Category Archives: Discussions

Environmental Sociology

An essay needs editing only, you don’t have to write it all over again. So, please make a bid accordingly.

An essay of 2000 words needs to be fixed according to feedback provided by the professor.

It is preferred that only sociology experts make a bid. An essay of 2000 words is written already with all the sources and stuff but it needs to be fixed. Proper detailed instructions will be provided for the same. Following is a part of the feedback so that you can get an idea of what approximately needs to be done.

“So, start with a clearer question, provide an answer to the question that it laid out clearly in your introduction, address a specific environmental issue/problem, and be sure to define the terms you’re using as clearly as you can.”


BL1013 – Biosciences in Practice

BL1013 – Biosciences in Practice

Description – Essay: The interdisciplinary nature of bioscience

You are requested to write a 1500-word report, where you should explore multiple aspects of bioscience, relating it to specific areas of knowledge.

You are presented with a challenge related to biosciences and are given 5 potential professions/expertises that are involved in finding a solution. Out of these 5, you will have to choose 3, and address the following questions to each one of the chosen professionals/expert.

  1. The main focus (background) of that profession and why it is important on the given problem;

  2. The potential approach the professional can take in that situation. Please include an example;

  3. Techniques that may be used and why;

  4. What are the conclusions/answers/support/help/service the professional/expert can provide in this situation? Please contextualise it with the previous items.

We suggest you to use approximately 400-450 words per profession/expertise, sharing them approximately equally between the requested questions. You would have approximately 150-300 words remaining for the final conclusion.



Deflection and Strength of Beams

The object of this experiment is to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of beam
deflection theory through the completion of an experiment that:
1) Applies a load to a beam
2) Measures the deflection at selected locations
3) Sets up a protocol for comparison of measured values with theoretical values
Students will be introduced to a large-scale beam specimen, electronic transducers and data
acquisition systems. The theory by which each of the mentioned devices operate will be
discussed. Students will configure these devices and set up a laboratory experiment.
Students should be mindful of why each experiment configuration was chosen.



Programming fundamental 2 programs

Program Documentation and Style Requirements

One of the requirements of this course is that you program in a professional programming style. 20% of your grade on each programming assignment will be based on program documentation and style. The goal is to make your program easy to read and understand. Click here for an example program with documentation.

  • You should follow a standard indentation style that highlights the structure of your program. I like the indentation style used in our textbook, but as long as you consistently follow a neat, professional looking style, I won’t complain.

  • Each program must begin with a comment that includes: a) your name, b) program status – either “Complete” or describe any incomplete or non-functioning part of your program, and c) a brief 1 to 3 line description of what the program does.

  • In your source file, the code for the main function should come first followed by your other functions.

  • Before each function, include a 1 to 3 line comment describing what the function does.

  • All local variables and constants should be declared at the beginning of the function block.

  • Use meaningful variable names. One or two character names are rarely meaningful. For example, c and ch would not be acceptable names for a variable that holds the change returned from a purchase. chng is OK. change and changeDue are even better.

  • Declare one variable or constant per line. Include a comment to the right of each variable or constant declaration describing how it is used.

  • If a function is longer than 4 or 5 lines, it should be divided into sections by task with blank lines between sections. Include a 1 or 2 line comment at the beginning of each section describing what the section of statements does. I want to be able to read the comment at the beginning of a section and understand what the section does without looking at the C++ code. Note: These comments should say WHAT the section does, and not necessarily HOW it does it.


English Question

  1. Provide a list of at least 20 journals and 5 conferences that publish papers (or abstracts, in the case of conferences) about Production and Distribution Systems and/or applications.

  2. Indicate whether each journal or conference publishes primarily theoretical papers about the material covered in class, primarily applications papers arch, or a combination of theoretical and applied papers about the material. (You actually have to look at issues of the journal or some of the conference proceedings to be able to comment on the focus of the content therein.)

  3. Indicate which professional organization, if there is one, is associated with each journal and conference; list the url for the organization’s homepage on the internet.

