note that,  and  are related to the head by: , where h is in mm and  is in



Part A: Obtaining System Parameters:

  • Use a proportional controller only () and unit step input () in the experiment, find the system parameters (and ). Hint: the system can be reduced to the block diagram shown below, where  and  are new parameters obtained from the  CLTF, and they are functions of  and . Use the slope method and the final value theorem to obtain these parameters.
  • Plot on the same graph the experiment data of Kp=1 and Ki=0 with the simulation from Simulink for the obtained parameters. Compare between the plots.
  • Plot on the same graph the experiment data of Kp=7 and Ki=1 with the simulation from Simulink for the obtained parameters. Compare between the plots.



Part B: PI Design (Use Simulink and MATLAB only):

(For the analysis, consider  and maximum allowed head in the tank=250 mm)


  • For the following conditions, test the system for different parameters, and discuss the steady state error and whether there is overflow of the fluid in each case.
  • Using P controller only
  • Using I controller only
  • Using PI controller


  • Give brief conclusion with optimum values for Kp and Ki.




Project Instructions:

  • This project is teamwork of 2-3 members. All groups should finalize their group members within 24 hours from the assignment date of the project.
  • A technical report, Word processed, must be submitted in week 15 and power point presentation is required for all groups

Dipeptide Report

  1. Introduction
    1. Discuss the purpose for protecting group strategy and activation of carboxyl group in this experiment. Include schemes for all reactions performed.
    2. Why the starting amino acid exists as a Zwitterion? Explain?

Why does the final product of part I is not a Zwitterion? Explain?

  1. Results and Discussion
    1. Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
      1. Determine on the purity achieved in each step by analyzing the crude and pure NMR spectra – by interpreting all signals, including integrations and assigning to structures – and compare with the spectra of the pure product.
      2. Discuss the mechanism by which the peptide was formed by using TBTU
  • Determine if racemization is present in crude product and discuss how the stereoisomers could have formed by proposing a reasonable mechanism of this racemization.


  1. Introduction
    1. Discuss the purpose for protecting group strategy and activation of carboxyl group in this experiment. Include schemes for all reactions performed.
    2. Why the starting amino acid exists as a Zwitterion? Explain?

Why does the final product of part I is not a Zwitterion? Explain?

  1. Results and Discussion
    1. Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
      1. Determine on the purity achieved in each step by analyzing the crude and pure NMR spectra – by interpreting all signals, including integrations and assigning to structures – and compare with the spectra of the pure product.
      2. Discuss the mechanism by which the peptide was formed by using TBTU
  • Determine if racemization is present in crude product and discuss how the stereoisomers could have formed by proposing a reasonable mechanism of this racemization.



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