Category Archives: Discussions

Management Question

I’m working on a management writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Look at the pdf I post and write a peer review In the peer review answer this question. Do you agree with the preliminary strategic options provided? Can you think of other strategic options? About 300-400 words.


Senior Project

  1. Team –Review the material of our course to help you select a business strategy. Look in the course documents module and review the busn460 capstone report-presentation document and the cobm_BUSN460_assessment rubric. You can also see the peer review form that you will be submitting in week 8 there as well.  

The six Porter’s Generic Strategies (Porter, 1985) are as follows.

  1. Broad differentiation

  2. Broad cost leader

  3. Niche cost leader

  4. Niche differentiation

  5. Cost leader with product life cycle focus

  6. Differentiation strategy with product life cycle focus

Name and describe your Strategy. What is the rationale for this choice?

Each company starts with five products in five very different market segments. The five market segments are as follows. Low-end, Traditional, High-end. Size, and Performance. Which market segment is your initial priority and why?

Team Management Plan
This section defines how the team will allocate assignments and talents. Students may have more than one role on the team.


BUSN 460 business writing question

BUSN 460 business writing question


The goal of this team project is for you to summarize and present what you’ve learned in the simulation along with what you’ve learned in this course, working from the experience you’ve gained in all of the courses you’ve taken to reach this capstone.

Your task with this project is to show the board of directors what you have learned and accomplished in your time as CEO.


Your project will be based on project milestones that your team will conduct in Weeks 3-7.

These milestones will provide you a foundation from which you will expand your research and analysis to cover the business concepts of the final report and presentation. The concept area requirements are described in the Project Grading Criteria (Links to an external site.). As would be the case in the real world, it is up to you to determine the most effective way to organize your report and presentation while ensuring all the following concept areas are fully discussed in the final report and presentation deliverables.

  1. Communications (60 points)

    • Describe methods and effectiveness of communications during your simulation project.

    • How will this experience allow you to improve your communications the future business projects? Be specific.

  2. Leadership & Conflict (20 points)

    • How did your team function during the simulation?

    • If conflict arose, how was it managed to continue productive work?

    • Did the team appoint a leader, share leadership or did a leader rise to the occasion, and what was the result?

  3. Ethics (20 points)

    • Describe any ethical dilemmas or ethical considerations experienced in the course, and how it was resolved.

    • If none existed, describe a potential ethical conflict and how your team would resolve the issue.

  4. Research (90 points)

    • What research did you perform during the simulation?

    • How did your findings impact your decision-making?

    • How will this experience allow you to improve your research in the future? Be specific.

  5. Managerial Skills (10 points)

    • Describe how your team utilized the analytical and managerial skills requires to improve business performance during the simulations.

  6. Industry Data (40 points)

    • Describe the industry data (e.g., financial performance, ratios) your team used throughout the simulation.

    • Evaluate how the data impacts long-term and short-term organizational goals.

  7. Globalized Management (10 points)

    • Discuss lessons your team learned about the global aspects of business during the simulation.

  8. Quality Improvement (20 points)

    • Discuss how your team examined issues and needs related to organizational challenges and proposed changes for quality improvement.

  9. Continuous Improvement (20 points)

    • Describe how your team applied fundamental management theories and resource management techniques to promote continuous improvement.

  10. Project Management (10 points)

    • Describe how your team applied project management and business management principles throughout the simulation.

  11. Total: 300 points

Graphic of project flow

Successful teams start building the structure of their final reports and presentations early, and make steady progress each week, so that the completion of the deliverables in Week 7 and 8 is smooth and unhurried.


The deliverables for this project include:

A 10-page/2,500-word (minimum) paper covering how each of the topic areas above were utilized throughout the CAPSIM simulation.

A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the use of each of the above topics throughout your team’s CAPSIM simulation experience.

This is the time to do your best work yet, with a polished and professional final project. Good luck!


Engineering writing question

You can conduct research on one of the following topics and write a 4 ~ 6-page review paper

Topics are:

1) Mohr’s circle for “strain” transformation

2) Stresses in curved beams

3) Designing beams for bending and shear.

4) Plastic deformation and stresses in shafts due to Torsion

Note 1: You can use any references (books, papers, websites. etc.), but you need to quote and cite them in your essay.

Note 2: Copied texts are strictly prohibited.

Note 4: No specific format is requested, and you will have freedom on this.


CRJS 3003 social science discussion question

CRJS 3003 social science discussion question

The desire to incorporate innovation in every aspect of life might be something you’re familiar with, whether it be through your own professional experience or the word innovation worked into countless articles and advertisements. Though it may seem that innovation happens with the snap of a finger, it actually can take many years for a new technology to be developed, be practical enough for wider use, or be widely adopted for a specific use. For example, consider that two-way radios existed in the 1950s and early 1960s when call boxes were still in use.

For this Assignment, imagine that you are a law enforcement officer who would like to see your department integrate a new or evolving technology into practice. Your colleagues support the idea, but you need to convince superiors that this particular innovation in technology adoption and use is worth it from a training, cost, and public relations standpoint.