  4. Indicate which of the journals and conference proceedings are available in the UCF Library and/or available online.

  5. Choose one journal paper and one conference paper about the material covered in class that have been published since 2000. Write a one-page, summary of each paper. (Please include a copy of the first page/abstract of each of the papers you summarize with your assignment.) For each paper you summarize, indicate what you find to be the most interesting aspect of the paper. If you cannot find a conference paper, review a second journal paper

  6. Upload a Microsoft ‘WORD’ document only, no pdf files!


Report Guidelines for Literature paper General Format

I expect professional reports that are well written and organized. USE THIS DOCUMENT AS A GUIDELINE FOR WHAT I EXPECT. Any mathematical details should only be represented using the Microsoft Equation tool or Mathtype Add-in for MS Office. I require all references be cited using either the APA format (6th Edition) or the IEEE format. I expect there to be a table of contents. Fonts

The report should be formatted with a line spacing of 2 lines (double spacing) using ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Calibri’, or ‘Cambria’ font. Title Page

The title page of the report should contain the name of the project (as in mini-case 1, mini-case 2, or Literature paper), the individual’s name, and the due date of the project. Header and Footer

The header and footer should be formatted in a manner similar to the syllabus such that relevant information about the project, group or individual and page numbers are presented. The top left of the header should contain class and project information as shown. The top right of the header should contain your name devoid of any honorifics. The bottom center of the footer should contain the page number.


Organizational Behavior MGT301

Organizational Behavior MGT301

Case Study: –

Case: Apple

Please read the case “Apple” from Chapter 15 “Organizational Structure Page: – 503 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed).  by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):


  1. Why do you think Apple’s functional structure has been so important for their products? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)

  1. What are the outside forces that might make Apple change their organizational structure in the future? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)

  1. How might Apple change their structure in a way that allows them to have the best of both worlds? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200)



Discussion question: Page: Please read Chapter 15 Organizational Structure carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

  1. Which of the organizational forms described in this chapter do you think leads to the highest levels of motivation among workers? Why?(1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)



3 EASY BIO Questions

I’m working on a biology practice test / quiz and need support to help me understand better.

I have 3 easy BIO questions I need completed. I’ll send them to you once you bid it’s general bio questions not long at all.


Human Resource Management MGT211

Human Resource Management MGT211

Assignment Question(s):                                                                   (Marks 5)

  1. Point out which changes are occurring in the business that affect HRM.(1.5)

  2. What are some considerations the company and HR should be aware of when making changes related to this case study?(1.5)

  3. What would the initial steps be to start planning for these changes?(1)

  4. What would your role be in implementing these changes? What would Halima’s role be?(1)



Management discussion question

Q1. To compete more effectively, your organization is considering a profit sharing plan to increase employee effort and to encourage employees to think like owners. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of such a plan? Would the profit sharing plan have the same impact on all types of employees? Is the size of your organization an important consideration? Why? What alternative pay programs should be considered? (CH10)

Q2. Your company plans to build a new manufacturing plant but is undecided where to locate it. What factors would you consider in choosing in which country (or state) to build the plant?? (CH11)

Q3. What types of skills do you need to be able to manage in today’s global marketplace? Where do you expect to get those skills? What classes and/or experiences will you need?? (CH15)

Q4: Why are many managers reluctant to coach their employees? (CH9)

Q5. Why have the roles and activities of the HRM function changed over the past 20–30 years? What has been driving this change? How effectively do you think HRM has responded? (CH16)

Q6: How might imaging technology be useful for recruitment? For training? For benefits administration? For performance management? (CH16)



ENG101 Reading Guide – “Drug Policy as Social Control” (2003) by Noam Chomsky

These answers must be full, well-developed responses. Label each question with the corresponding number. Use what you’ve learned about writing and paragraphing to make sure your answers are clear, concise, and well-developed.

  1. Pay close attention to the tone of the text. What is Chomsky’s tone? How is he using tone and diction (word choice) to evoke a reaction from the reader and make a point?

