Category Archives: Discussions

Split Brain Activity

1. Explain what Gazzaniga et. al. discovered about the left and right hemispheres of the brain when the corpus
callosum was severed in patients suffering epilepsy:
2. Identify what each of the hemispheres of the brain “specialize” in, according to this article:
a.) The left brain:
b.) The right brain:
3. What might “the limits of extrapolation” as discussed in this article mean? Explain what this term means in
relation to this article:
4. What are “spurious findings”?
5. Explain what brain lateralization refers to:
6. Detail what Gazzaniga means that there have been “myriad” exceptions:
7. Where and how might “false memories” originate or develop?
8. Explicate how evolutionary psychology explains the narrative phenomenon:
9. After reading this article and considering other ideas you’ve heard about left vs. right brain, what do you think of
the idea that one of your hemispheres dominates you? Explain your response and whether or not you feel you
are dominated by the left or right “brain”:



International trade report

I have to provide around half page (single space) report to give an explanation for my research. Here is the background information:

McKinsey 7s model identifies 7 key elements( structure, system, style, strategy, skill, staff, share value, structure) for an organization that need to be focused and aligned for successful change management processes as well as for regular performance enhancements. The first stage of our team project is to applying McKinsey 7s analysis for LG company. I will responsible for the 4 elements( staff, share value, skill and staff). Please provide and explanation based on the research I did of the 4 elements.


Four problem in Artificial Intelligence

I’m stuck on a Artificial Intelligence question and need an explanation.

The subjects are:

1-adversarial search.

2-support vector machine.


4-with/without pruning.

Please I need someone who’s really sure that can solve correctly.


Construction project

1. Identify all general condition items needed to complete this project. This includes, but not
limited to: salaries for supervisory personnel, temporary facilities, utility bills …etc. Read the
plans, review the lectures, and use your common sense and knowledge to find related items
from RS Means.
1. This project includes concrete slab and footing per drawings, identified as S1A. The other
alternative shown in drawing S1 (footings and foundation walls) should not be used.
2. Footings (including turndown) and slab concrete to be 3500 psi and 4000 psi, respectively.
3. Consider following items, separately, for footings (including turndown) and slab-on-grade:
Concrete forming, Concrete reinforcement, and Concrete placement (including curing and
finishing, where applicable)



Calculus Question

Calculus assessment . I need your help with a understanding an exam. I’ve attached past test to serve as example.


Strategic Audit Report

The External Environment

Strategic Audit Report

Management team reviewing company statistics on a computer projection.This week you will start the creation of a SWOT analysis which is the identification of your strategic audit company’s Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. For this module, you will start to develop Section III of your Strategic Audit Report by creating pieces pertaining to the external environment and how they impact your selected company by developing an EFAS table or summary of external factors. They include opportunities and threats such as the natural physical environment, societal environment, task environment. Researching these areas will help you identify the opportunities and threats that can enhance or threaten your strategic audit company. Being able to realize what can impact your organization for good or bad is imperative to creating and maintaining a successful strategy.


Provided are the guidelines to complete each part:

  1. Provide a written overview of the natural and physical environments affecting your strategy audit company. This summary could include topics such as but are not limited to the climate, pollution, weather, temperature, sea level, fresh water, flooding, etc. There is no minimum of the number of topics to write about; however, each one should be relevant to your strategic audit company.

  2. Explain how the following forces are currently affecting industries in which your strategic audit company competes:

    • Economic

    • Technological

    • Political-Legal

    • Sociocultural

Please provide a 2-3 sentence explanation for each force, with at least one outside source properly cited and references for each to validate and support your answers.

  1. Complete an External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) table following the guidelines and instructions in the following documents:


Computer Science question.

Please answer this discussion on Operational Excellence and once you answer you need to reply to two of my peers.

This week we focus on some additional terms for IT users. This week lets discuss what a community of practice is. Why are they important and how can they impact the culture within an organization?


Marketing Management MGT201

Marketing Management MGT201

  1. Are you loyal to some of the brands? If so, pick any one of your choice and explain why you believe you are loyal to, beyond that you simply like the brand. If not, pick a brand that you like and explain how you would feel and act differently toward the brand if you were loyal to it. Critically Examine.       (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)

  1. You have been sitting in the waiting room of your mechanic’s shop for more than an hour. With the knowledge that products are different from services, develop a list of the things the shop manager could do to improve the overall service delivery. Critically examine how the shop might overcome problems associated with the tangibility, separability, heterogeneity, and perishability of services. (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)



Mathematics question

1. It is common for engineers to work with the “error function”
erf(z) = 2

Z z

instead of the standard normal probability distribution function Φ, which we defined as:
Φ(z) = Z z



Show that the following relationship between Φ and the function erf holds for all z:
Φ(z) = 1


2. Suppose that a pair of random variables (X,Y) is uniformly distributed on the vertices of the square [−1, 1] × [−1, 1]: i.e., the joint mass function has nonzero probability on (−1, −1), (1, −1), (−1, 1), and (1, 1) with each of these four points occurring
with probability pX,Y(x, y) = 1
(a) Compute P(X
2 + Y
2 < 1)
(b) Compute P(2X − Y > 0)
(c) Compute P(|X − Y| < 2)



Government Intervention During Economic Crisis presentation

I am working on a presentation about Government Intervention During Economic Crisis, I will focus on the financial crisis (2007-2009).

During the presentation I will discuss how has government intervention impacted economic performance during the financial crisis? At least 3 graph and data sets needed, and 2 pages of critical analysis. Data base need to be cited.

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