Category Archives: Exams

MATH120 Algebra Test

MATH120 Algebra Test

Q1)  Solve each system of equations

3x + 5y = –9

x+ 4y = –10

Q2) Solve each system of equations

2x + 3 = y

x + 2y = –4

Q3) Determine if the system is consistent, independent, dependent or inconsistent:

2x – 5y = 6

–4x + 10y = –1

Q4) Writ the following system as an augmented matrix:

3x – 4y + 4z = 7

xy – 2z = 2

2x – 3y + 6z = 5

Q5) Solve each system of equations

          2x + 3y = 6

            x = 3

Q6) A restaurant serves two types of fish dinners- small for $5.99 each and large for $8.99.  One day, there were 134 total orders of fish, and the total receipts for these 134 orders was $1024.66. How many small dinners and how many large dinners were ordered?

Q7) Solve each system of equations

x + 3y = 5

2xy = 3


Q8) Solve each system of equations

x + 2y = 4

x + (1/2)y = 4


Q9) Writ the following system as an augmented matrix:

x + yz = –2

2xy + z = 5

x + 2y + 2z = 1

Q10)  The sum of two integers is 97. Their difference is 43. Find the two numbers.



MATH 645 Exam I

MATH 645 Exam I

(a) (2 points) Calculate the dot products u · v and v · w or explain why they do not exist.
(b) (3 points) Calculate the norms kuk and kvk of u and v.
(c) (2 points) Using your answers to parts (a) and (b) above, confirm that Schwarz’s Inequality holds
for u and v (in other words, verify that |u · v| ≤ kuk · kvk).

(a) (3 points) Are u, v, and w linearly independent or linearly dependent? Justify/explain your response.
(b) (3 points) Consider the set of all linear combinations of u and v. In R
, this set of vectors defines
what type of geometric object?

10. (Bonus, 3 points) A band matrix is a square matrix with nonzero entries only on the main diagonal and
on w of the diagonals above and below the main diagonal, and zeros everywhere else. The matrix B
below is an example of a 5×5 symmetric band matrix with w = 1. Elimination for band matrices is
much cheaper than elimination for ordinary matrices. For a generic n × n band matrix B with exactly
w nonzero bands above and below the main diagonal, approximately how many multiplication and
subtraction operations are necessary for elimination B → U?



Genetics Exam

1. DNA structure and the Central Dogma
2. The genetic code and DNA replication (bacterial); topoisomerases etc
3. Eukaryotic DNA replication
4. DNA damage, mutations, and DNA repair enzymes
5. Prokaryotic transcription I
6. Prok transcription II; operons, regulation of transcription in prokaryotes
1 DNA replication
2 Mutation, repair & homol. Recomb.
3 Transcriptional regulation
4 Linkage & recombination
5 CRISPR & bioethics
6 Eukaryotic promoters /epigenetics



Major Assignment 2

Requirements: Answer each question fully. Use Excel formulas with cell references. Answers must be recorded on the worksheet.



Three questions of advanced calculus

Prove using Definition 2.14 that lim n2 + 1 = +∞.

n→∞ n+1
2. (5 pts) Which three of the following statements, if combined,

imply that limn→∞ yn = −3? Prove your answer.

(A) x2n ≥ yn2 for every n
(B) yn − xn < n1 for every n
(C) limn→∞ xn = −3

(D) yn2 ≥ x2n for every n
3. (5 pts) Suppose that limn→∞ xn = 1. Prove using the definition

of limit (find N for every ε) that
lim 4xn −1 =−3.

n→∞ xn−2



The idea that the mind is separate from the brain is called: The term afferent refers to ______ signals.

The idea that the mind is separate from the brain is called:


标记此问题问题 21 分

The term afferent refers to ______ signals.


标记此问题问题 31 分

Neurons fire or they don’t. This is referred to as:


标记此问题问题 41 分

The role of glial cells is primarily:


标记此问题问题 51 分

After a neuron fires there is a brief amount of time before it can fire again. This is called:


标记此问题问题 61 分

Cajal proposed that the nervous system is made up of separate neurons. This is called the ______ hypothesis.


标记此问题问题 71 分

The human brain contains approximately:


标记此问题问题 81 分

Which type of glial cell provides support for the neuron as well as creates the blood-brain barrier?