To prepare:

Imagine that you are making a proposal to a superior to integrate one of the following technologies into your department: DO NOT USE BODY CAMERAS

  • Social media (from both a communication perspective and an evidence source perspective)

  • Digital evidence management (e.g., how to protect, introduce, or find)

  • A technology of your choosing (Note: You must have this choice approved by your Instructor.)

Find 5–7 academically appropriate sources to support your response.


Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10–15 slides. Your presentation should include the following:

  • Identify the new technology of your focus and explain how it works in general terms.

  • Explain how the new technology works in, or is adapted for, law enforcement practice.

  • Explain how the new technology is affecting current law enforcement practice.

  • Evaluate the expectations and reactions from citizens to the use of this technology.

    • Are citizen expectations reasonable?

    • Why might citizen expectations be unreasonable?

    • Do citizens understand the legal implications?

  • Predict how this technology will affect law enforcement practice in the future.

  • Support your responses with evidence from the academically appropriate sources that you find. Include references for your sources on the last slide, which does not count toward the 10- to 15-slide requirement.


Computer science question

  1. Application Implementation

You Must write each of the following SQL commands:

Write a set of at least 6 SQL queries that would retrieve relative and important data from your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL updates that would modify relative and important data in your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL deletes that would delete some data from your database.

Write a set of at least 2 SQL views that would define some virtual tables in your database.


For each of the above SQL commands give a brief explanation of the purpose of each command and the output (if any) for each.


Create forms, reports, queries, menus or navigation forms as needed on top of the tables. In general, a simple data entry form should be created for each table. For example, if the business takes orders from customers, create a form with Orders and Order items with


Economics question

This is a final assignment of engineering economics with 15 marks out of 100. I need the solution of this assignment. there are instructions in the PDF which will help to now the requirements of the assignment. please I need the detailed solution with the formulas written. Note that the assignment has two questions. If needed the book name is Fundamentals of Engineering Economics Third Edition by Chan S. Park. For more information please contact me.


Review of literature

Every academic argument is a reaction to an ongoing conversation that exists both in lengthy, peer-reviewed documents such as books or journal articles as well as shorter things posted online that are read and responded to quickly such as blog posts and videos. This is the “literature.” When you are doing research on any topic, you must first be able to read the research critically in a way that shows (A) that you comprehend the individual texts but also (B) that you understand the way these different texts fit together into the conversation. After that, you often need to be able to (C) synthesize those to your audience in a way that helps them understand these relationships and (D) lay a foundation for the argument you want to make, or whatever your research purpose might be. Understand Your Individual Research TextsUnderstand the ConversationSynthesize the Conversation for Your AudienceFind Where You Fit in the Conversationliterature review gives you the opportunity to pause for the synthesis, both for yourself and for your audience. Note that a synthesis is different than a summary. In a synthesis, you should organize your paragraphs by topic and not by source, and—in addition to giving the reader an idea of what the source is about—a synthesis should accuratelyconnect the relevant and significant concepts from your texts. We’ll go over how to do that more in class. Source ATopic ASource B . . . Topic BIn the end, you should situate yourself in the conversation. In other words, after having read what all these other people have to say, where do you fit? A revised (and potentially shortened) version of your Literature Review can become part of your longer project. Your Literature Review should: be about 5-7 pages long (or equivalent), reflect your critical reading of 8-12 texts on your research topic, be cited and formatted using MLA/APA style, including a Works Cited/References page,have been drafted multiple times before being turned in, be grammatically correct, edited, and proofread, reflect multiple perspectives on the topic, not just yours, and be flexible so you can make additions or subtractions as you move forward with your project.


History of Psychology?

Please complete the required readings first, then bring in information/research (at least 2 key terms/concepts) from the required readings to answer the questions below:

After reading Modules 1-6, you learned about the History of Psychology, and how Critical Thinking, Science, Experimentation and Non-experimental Methods are used to collect information in the field of Psychology. “Critical Thinkers pause to evaluate the, compare, analyze, critique and synthesize what they are reading” (Chaffee, 2015). Using the content from the required readings:

  • Discuss at least two of the “Critical Thinking Principles”. Which principle stands out as particularly important and why did you choose it?

  • Compare and Contrast the concepts of “critical thinking” and “confirmation bias”. What are they defined as, how are they related to each other, and how are they different?

  • Describe a time when you found out something that you believed was completely wrong. How did you react? Was there anything that could have been done to change your perspective?


Writing Discussion

Currently, I feel like am I effectively demonstrating (Choose a Core Competency) (Links to an external site.) and (Choose another Core Competency) (Links to an external site.) on a consistent basis. Some ways that I demonstrate these are by:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

, and because of this, one could describe me as ________________________________________.

In my opinion, this specific competency is important because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Comparatively, I believe I could benefit from working on growing my (Choose a Core Competency) (Links to an external site.) and (Choose another Core Competency) (Links to an external site.) . Somethings I can do to improve this would be:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Something I did in the last 7 days to raise my ability to exemplify this was


Additionally, something I can do in the next 7 days to build upon my performance would be: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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