  2. Write your response to the text in a fully developed paragraph (100+ Words). What does it evoke in you? What did you think of Chomsky’s ideas? examples? arguments? Do you agree with him/disagree with him

  3. Drug Policy as Social Control by Noam Chomsky

  4. In the typical Third World society, like Colombia, or India, or Mexico, or Egypt—they are all more or less the same—there is a sector of great wealth, enormous wealth, there are large numbers of people who live somewhere between suffering and misery, and then there is a sector who are just superfluous; they’re of no use, that is, they don’t contribute to profit. So you just have to get rid of them somehow. Every Third World society has the same structure, and that structure is now being, imposed on the United States. Inequality is growing, a large part of the population, probably a majority, is declining in earnings, wealth is enormous and very concentrated, profits are going through the ceiling. They have never had such profits before and a large part of the population is useless. Unskilled labor in urban slums, which happen to be mostly black and Hispanic, the superfluous people. In these circumstances what do you do? Well, you have to do the same thing they do in the Third World. You have to get rid of the superfluous people, and you have to control the ones who are suffering. How do you control them? One of the best ways of controlling them is by increasing fear, and hatred, and making them hate each other and fear the superfluous people. That’s the way it’s done everywhere, and it’s happening in the United States. That’s where the drug war fits in. In the United States the drug war is basically a technique for controlling dangerous populations internal to the country and doesn’t have much to do with drugs. That’s always been true. It goes back to England in the nineteenth century when they made gin illegal and kept whiskey legal. There was a simple class reason for it. Gin was the drink of the working class and whiskey was the drink of the upper class. This is a way of controlling the working class people. When alcohol prohibition was instituted in the United States, the purpose was to close the saloons in New York City where immigrants and working class people came, but nobody stopped anyone from drinking in the rich suburbs. In the case of marijuana, the marijuana legislation introduced right after prohibition ended started in the border states but it was aimed at Mexicans. Nobody even knew what marijuana was, it was just something the Mexican immigrants used and therefore it had to be criminalized so you could control the Mexican immigrant population. The so-called drug war was started in the 1980’s and it was aimed directly at the black population. None of this has anything to do with drugs. It has to do with controlling and criminalizing dangerous populations. It’s kind of like a U.S. counterpart to “social cleansing.” Poor black males are criminalized the most by the drug war. The number of black men in the criminal justice system is enormous. That criminalizes a dangerous population. What about the population which is declining in earnings and jobs? They’re frightened. The more you can increase the fear of drugs and crime and welfare mothers and immigrants and aliens and poverty and all sorts of things, the more you control people. Make them hate each other. Be frightened of each other and think that the other is stealing from them. If you do that you can control people. And that’s just what the drug war does. If we wanted to stop drug use in the United States there’s an easy way to do it: educational programs. They work very efficiently, and they have made a big difference to the extent they have been used. Among the more privileged sectors, my children, probably yours, the use of drugs has been declining for a long time and so has the use of every other substance. My students don’t smoke, don’t use drugs, consumption of coffee is going down. In the United States, cigarettes are a class issue now. Students at universities almost never smoke cigarettes. But if you go to a poor section of town, you’ll see a lot of teenage kids smoking cigarettes. It’s a class issue, just like the use of drugs, just like the use of alcohol. This comes through changes in perception and understanding. But today educational programs are on the decline; they’re being cut back. The circumstances driving people to use drugs are intensifying. There’s more poverty and fewer jobs, lower wages and fewer support systems. That’s what’s driving people to drugs and that’s where the problem lies. But it’s not being approached because the drug problem has been converted into a means of social control. It’s like when you turn on the television today, you hear all sorts of attacks on welfare mothers, even from some liberals. The idea is to get working people on the opposite side of the welfare mothers. The wages of working people are going down, their lives are getting worse, and their children are not going to have even the opportunities they had. So what do you do? Do you tell them, “We’re trying to harm you”? Or do you tell them, “Welfare mothers are stealing from you”? Of course, you tell them welfare mothers are stealing from you. Thus, if some teenage girl was raped and has a child, she’s stealing from you, so you hate her. That’s why they’ve made the welfare system so harsh and cruel, increasing cruelty and fear. These are all methods of social control. They’re used everywhere.

    In a country like the United States, where you can’t really send out the paramilitary forces to murder people, as they do more and more in the Third World, you rely more heavily on techniques of social control. That’s basically what the drug war is all about.

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