标记此问题问题 91 分

The spaces in between the segments of myelin sheath are called:


标记此问题问题 101 分

Epigenetics is the study of:


标记此问题问题 111 分

Which of the following receives information:


标记此问题问题 121 分

______ help generate myelin in the CNS, whereas ______ help generate myelin in the PNS.


标记此问题问题 131 分

One of the main points in psychobiology is that:


标记此问题问题 141 分

The ______explanation of behavior describes why a behavior evolved as it did.


标记此问题问题 151 分

Some brain structures are able to create new neurons. This is called:


标记此问题问题 161 分

One theory that explains behavior focuses on how a behavior developed. This approach is called the:


标记此问题问题 171 分

Dendritic spines can appear, change shape, disappear, etc. This is an example of:


标记此问题问题 181 分

The electrical charge that travels down the cell and passes information on is called:


标记此问题问题 191 分

Efferent neurons are also called:


标记此问题问题 201 分

The finger like extensions at the end of the axon are called:


标记此问题问题 211 分

Which of the following letters indicates the location of the cell body?


标记此问题问题 221 分

Which of the following letters indicates where the action potential begins?


标记此问题问题 231 分

Which of the following letters indicates the part of the neuron that conveys information to other neurons ?


标记此问题问题 241 分

neuron2 (2).jpg

Which of the following letters indicates the part of the neuron that regenerates the electrical charge traveling down the axon?


标记此问题问题 251 分

Which of the following letters indicates the part of the neuron that helps regulate the firing of the neuron?




Geometry Mid-Term Exam

1. Locate the point on the line segment between ?(3, −5) and ?(13, −15) given that the point is 4/5 of the
way from ? to ?. Show your work.

3. Find the exact area and circumference of a circle whose diameter is 8 meters. Show your work.

4. Briefly explain the Law of Detachment. Write a statement that is concluded using the Law of Detachment for
the following statements.
If Jillian gets a raise, then she will buy a new car. Jillian got a raise.



Exam Practice

Question 2

You’re planning on making 6 meatloafs for a party. You go to the store to buy breadcrumbs, and see they are sold by the canister. What information do you need to figure out how many canisters to buy? Select all that apply. (this would be an essay question on the real exam)

How long it takes to make the recipe.

The amount of bread crumbs required for the recipe, times 6.

The amount of bread crumbs contained in each canister.

The other ingredients required for the recipe.

The amount of meat required for the recipe.

The amount of bread crumbs needed in other recipes.


You plan to make 8 pecan pies, all of which require 1 1/2 cups of pecans. You buy the pecans from the bulk section, where there is a scale to weigh them, but no measuring cups. According to the label, 1 cup of pecans weighs 98 grams. How many grams of pecans do you need to make all the pies? Round to the nearest 10th if necessary. Remember to label.


Lambert created a triangular garden on his property. Two of the sides have the same length, while the final side is twice as long as they are. How long are the shorter sides if he needed 88 feet of fencing to enclose the garden?


When Samantha first checked the price of an adjustable bed online, it was $800. Several months later, the price had dropped to $500. Find the absolute change (include a negative sign if applicable). $


When Samantha first checked the price of an adjustable bed online, it was $800. Several months later, the price had dropped to $500. Find the relative (include a negative sign if applicable). %


A recipe normally calls for 3/4 cup sugar, 2 Tablespoon baking powder, 1/2 cup milk, and 2 cups flour. Val only has 1 1/2 cups flour, and doesn’t have time to run to the store just now. How much of the other ingredients should he use?

Reminder: there are 16 Tablespoons in 1 cup, and 3 teaspoons in 1 Tablespoon

Baking Powder

Use this preference schedule for the questions on this page.

15 14 9
1st A B D
2nd D D C
3rd B C A
4th C A B


Who wins by the Plurality Method?






Enter the number of points B would get using the Borda Count method.


Who wins by the Borda Count Method?






Who gets eliminated first using Plurality with Elimination (aka Instant-Run-Off Voting)?






Who wins by Plurality with Elimination?






Who wins by Copeland’s Method (Pairwise Comparisons)?






Is the winner by Copeland’s Method a Condorcet Candidate?

Yes. Anyone who wins by Copeland’s Method is the Condorcet Candidate

No. While that candidate won, they did not beat every other candidate.

