Category Archives: Discussions



In the context of global business, how can companies maintain ethical and socially responsible practices while still achieving profitable growth, and what steps can organizations take to promote a culture of ethical behavior throughout their operations and supply chain?


How can business leaders strike a balance between promoting ethical behavior and complying with legal and regulatory requirements while also effectively managi

Assessing the workforce

consider three types of employees:

  • Basic – An employee who is new to the industry and has limited skills to support the role.
  • Emerging – An employee who has been in the industry for some time but still has more to learn and develop.
  • Established – An employee who has many years of experience and requires very little direction and support.

Begin by assessing your own strengths and weaknesses related to workforce development. To do that, complete a SWOT analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses related to evaluating the knowledge and skill gaps of staff members. A SWOT analysis requires you to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to evaluating knowledge and skill gaps. Create development plans to address those skill gaps.

After you have completed the analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses, identify at least two common strengths and weaknesses for each of the three above mentioned groups of employees. Describe some best practices for working with these three different groups of employees (basic, emerging, and established).

Cite peer-reviewed literature to support the best practices you recommend.

The empty cells in the following table illustrate the categories of information you have to provide. You need not use this table format to complete the assignment.


Hinduism boasts a rich and complex textual tradition. Explain how the study of Hinduism differs from the study of the so-called “religions of the book” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. How should one approach and appreciate Hinduism?


1. READING SCRIPTURE: Read the first 10 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. A link to a translated version with commentary and Sanskrit sound recordings is posted below. The commentary and sound recordings (not all chapters have these) appear first then the translation below. The translation is listed verse by verse, “Bhagavad Gita 5.3” for example, with an orange strip between the verses. The first number is the chapter, the second number appearing after the period is the verse, “Bhagavad Gita chapter 5. verse 3.” The text advances to the next chapter by the button on the bottom of the screen at the end of the chapter.

2. INTERPRET SCRIPTURE: Interpret (i.e. explain) the significance/theology of the Bhagavad Gita story of Arjuna and Krishna. Do some research and cite your sources. Dig deep – this is a rich story. Explore it literarily and its implications for society. 2 paragraphs required minimum.

LINK TO READING – Bhagavad Gita

Quick Orientation to the Bhagavad Gita

Hindu Scripture

Encyclopedia Britannica

By Wendy Doniger, Ph.D.

Bhagavadgita, (Sanskrit: “Song of God”) an episode recorded in the great Sanskrit poem of the Hindus, the Mahabharata. It occupies chapters 23 to 40 of Book VI of the Mahabharata and is composed in the form of a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Krishna, an avatar (incarnation) of the god Vishnu. Composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE, it is commonly known as the Gita.

On the brink of a great battle between warring branches of the same family, Arjuna is suddenly overwhelmed with misgivings about the justice of killing so many people, some of whom are his friends and relatives, and expresses his qualms to Krishna, his charioteer—a combination bodyguard and court historian. Krishna’s reply expresses the central themes of the Gita. He persuades Arjuna to do his duty as a man born into the class of warriors, which is to fight, and the battle takes place. Krishna’s argument incorporates many of the basic teachings of the Upanishads, speculative texts compiled between 1000 and 600 BCE, as well as of the philosophy of Samkhya Yoga, which stresses a dualism between soul and matter (see mind-body dualism). He argues that one can kill only the body; the soul is immortal and transmigrates into another body at death or, for those who have understood the true teachings, achieves release (moksha) or extinction (nirvana), freedom from the wheel of rebirth. Krishna also resolves the tension between the Vedic injunction to sacrifice and to amass a record of good actions (karma) and the late Upanishadic injunction to meditate and amass knowledge (jnana). The solution he provides is the path of devotion (bhakti). With right understanding, one need not renounce actions but merely the desire (kama) for the fruits of actions, acting without desire (nishkama karma).

