Category Archives: Discussions

Computer Science exercise

Course: Ethical Hacking

In 500 words, Web servers are compromised for a number of reasons which may include any of the following: Improper file or directory permissions, installing the server with default settings, unnecessary services enabled, security conflicts, a lack of proper security policies, improper authorization with external systems, default accounts with default or no passwords, unnecessary default, backup, or sample files, misconfigurations, bugs in server software, OS, or web applications, misconfigured SSL certificates and encryption settings, administrative or debugging functions that are enabled or accessible on web servers or the use of self-signed certificates and/or default certificates.

Select one of these compromises and explain how it could be avoided.


Case studies presentation

Part 1
1. Write an essay with your group about your topic (Look at AT4 example)
2. Make your slide presentation (12-16 slides)
Part 2
Audience Analysis
Write a paragraph to answer the 6 questions:
1. Who is your audience ?
2. Why do they need to know this information?
3. What education level do they have ?
4. Are they experts in your topic?
5. How did you present the information?
6. What information did you include in your presentation?
Part 3
Participation report
Write a paragraph to answer the 4 questions:
1. What did you do to participate during preparation of the slides?
2. How did you participate in the delivery of the presentation?
3. How did you and the other members of your team interact
productively to produce the presentation?
4. What differences of opinion were there when your team began to
work together and how were these differences resolved?



English question

what are the steps you would take regarding the employees not getting along


Business Law Question

  1. Give an example of each of the following:

a.       Trademark

  1. Service mark

  1. Collective mark

  1. Certification mark

  1. Explain why APPLE can be used as a trademark for electronic devices but cannot be used as a trademark for a Fruit Store.

  1. Polar Beverages located in Worcester, MA uses the Trademark below and has been using the Orson Bear since 1902. Coca Cola recently began an advertising campaign for its Cola using the character shown below. Should Polar be able to stop Coca Cola?

  1. Give an example for each of the following:

  1. Inherently distinctive trademark

  1. Acquired distinctive trademark (i.e. descriptive with secondary meaning)

  1. Merely descriptive trademark

  1. generic term for goods

  1. How can Lowe’s Home Improvement Store and Loew’s Theaters coexist, sometimes in the same or nearby malls? It is because of the difference in spelling?

  1. Before Burger King Corporation went national with their chain of hamburger restaurants. Bill Johnson was known for making the best hamburger in Western, MA and was often called “The Burger King.”  Still prior to Burger King Corporation registering a trademark and operating in Massachusetts.  Bill opened a small restaurant in Springfield, MA called BURGER KING, and the logo was a picture of Bill with a crown.  Burger King Corporation has told Bill that they plan on opening a store in Springfield.  Is there anything that Bill can do to stop them?



Cost Accounting – Acct301

Q1 What are support departments, and why are their costs allocated to other departments?What process is used to allocate support department costs?

(1.5 Marks, week 10 materials)

Q2 How are joint costs allocated? Explain and analyze using numerical example.

(1.5 Marks, week 11 materials)


Q 3 How are budget variances calculated and used as performance measures? Provide numerical example?

(2 Marks, week 12 materials)



Accounting closing entries question

do an accounting closing entries question for a given company, you only need to do closing entries part (accuracy guarantee)


Nursing Question

Discover Evidence Based Data Used in Clinical Practice


This Assignment is helpful in developing the groundwork for understanding and integrating evidence-based practice in healthcare throughout the rest of the course. In this Assignment you will have the chance to see how the research you look for can be applied in the work you do in your practice.


You will select a topic relevant to your practice area, post the topic to Discussion Board 2 for feedback, research the topic, and write a scholarly paper.

From the chapter readings and discussion, formulate a 3–5 page scholarly paper in APA format, providing an overview of the terms and function of EPB. An introduction, discussion and conclusion is expected in the overview on this topic


  1. Formulate the question.

  2. Using the Cochrane database, research the question using the PICOT model and key words.

  3. Post your topic and a short summary of results for feedback from your instructor and peers by Day 5.

  4. Write a 3–5 page paper, reviewing evidence-based practice, as it relates to your practice question and integrate feedback from the instructor and/or peers.

  5. Include a minimum of three evidence-based references.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

  • use APA 6th Edition format.


Data Analytics question

Use any approach you want to predict the price of diamonds using RapidMiner, and then explain your approach.

(The instructor will then apply your approach to another dataset of 2000 diamonds that they have, and see how well it predicts those diamonds’ prices.)

Hints: use a Cross Validation operator to see what gets you the lowest RMSE. You can also use operators like Filter Examples, Select Attributes, Nominal to Numerical (three of the attributes are qualitative), or any other changes you’d like to make to the dataset.

It’s not enough to say “We used linear regression after removing three attributes.” You need to tell me which three attributes you removed, and what parameters you changed in the Linear Regression operator. (You could also include a screenshot of parameters for an operator if you changed many of them.)


C Programming Question

1- Write a function called same_in() that takes two string pointers as
arguments. If the second string is contained in the first string, have the
function return the address at which the contained string begins. For
instance, same_in(“great”, “eat”) would return the address of the e in eat.
Otherwise, have the function return the null pointer. Test the function in
a complete program that uses a loop to provide input values for feeding
to the function. Write the code in a way that the loop continues until the
user quit. For example, I should be able to test two sets of strings in one
running of the code and then quit the program.


MGT-312: Decision Making and Problem

1) In every career sector, problem-solving is one of the key skills that employers seek in job applicants. A strong problem-solving skill can make a huge difference to your career.

Based on your experience, please discuss the basic steps of problem-solving with an example.


2) discussed team building. Based on your knowledge and experience, Please list and discuss at least 3 to 5 differences between team and group,and apply that on your work environment. Discuss these differences at your work place.

Please write your answer in paragraphs not points.

In previous lectures, we have discussed team building. Based on your knowledge and experience, Please list and discuss at least 3 to 5 differences between team and group,and apply that on your work environment. Discuss these differences at your work place.

Please write your answer in paragraphs not points.


3) At Quest Specialty Travel, one idea generated during divergent thinking activities was to expand the Quest Web site to provide general services for business travelers. The Web site would let business travelers do the following:

 Find information about destinations

 Request services from Quest staff, such as group accommodations, travel reservations, and event planning

 Look up information about flights, tours, excursions, and reservations

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