Category Archives: Discussions


This is anatomy and physiology II final paper. references must include: Marieb, E. N., & Hoehn, K. (2021). Human Anatomy & Physiology (11th ed.). Pearson.

Your final project will be a 5-7 page paper, focusing on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM of RABBIT. You will use this system as the starting point, and then relate it to the other systems we have studied. For example, if you choose the skeletal system, you would not only describe in your own words the major anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the system, but you would also talk about how the muscular system is attached and how nervous system enervation effects skeletal movement and health, how the endocrine system regulates growth and cellular turn over, by using the special sense of sight you can direct how the skeletal system moves in space, how the circulatory system and digestive system work to bring in nutrients and remove wastes, etc.

Your book does this process in several of the chapters. You can certainly use that as a jump-off point, but remember, in your own words! Additionally, you will need a lot more detail than the book provides.

The goal of this paper is to get you thinking about how no system is operating in isolation, rather everything works together to support the underlying principles we talked about in module one in detail and the core of this course:

1. complementarity of structure and function,

2. hierarchy of the structural organization, and

3. maintaining homeostasis.

You should insert labeled images the discussion of your chosen system. You may also use drawings of your own making (they can be uploaded as photos) to help with your paper (they do not count in terms of pages, however!). They do not have to be professional – using colored pencils/pens and sketching is fine. This is not an art class, no judgments will be made on your artistic ability. Additionally, you may trace diagrams from your text and use those as a basis for your diagram as well.

This is a project where you really can demonstrate all that you have learned with your hard work this year!

Remember to use citations throughout the text. In contrast to A&P I, you will need 3-5 outside sources from peer-reviewed papersnot websites. These can be papers that discuss the effects of what you are discussing. For example, if you are using the circulatory system as your “focus” system, you could briefly discuss how cholesterol can affect the heart and cite a paper that discusses this. I am not looking for a summary of the research papers, but for you to integrate them into your knowledge base. A solid, extensive website to use is Many of the papers are open-source. The ESC library will also provide access to many papers you find on as well.

Law Enforcement

Answer 2 discussion questions below. Must be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length. (8-9 sentences)

1.Thoroughly review the US Department of Homeland Security Website. Provide a thorough discussion of what you think the three most intersting aspects are and why.


2.Why do you think the gang problem in the United States continues to be a major issue? What are two unique strategies the law enforcement can implement to reduce gang threat? You must use at least once source. Please provide a thorough response.


The best way to learn about entrepreneurship is to learn from the experiences of people who have started businesses.

Your assignment is to interview an entrepreneur who has either succeeded or failed and find out the key lessons their experience can teach you.

You should select an entrepreneur who started a business and obtained some form of outside financing (not self-financed / bootstrapped). Ideally, you select an entrepreneur that grew the business to at least $500k in annual revenue. You may interview Georgia Tech alumni, but students and direct family members are not permitted.

You will prepare an article from your interview for upload. Use what you have learned in this class as a framework for perspectives and insights – and focus on the early years of the business. You will be graded on the quality of the article, insights, and key learnings. Some of the questions you’ll be looking to answer in your interview and blog might include:

  • Describe the entrepreneur and the business
  • Why did they start the business?
  • What made them think the business would be feasible / successful?
  • What personal tradeoffs did the entrepreneur have to make to start the business?
  • How was the business financed?
  • Describe the growth and scale of the business
  • What were the biggest obstacles the entrepreneur faced?
  • What was the outcome? What were the key factors for success or failure?
  • What would they have done differently?
  • Describe the key lessons you learned in the interview

rganization and expression of the mammalian mitochondrial genome

The mitochondrial genome encodes core subunits of the respiratory chain that drives oxidative phosphorylation and is, therefore, essential for energy conversion. Advances in high throughput sequencing technologies and cryoelectron microscopy have shed light on the structure and organization of the mitochondrial genome and revealed unique mechanisms of mitochondrial gene regulation. New animal models of impaired mitochondrial protein synthesis have shown how the coordinated regulation of the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial translation machineries ensures the correct assembly of the respiratory chain complexes. These new technologies and disease models are providing a deeper understanding of mitochondrial genome organization and expression and of the diseases caused by impaired energy conversion, including mitochondrial, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases. They also provide avenues for the development of treatments for these conditions.

Instructions and Rubric:

Read the attached article – PLAGIARIMS WILL BE DETECTED.

Format: (2 pages, including Figures and references)

Background: the structure and organization of the mitochondrial genome (1 point)

Discussion: Elaborate on technologies allowing to unravel of unique mechanisms of mitochondrial gene regulation (1.5 points)

Conclusion: Debate on disease models providing a deeper understanding of mitochondrial genome organization and expression and of the diseases caused by impaired energy conversion, including mitochondrial, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Create hypothesis development of treatments based on the above mentioned models ( 2 points)

I copy this services in my assignment:

The idea for the marketing project that we will be developing throughout the semester. The project will be about creating an innovative technology company (through an application) that can be accessed on the phone or website. The company will provide customers with vehicle services. Offering reliability for the customers and great service especially for females, elderly, or someone who is not mechanically inclined. We will be offering variety of services such as but not limited to:

1. Accident services.

2. General mechanical services.

3. Emergency breakdown.

4. Maintenance.

5. Cosmetics and detailing services.

6. General checkup on the car.

7. Car renting services in case of accidents.

Surgical Procedure Manual

Develop a standardized set of procedure references

You have been hired at Dr. Liberty’s Medical facility. You will be working full- time, as part of the “MA team” for Dr. Liberty and three other physicians/providers. You are tasked with creating a resource manual that will help the MA team be able to assist all providers in minor office surgeries and office procedures easily.

