Category Archives: Research Papers

Biomedical Engineering

In generating a movement, the forces muscles generate often accelerate the mass of a limb or the body’s center of mass. In the simulation you will first activate a muscle isometrically, and then you will couple a Hill-type muscle model to a mass load and investigate how the series-elasticity influences the power generation in the muscle.

What to turn in:

1. An algorithm or flow chart of your program, including equations that you used. Another person should be able to read your algorithm and recreate your work.

2. Your commented code

3. Graphs (described in part 1 and part 2).

4. Address the question: How does the series-elasticity help muscle generate power? (2 or 3 sentences should suffice)



Global Environments Business, Country Business Opportunity Report and outline.

You are in the New Business Team of a US based company in Food processing industry. Types of products: Canned, smoked, freeze dried and cured products, processed meats, fruits, seafood, dairy products, grains. Your company has been successfully manufacturing and marketing your products in the USA and will be expanding its business to Cambodia. Your company is setting aside up to US$50 million in the year’s budget for this Opportunity and is primarily interested in making good returns on its global business in the long term. Your Report will contain your analysis of the most profitable business activity in the assigned business/industry sector in your assigned country.


Using the Class Library Guide (Links to an external site.), you will conduct research on your assigned country and your business/industry and prepare an analysis of any factors that might be relevant in making a decision as to the viability or otherwise of doing business in your assigned country.

To do this, you will need to search credible sources for relevant information relating to your assigned country and your business/industry such as:

• geographic location, main cities, climate, population, demographic trends’
• GDP, brief details of political and economic systems;
• main products, businesses, main trading partners, main business or industry groups in your assigned country;
• potential customers, target market, market size of your business/industry in your assigned country;
• risk factors and risk assessment of the location;
• language, ethnic origins, religion, culture, ethical issues/dilemmas;
• your company’s main competitors and or potential local partners in your assigned country.

Your research should target relevant factors from the perspective of a global business manager. For instance, if you are looking at the culture in your assigned country, you might consider researching both the culture of the people in the country as well as local business practices and advise on how this might impact any plans for doing business there.

  1. Using your research, your Report should assess the pros and cons of doing business in your assigned country as well as the various risks and costs of doing business there and the strengths and benefits of doing so in your country. For this Report, you may limit your research to sources up to the end of Dec 2019; you do not have to take the current pandemic circumstances into account.

  2. You will then analyze and consider the pros and cons of doing business either through exporting to and or through investment by FDI in your country for the type of business or industry within the sector you have been assigned, and select which of these 2 types of business activity would deliver the best returns to the company. You should include extensive analysis of the various theories and issues (e.g. Porter’s diamond, Dunning’s eclectic theory) relating to why firms might choose to trade and or invest.

  3. Write a Report of about 9-10 pages, (10 pages max, double spaced, 12 point font size, not including your title page, annotated bibliography or any other pages containing graphs, charts diagrams) explaining your research, analysis and recommendations about the global business expansion proposal. Given these space constraints, you should make sure you only include factors that are directly relevant to your analysis of the Business Opportunity in your assigned country. Upload one copy of your Report to the CANVAS course site.

  4. Use APA format for citing any sources used. Failure to do so suggests that the material you have included is your original work which may be plagiarism. At best, you will receive zero credit for such inclusions. You should have at least 6 academically credible, sources for this assignment, although you will be expected to have several additional sources. Your Report should also include an Annotated Bibliography of the sources you used; this is a summary and/or evaluation of each of your sources, summarizing the main arguments, the point of the article, why in each case you chose to use that source. Your annotations for each source used should not exceed one sentence in length.


Complete CellBio Study Guide

  1. What are the structural and functional differences between DNA and RNA?

Table 1. Comparison of DNA and RNA.



a.    Full name

b.    Nucleotide components

c.    Nitrogenous bases

d.    Structure

e.    Functions

f.     Location within cell

  1. List one human-infecting virus that has a DNA-based genome.

  2. What is a glycoprotein? Where are they found in human cells? List some of their functions.

  3. Hypothesize as to why coronaviruses may have glycoproteins in their membranes. What may be the purpose and function of these structures?

  4. Describe the structure of a phospholipid and a phospholipid bilayer. Indicate the polar and nonpolar parts of the structure for each.

  5. Describe how soap could chemically destroy a coronavirus virion. The following is a useful resource: Holmes, K. 2003. SARS-associated coronavirus. New England Journal of Medicine 348:1948–51. doi:10.1056/NEJMp030078.

