Category Archives: Discussions

Computer Science Question

provide a security assessment for Vestige, Inc, an online software company that specializes in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine. Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement. Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that the Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Now that you have provided your security assessment, the next step is to provide Vestige, Inc. with your Security Portfolio. Using this week’s Reading on the NIST framework that includes the 5-step process for creating a balanced portfolio of security products, your assignment will be to create a Security Portfolio with the following sections:

1. Cover Page (i.e. APA title page)

2. Background (provide a synopsis of your midterm security assessment on Vestige)

3. For each security need identified (or needs to be identified) from your Week #8’s Midterm Assignment, Find the products that will deliver the needed capabilities for the right price and tell why you chose that product.


Networking question

There are a number of physical storage mediums available in today’s computing world. To name a few: hard disk, flash drive, DVD, and tape. These mediums might have different file allocation methods and size constraints. Discuss the various mediums and associated methods and constraints. Additionally, for each medium, discuss the concept of fragmentation, why it occurs, what devices are more susceptible to it, if there are file systems that are able to avoid it, and how to prevent and fix fragmented space.

The minimum concepts to cover and explain in the paper are contiguous and non-contiguous, allocation table, indexing, tape allocation, disk allocation, storage allocation, partitions, volumes, fragmentation, and defragmentation.

Include a comparison table for the different mediums and associated methods and constraints.


UKNA2 – Object Oriented Software Development Module

Learning outcomes assessed

1.Explain and use key programming constructs to create correct and efficient programs

5.Critique and compare different software development approaches

In this assignment you will be given a research paper closely related to Object-Orientated Software Development or the wider field of Software Engineering. You must create then a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 10 content slides.

Task 1: Summarise the given paper and explain its key contribution(s). Contributions will be dependent on your paper and may be findings or ideas or concepts or paradigms or methods or tools. We strongly recommend you use the techniques covered on the Critical Analysis module this semester when reading your given paper.

Task 2: Outline a plan of how you would integrate the contributions from your given paper into your CO4403 Coursework part 1 assignment solution and what impact this would have. You must use specific examples linked to your given scenario/UML diagram. For example, if your paper was on automated testing your plan may give specific examples of which classes and methods you would test, why you would test them, how you would test them, what impact that would have on your code and development process.

You may choose what to include on each slide, a suggested structure is using slides 1-5 to summarise the given paper, highlight its contribution, and provide some of your own critical consideration. Then use slides 6-10 to give examples of how insights from the paper can be applied in your given context. You may add additional introduction and conclusion slides but these will not be marked.

The content of each slide should be brief and include only bullet points and figures. If you are unsure about this instruction look at the slides from the CO4403 lectures: the slides rarely contain more than 6 bullet points, each bullet point has a short sentence, figures are used wherever possible.

If you feel that you are not able to meet the marking criteria within the constraints of this format you may add an additional 100 word maximum note to each slide.

For task 1 you must provide your own interpretation of the paper; you must not quote large sections from the given paper, and you must not attempt to pass text from the paper through language translation tools.


Business Question

This is a formal, individual assignment. The Grading rubric is posted below.

Use the Generic Case Study Guideline also posted below. I ask that you use the guidelines as just that, guidelines. Not all sections will apply to your case. You may add sections if you feel it is helpful to make your case. You may choose to focus more on some sections over others. The big thing I am looking for is YOUR analysis of the situation and what YOU would do or would have done. Be able to defend the analysis and the materials submitted.

Please, NO BOOK REPORTS! I’ve read the cases, what I am looking for is your personal analysis of the strategic decisions, what the management team might have done differently to make for a better outcome, and what you would have done if you were in charge. I will assign the cases in a separate document or in Canvas under an associated post. You should use additional resources to support your position and those resources must be academically cited using APA 7th edition style guide with in-text citations and a bibliography.

I will not set a minimum word or page count. Say what you have to say. Say it well and completely, and professionally, but do not add unnecessary verbiage.

Use Grammarly to check grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Strong emphasis will be placed on your ability to produce a professional document clear of errors.


Computer Science Question

provide a security assessment for Vestige, Inc, an online software company that specializes in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine. Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement. Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that the Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Now that you have provided your security assessment, the next step is to provide Vestige, Inc. with your Security Portfolio. Using this week’s Reading on the NIST framework that includes the 5-step process for creating a balanced portfolio of security products, your assignment will be to create a Security Portfolio with the following sections:

1. Cover Page (i.e. APA title page)

2. Background (provide a synopsis of your midterm security assessment on Vestige)

3. For each security need identified (or needs to be identified) from your Week #8’s Midterm Assignment, Find the products that will deliver the needed capabilities for the right price and tell why you chose that product.


Final Lab Project – first part of the lab session 12

Multisim is an electronic schematic capture and simulation program which is part of a suite of circuit design programs, along with NI Ultiboard. Please read it all carefully. The accuracy of the assignment must be 95%+. Only bid if you are very confident that you can answer. Thank you.


Principles of Information Systems

There are a number of physical storage mediums available in today’s computing world. To name a few: hard disk, flash drive, DVD, and tape. These mediums might have different file allocation methods and size constraints. Discuss the various mediums and associated methods and constraints. Additionally, for each medium, discuss the concept of fragmentation, why it occurs, what devices are more susceptible to it, if there are file systems that are able to avoid it, and how to prevent and fix fragmented space.

The minimum concepts to cover and explain in the paper are contiguous and non-contiguous, allocation table, indexing, tape allocation, disk allocation, storage allocation, partitions, volumes, fragmentation, and defragmentation.

Include a comparison table for the different mediums and associated methods and constraints.


Discussion on Enterprise RIsk Management

Montasari, R., & Hill, R. (2019). Next-Generation Digital Forensics: Challenges and Future Paradigms. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), 205.

Sahinoglu, M., Stockton, S., Barclay, R. M., & Morton, S. (2016). Metrics Based Risk Assessment and Management of Digital Forensics. Defense Acquisition Research Journal: A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University, 23(2), 152–177.

Nnoli, H. Lindskog, D, Zavarsky, P., Aghili, S., & Ruhl, R. (2012). The Governance of Corporate Forensics Using COBIT, NIST and Increased Automated Forensic Approaches, 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Amsterdam, 734-741.

The readings this week expand on investigation and of digital forensic analysis and investigations. Organizations, especially those in the public, health and educational areas are bound by legal and statutory requirements to protect data and private information, therefore digital forensics analysis will be very beneficial when security breaches do occur. Using this weeks readings and your own research, discuss digital forensics and how it could be used in a risk management program.


Marketing presentation

Speak about Al Rajhi Capital,

The beginning of the presentation is an overview of it and an introduction to the company and its marketing strategies, and the doctor did not tell a specific or specific thing, but how the company markets itself and its products

this link Presentation :

Only 6 to 10 slices.

With the addition of photos


Public health question

This article is from a guest speaker that i will be meeting this week, so please read the article and prepare 3 good questions for me to ask her about her work when we meet!



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