Category Archives: Discussions

Digital Forensics and Investigation

As part of the Digital Forensics and Investigation, each student is expected to carry out a study a selected forensics tool. The study includes installing the tool, trying it with several use cases and then report the findings in a report and a presentation.


The study should cover the major features of the software tool by using it on benchmark forensics data such as Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets (CFReDS), etc.


The deliverables of the project should include:


  • A report detailing the student’s work including all installation and application steps. These should be illustrated using text, diagrams, and snapshots.


2.A presentation to be presented in the end of the semester


R model multiple linear regression

Directions: Please answer all questions. All point values are one unless marked. Partial credit is awarded on a case by case basis.

Your task is to create a multiple linear regression study. I am not providing you with data, it is your job to determine the variables and collect data. Please answer all of the questions below.

Requirements: Please answer all questions. All point values are one unless marked. Partial credit is awarded on a case by case basis. | .doc file


Humanities HIV AIDS Awareness Campaign Question

As you can see from the chart – it’s quite startling how exposed people are.

HIV takes about 6 week to show up in blood work and since many people do not get blood work, it’s obvious how many people may be infected.

Go to the following url.

Imagine that you are working in the field, educating young people on the concept of “safe” sex, and avoidance of STI”s.

Choose 3 concepts (any 3) to highlight with these young people. Why did you choose these 3 concepts and what did you learn?



The Project Manger as Conductor

1/ Read the Snapshot ( The Project Manger as Conductor ) and Response to the article.

2/ Mandela and Francois have their own ideas about leadership. What leadership traits do you see?


Health & Medical Question

ASSIGNMENT DETAILS: BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DETAILS IN YOUR WRITING:After completing the above readings, watch the above videos and select one of them about noncommunicable diseases to reflect upon. Write a brief reflection paper in APA format which addresses the following: who is the target population, summarize the problem, describe screening process for the problem, identify the risk factors described in the video and/or from other resources and how they are addressed. Describe current programs in place to intervene, if there are any, and if they are effective. If your selected video does not describe a program or intervention then find a peer-reviewed journal article which describes an intervention and report on that.


Use Xcode to create the Main Storyboard

Design Brief:

Problem Statement: Basic alarm clocks are old and ineffective. It’s too easy to just turn it off and go back to sleep. Developing a new style of alarm clock will lead to more productive and alert people.

Solution Proposal: To address the problem, we will develop an alarm clock that requires the user to complete a “challenge” which is going to me a mathematical problem  in order to complete

Design Criteria:

  • App will allow users to set an alarm for any time of day

  • App will allow users to pick a different alarm tone

  • App will allow users to choose their alarm challenge (type of mathematical problem(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division ))

  • App will allow users to choose sleep sounds (e.g. forest rain, ocean sounds, etc.)

  • App will give users access to basic configuration settings. (e.g. Light Mode/Dark Mode)



Assignment 2: MODS AP Design

Assignment 2: MODS AP Design

Identify a suitable collection/site that can be described through MODS and design an application profile providing
sufficient access to your patrons. Try to use MODS elements as much as possible, but feel free to go beyond
MODS specifications and extend the elements to ensure better access for your local patrons. The inclusion of
any non-MODS element will entail assigning a new namespace for that element.
When possible, increase interoperability in accordance with the dumb-down principle by extending your
elements as refinements of the nine pre-established main elements.
Once you have all the elements needed to describe your resources, you are ready to design your application
profile. Please note the following for more information on specific requirements.



Business Question

You are required to turn in a 1 page single spaced (absolutely no more, shouldn’t be much less) summary/outline for the article assigned. The format of the summary is flexible (e.g., detailed outline) and should be prepared with the exam in mind. Look at how detailed and formatted chapters 3 & 4 & the article are in the example that’s uploaded. That is how it is suppose to look.


After the article summary (detailed outline) is completed you will need to write one discussion question about the journal article so that the class can respond to it.

Discussion Questions: You will be evaluated based on the quality of your discussion questions. High quality discussion questions are (a) specific, (b) demonstrate an understanding of the material read, and (c) are not easily answered. I will also send the information for the textbook.


Writing discussion question

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

500 words

read the article and answer questions


Use of the R Model Multiple Linear Regression Questions

Directions: Please answer all questions.  All point values are one unless marked.  Partial credit is awarded on a case by case basis.

Your task is to create a multiple linear regression study.  I am not providing you with data, it is your job to determine the variables and collect data. Please answer all of the questions below.

  • Create a problem/study. Explain why the you have selected the dependent variable to study. (2 pts)

  • Please find at least 4 total variables and one binary variable to use in your study. Describe the variables. (3 pts)

  • Describe what you expect the relationship between the dependent and each independent variable. Specifically, explain what sign you expect each variable to be. (2 pts)

  • Calculate the multiple linear regression using all variables.

  • Interpret the adjusted R-squared. What do you conclude?

  • Interpret the coefficient of the intercept.

  • Choose a variable and create the 99th percent confidence interval.

  • Interpret the F-test. What do you conclude?

  • Calculate DFITTS. Are there outliers?

  • Calculate COOKSD. Are there outliers?

  • Interpret the QQ Plot. What do you conclude?

  • Is there evidence of heteroskedasticty from the residual plot?

  • Calculate the Breusch pagan test. What do you conclude?

  • Calculate the VIFs. Is there evidence of multicollinearity? How do you know?

  • Run forward stepwise regression using AIC criteria. (2 pts)

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