The physician group has decided that they will be offering the following in minor office surgeries and office procedures:

Part One: Cards for procedures 1-5:

Due- 4/26

1.Cervical Biopsy

2.Suture In / Laceration Repair

3.Sebaceous Cyst Removal


5.Incision & Drainage (I & D)

Tray cardsThe providers have asked your team to develop a standardized tray set-up resource for each of the surgeries that may be scheduled. The document should include, at a minimum, the following information:

Identifying all the needed sterile and non-sterile items, ancillary supplies and equipment.

. Correctly identifying each item as either

. on the sterile tray or

.on the side/countertop (be specific)

. Specific pre-operative instructions

. Specific post-operative instructions

. Brief description of the procedure

Sexual Wellness

  1. Do you share the belief put forth in the article that our sexual desires are often challenging to communicate to our partner(s)? Please explain.
  2. Findings from Lehmiller’s research suggest that only about 50% of people feel comfortable enough to share their sexual fantasies. What are your thoughts about this suggested statistic?
  3. Another interesting finding from Lemiller’s data, nearly all 4,000 participants (97%) revealed similar sexual fantasies such as multipartner sex; rough sex; novelty and adventure; voyeurism and fetishes; non-monogamous sex; deeper emotional connection; and gender fluidity. Are our desires more alike than different? And if so, might it make it easier to communicate our sexual desires if many of us secretly desire the same? What are your thoughts?

Virtual Live Performance

Your paper must include the following components:

1) Statement as to why you chose the concert;

2) Description of the performance venue (Research this if not readily available);

3) Description of the size and age of the audience;

4) Description of the participation and attention of the audience;

5) Comments on each work on the program:*

*At a Jazz concert or musical theater event, you may choose five of the pieces/songs to comment on in detail. Choose two or three selections from each act or part of the performance. If an orchestra or choral concert has quite a few selections, do the same as mentioned above.

A) Which style period is it from? B) Was it a precise performance? C) Your musical enjoyment

6) Statement and details as to whether or not you enjoyed the concert (over all);

7) Details regarding how the music affected you;

8) Statement as to whether or not you would recommend a program like this to your friends (why or why not);

9) Any other insights or observations or anything that surprised you.

engineering management

Please review the discussion question below and describe the steps you would take to

evaluate the situation. I am looking for steps, calculations, and for the reasoning behind

your approach as well.Your answer should clearly list out all steps and indicate your

answer. If there are any assumptions you are making, please list them as well. The

assignment should not be more than one typed page –single-spaced – no less than

10pt font size.

Discussion Questions:

Question A:

Your company is planning to procure a machine which is expected to be used for

several years, after which it will be replaced by another machine. How would you

determine *when* Is the right time for a replacement? What components/calculations

would you consider in coming up with a recommendation?

Question B:

A company is planning to purchase equipment for $500,000. The company expects the

machine to have a salvage value of $25,000 at the end of the useful life which is

expected to be 25 years. Create a depreciation schedule for this equipment based on

the Straight-Line method.

Question C:

How would the depreciation schedule be affected in Question B, if the actual annual

operating costs for the machine are higher than the expectations?

ECOM402:E-Supply Chain Management

The supply chain profession entered the year leading the digitalization of ecosystems, delivering the
customer experience, managing trade uncertainty, and applying circular economy concepts.
Digital technologies have deeply changed the way societies exchange information and interact with
each other Technological novelties have altered how people communicate and share information.
Technology has driven enterprises to the next level by helping in many ways starting from
automating repetitive activities, eliminating errors, and last but not least to help in decision making.
The use of technology will surely bring down the challenges and issues, related to customer
expectations, managing their suppliers, maintaining the quality standards, and access to supply
chain data faced by Supply Chain leaders year-on-year.
The evolution of SCM is being driven by new information technologies, including Big Data, cloud
computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), radio frequency identification (RFID), 3-D printing, robotics,
global digital networks, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality. Global supply chain flows will
become increasingly digital and integrated, and end-to-end data will be driven in real-time,
exponentially increasing upstream information flows.” This new paradigm calls for a new
management culture. We call this management culture “Supply Chain Management 4.0.”
This novel technology will affect the logistics, supply chains, manufacturing, and transportation
industries. Therefore, the future of every industry will be open to innovation and technology. Every
industry is going through a rapid transformation that appeared with the fourth industrial revolution.
As a Project manager what measures are you going to take for your organization under below
mentioned critical questions:
| كلية العلوم الادارية والمالية
Below are the list of companies available which you need to select as a group activity and
attempt the critical questions mentioned below.
1. Almarai
2. Alibaba
3. Walmart
4. Dell Technologies
5. Pfizer
6. PepsiCo
7. Toyota Motors
8. DHL
9. Saudi Aramco
Critical Question(s)
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain? (3-
Ques-2-Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of E-Procurement
Processes. (3- Marks)
Ques-3-Examine and Outline the major issues being faced by supply chain manager(s) and how it
affects the company they work for. (3- Marks)
| كلية العلوم الادارية والمالية
Ques-4- Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in
E-Auction / Negotiation, Discuss. (3- Marks)
Ques-5- As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to
improve the overall supply chain? (3- Marks)

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