The moral impasse is not so much resolved as destroyed when Krishna assumes his doomsday form—a fiery, gaping mouth, swallowing up all creatures in the universe at the end of the eon—after Arjuna asks Krishna to reveal his true cosmic nature. In the middle of this terrifying epiphany, Arjuna apologizes to Krishna for the many times when he had rashly and casually called out to him as a friend. He begs Krishna to return to his previous form, which the god consents to do, resuming his role as intimate human companion of the warrior Arjuna.

The Gita has always been cherished by many Hindus for its spiritual guidance, but it achieved new prominence in the 19th century, when the British in India lauded it as the Hindu equivalent of the New Testament and when American philosophers—particularly the New England Transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau—considered it to be the pivotal Hindu text. It was also an important text for Mohandas K. Gandhi, who wrote a commentary on it.

Modeling of Dynamic systems


  •  What are some of the historical origins of racial categories and how have they changed over time? In what ways are ideas around race and sex represented, expressed, inhabited, and/or contested in Latin American societies? In other words, when and how does race/sex become salient in different context? Why might it be important to focus explicitly on race relations (or intersectionality) as opposed to ethnicity or class? What methodological and conceptual frameworks have researchers engaged to analyze the inter-workings of racial, ethnic, sexual, spatial, socio-economic and political orders? What are some of the contributions of anthropology for understanding the sources and nature of exisiting racism and sexism in different contexts today?

Assigned Materials:

Indian and White

outcome and process: CQI.

In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, consider the outcome and process measures that can be used for CQI. Include the following in your essay:

  1. At least two process measures that can be used for CQI.
  2. At least one outcome measure that can be used for CQI.
  3. A description of why each measure was chosen.
  4. An explanation of how data would be collected for each (how each will be measured).
  5. An explanation of how success would be determined.
  6. One or two data-driven, cost-effective solutions to this challenge.

Systemic Physiology

Basic Renal Anatomy and Renal Processes Questions

1. Kidney stones occur when solid material blocks the flow of urine in the renal system.If left untreated,

kidney stones can lead to renal failure. You are a Nephrologist treating a patient who has already

had one kidney removed. The patient is experiencing nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the

extremities (edema.) An MRI shows a kidney stone that has completely blocked the ureter of the

remaining kidney. Please explain how the kidney stone would lead to the patient’s edema.

In answering this question, walk your way through the following logic:

A. Consider the anatomy of the renal system; blocking the ureter would mean fluid backs up where?

B. Which of the factors that determines NFP of the glomerular capillaries would be affected by the

back-up? How would that factor change (increase/decrease)?
C. How would NFP of the glomerular capillaries change? Would this mean more/less fluid stays in

the blood? Use the NFP equation (glomerular capillary version) to defend your answer!

D. If more/less fluid stays in the blood (as you indicated in part 3,) how would that change P H of

the systemic capillaries?

E. How would NFP of the systemic capillaries change? Why would this cause edema? Use the NFP

equation (systemic capillary version) to defend your answer!

2. Let’s make sure we have the basics down first…

ˆ What is the physiologically normal value of blood/ECF pH? If a patient were acidotic, how

would their pH change? If a patient were alkalotic, how would their pH change?

ˆ What are the physiologically normal values for blood/ECF P CO2 and bicarbonate?

ˆ What is the difference between an acid-base disturbance of respiratory vs. metabolic origin?

ˆ If a patient has a respiratory acid-base disturbance, will their body try to compensate using

respiratory or metabolic mechanisms? How about for a metabolic acid-base disturbance?

ˆ If a patient is acidotic, and their body partially compensates for the disturbance, in which

direction will their pH change? How about for a partially-compensated alkalosis?

ˆ How do we know if a patient has fully compensated for an acid-base disturbance?


Learning the strengths and weaknesses of your staff can be the secret to unlocking the potential of your department. Each employee will have different skills, experiences, and education. As a manager, you will be tasked with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your staff. You will also have to unlock your staff’s potential.

Following the requirements for discussion posts found in the FEM, describe some ways you can go about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the members of your team. Provide at least two strategies you could use and describe what these strategies would reveal about your team members.

Include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.


The leadership style you adopt with your team will set the pace for how your department functions in the organization.