No. Copeland’s method has nothing to do with the Condorcet Candidate.

Yes. That candidate beat every other candidate when compared directly.


Which methods (if any) violated the Condorcet criterion for this schedule? Select all that apply.

Plurality with Elimination

None. There was a Condorcet Candidate, but that candidate won with every method.

Copeland’s Method

Borda Count

None. There was no Condorcet Candidate.



Match each description with the correct fairness criterion condition.

A beat every other candidate when compared directly, but C won.
A won originally. After D dropped out, A still won.
A won in the prevote. Several voters decided to rank A higher than before (and nothing else changed), resulting in D winning in the actual vote.
A had a majority of first place votes, but B won.


Consider the voting scheme below:

{12: 8, 4, 1, 1, 1}

Which of the options below is accurate for this system?

Player 1 is a dictator, and the other players are dummy players.

Only Player 1 has veto power.

Player 1 and Player 2 both have veto power, but the other players can still matter.

Player 1 and Player 2 both have veto power, and the remaining players are dummy players.


Consider the voting system: {8: 4, 2, 2, 2}

How much power does player 1 have by Banzhaf’s Method? Enter your answer as a percent. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary. ____ %

(Hint: there are 4 winning coalitions)


Consider the voting system: {8: 4, 2, 2, 2}

How much power do players 2, 3, and 4 each have by Banzhaf’s Method? Enter your answer as a percent. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary. %

(Hint: there are 4 winning coalitions)


Consider the voting system: {8: 4, 4, 2}

How much power do players 1 and 2 each have by the Shapley Shubik Method? Enter your answer as a percent. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary. ____ %

Here are the sequential coalitions for 3 players:

< P1, P2, P3 > < P1, P3, P2 > < P2, P1, P3 >

< P2, P3, P1 > < P3, P1, P2 > < P3, P2, P1 >


Consider the voting system: {8: 4, 4, 2}

How much power does player3 have by the Shapley Shubik Method? Enter your answer as a percent. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary. ____ %

Here are the sequential coalitions for 3 players:

< P1, P2, P3 > < P1, P3, P2 > < P2, P1, P3 >

< P2, P3, P1 > < P3, P1, P2 > < P3, P2, P1 >



COMP 9121 Assignment 1 (2020)

Question 1 (Two-dimension Parity Check, 20%). Consider the following two-dimension parity check, with original data in a
4 × 4 matrix. For each row and column, we generate a parity bit, forming a 5 × 5 matrix. The parity bits are in the last column
and last row. Then, the 25 bits will be transmitted through a bit-flipping channel. For simplification, we assume that each original
bit is flipped with probability p independently; p is a small probability; the parity bits are not flipped at all.
(1) [3%] Assume the following bits are sent:
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
and the following bits are received
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Then, what does the receiver do and why?

(2) [3%] The example in (1) shows one case that the receiver believes there is one bit error and the error can be corrected, but
the fixed bits are still wrong. Please give another example: (a) there are 9 bits flipped; (b) the receiver believes there is one bit
error and the error can be corrected; and (c) the fixed bits are still wrong.
(3) [3%] If two original data bits are flipped, can the receive detect errors? can the receiver recover the errors? Why or why not.
(4) [3%] Give an example where there are bit error(s) but the receiver cannot even detect the error(s).
(5) [8%+ up to 4% bonus] Calculate the following probabilities (as a function of p): (a) The receiver believes there is one bit
error and the error can be corrected, and the fixed bits are correct. (b) The receiver believes there is one bit error and the error
can be corrected, but the fixed bits are wrong. For (b), you will get full mark if your answer is sufficiently close to the accurate
solution (i.e., consider those “common” error patterns but ignore those “rare” error patterns). Bonus marks will be given if your
answer is more accurate.



Chem 231 Distillation Theory and Technique Assignment Fall 2020

1. Which method would you expect to give a better separation of a mixture of two liquids: simple
distillation or fractional distillation? Provide a brief explanation for your choice.

2. Explain why, during the course of a distillation, you may see a dramatic drop in vapor
temperature when there is still a significant amount of liquid that needs to be distilled. If this
happens, what would you need to do to ensure that the rest of the liquid is distilled?



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