For your initial post to this discussion, identify traits of a strong leader and compare these to the traits of less effective leaders. Which of these traits do you recognize in your own leadership style? Which of your traits would you like to develop further and why?

In addition to following the guidelines in the Faculty Expectations message (FEM), include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.


In your initial post, discuss how different systems levels in health care and public health in your own locality influence each other and how they impact health determinants. Suggest ways the various system levels could work together more effectively. Use evidence to explain why you think your suggested changes would improve effectiveness.

risk management and ethical analysis

Your risk management and ethical analysis should analyze the prevalent risks associated with your corporations, the challenges financial managers face in trying to attain short- and long-term goals, and the various considerations that must be made during financial decision-making.

Please write a paper using the excel sheet and the previous work. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes.

  • Analyze the relationships between capital structure, risk. and cost of capital for informing financial decisions that can optimize the value of corporations
  • Analyze challenges financial managers face regarding short-term and long-term planning for informing decision-making
  • Analyze the relationship between the value of corporations and ethically and socially responsible corporate behavior for informing financial decisions
  • Attached: Excel Sheet ; Previous work; Full instructions


Instructions Download, modify and submit Step 1: Verify Requirements for the Lesson Plan Project Access requirements with GENERATE – Clarify the Lesson Plan Project To complete the Lesson Plan Project, you need to Apply knowledge and information from the Student Profile Project. Select one Mandated Core Curriculum standard for your lesson plan. Develop learning objectives for your lesson. Create a teacher-centered version of the lesson plan by adjusting structure, instructional methods, materials, activities, and assessments and adjusting learning theory or a framework. Create a student-centered version of the lesson plan by adjusting structure, instructional methods, materials, activities, and assessments and adjusting learning theory or a framework. Worth 25% of your course grade, the Lesson Plan Project takes you through the process of planning instruction for a specific student group which you have identified in a Student Learning Profile. This project has four components and a closing self-assessment. To obtain full credit, you need to submit all assignments by the scheduled due date and completely follow directions. When you create this lesson plan, you will transfer existing knowledge of learning theory, educational psychology and your Student Learning Profile. This process will require you to identify the learning and cognitive needs of the student group, describe their educational experience, detail their learning, research instructional strategies that address teacher-centered and student-centered methods. CO1. Identify historical, social, political, and economic factors currently influencing educational delivery. CO2. Compare and contrast social cognitive, humanistic, neuroscientific, and behavioral theories of learning and discuss their implications for teaching and learning. CO3. Explain ways in which information processing, problem-solving, thinking, and memory capabilities apply to learn and instruction. CO4. Explain motivation, how it impacts learning and ways of working with students. CO7. Explain various types of assessment and grading and evaluate key issues in standardized testing. CO8. Explain major components to lesson planning, including teacher-centered and student-centered lesson planning. CO9. Explain classroom management and ways to facilitate a positive learning environment. Step 2: Verify Requirements for the Teacher-Centered Lesson Plan Clarify a student-centered lesson plan with GENERATE – Complete The Teacher-Centered Lesson Plan The lesson plan template contains several sections you need to modify the template to create a student-centered lesson. Shared Sections: Both the teacher-centered and student-centered lesson plans should feature the same information in the following sections. Student Make-Up of Class Lesson Details Modified Sections: To create a student-centered lesson plan, you need to make changes to the following sections. Lesson Materials Instructional Materials Student Materials Key Lesson Elements Desired Learning Climate Student-Centered Instructional Methods Standardized Assessment Methods Student-Centered Assessment Methods Interaction & Engagement Methods Basic Lesson Structure Classroom Management Considerations Lesson Introduction Lesson Middle Lesson Conclusion Step 3: Prepare Your Lesson Plan for Submission Review Course Assignment Policies When you complete any course writing assignments, be sure to clarify all key course assignment polices found in the syllabus. Specifically, Minimum Standards Policy Assignment Submissions Policy Academic Integrity Policy Apply APA Documentation The documentation format and style used in education is APA. All student assignments and course reference citations reflect and model APA Style. To explore documentation,

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