Read pages 1-2 of the Cell Bio case study document to answer the following questions.

  1. The case study gives COVID-19 statistics, but they are now outdated. Provide updated statistics in the table below. You can easily Google this information but be sure that you are reading the correct data for today.

Table 1. Updated COVID-19 statistics.

a.       Today’s date

b.      Global cases (total)

c.       Global deaths (total)

d.      U.S. cases (total)

e.       U.S. deaths (total)

Use Figure 2 in the case study to answer the following questions about the probable SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle.

  1. How does the virus enter the cell?

  2. What replicates the viral RNA? Is this from the virus or the host cell?

  3. What translates the viral mRNA? Is this from the virus or the host cell?

  4. Explain how new virions are assembled, packaged, and released.

Watch THE “2019 NOVEL CORONAVIRUS” video (runtime 5:18) and answer the following questions.

  1. Fill in the table below with information about the known coronaviruses:

Table 2. Information about known coronaviruses.




a.       Full name

b.      Location first identified

c.       Year first identified

d.      Believed to be transmitted by what animal?

  1. Where does the name corona come from and what does it mean?

  2. What is an incubation period? What are the average and full incubation periods for SARS-CoV-2?

    • Incubation period definition:

    • Average incubation period:

    • Full range of incubation period:

  3. What percentage of people recover from the COVID-19 without needing special treatment?

  4. Fill-in the table below with information about SARS-CoV-2:

Table 3. Information about SARS-CoV-2.

a.       Diagnosis

b.      Treatment

c.       Prevention

d.      When to seek medical help

e.       Groups most at risk



Business Question

(this is Ann example of one of the other students) For me personally, I’ve found the entire course very insightful and have learned a lot more about how a business operates, and have been extremely interested in the “small business/franchise” portions, as that is the type of business I work for. Chapters 6-8 have given me so much more information about management specifically, and the need to be able to adapt quickly as a business in an ever-changing economy. I am currently training for a management position at my work, and to be able to apply this information into my everyday life is incredible; on our meetings, I am able to critically think about changes that need to be made, benchmarking with our competitors, and designing ideas to help us succeed during a time where most people would spend their money elsewhere. Learning about different management personalities and the vital skills needed to be a successful manager has better helped me sit back and assess changes in tone, and realize that good leaders possess a headstrong attitude and that it takes bits and pieces of each style of management to be productive. So to answer the question, I think the biggest takeaway from this class in general and this section in particular, is that I truly believe it is something that I will be able to continue to apply to my career daily, and is something that will help me and the business I work with prosper.


Global Environments Business, Country Business Opportunity Report and outline.

You are in the New Business Team of a US based company in Food processing industry. Types of products: Canned, smoked, freeze dried and cured products, processed meats, fruits, seafood, dairy products, grains. Your company has been successfully manufacturing and marketing your products in the USA and will be expanding its business to Cambodia. Your company is setting aside up to US$50 million in the year’s budget for this Opportunity and is primarily interested in making good returns on its global business in the long term. Your Report will contain your analysis of the most profitable business activity in the assigned business/industry sector in your assigned country.


Using the Class Library Guide (Links to an external site.), you will conduct research on your assigned country and your business/industry and prepare an analysis of any factors that might be relevant in making a decision as to the viability or otherwise of doing business in your assigned country.

To do this, you will need to search credible sources for relevant information relating to your assigned country and your business/industry such as:

• geographic location, main cities, climate, population, demographic trends’
• GDP, brief details of political and economic systems;
• main products, businesses, main trading partners, main business or industry groups in your assigned country;
• potential customers, target market, market size of your business/industry in your assigned country;
• risk factors and risk assessment of the location;
• language, ethnic origins, religion, culture, ethical issues/dilemmas;
• your company’s main competitors and or potential local partners in your assigned country.

Your research should target relevant factors from the perspective of a global business manager. For instance, if you are looking at the culture in your assigned country, you might consider researching both the culture of the people in the country as well as local business practices and advise on how this might impact any plans for doing business there.

  1. Using your research, your Report should assess the pros and cons of doing business in your assigned country as well as the various risks and costs of doing business there and the strengths and benefits of doing so in your country. For this Report, you may limit your research to sources up to the end of Dec 2019; you do not have to take the current pandemic circumstances into account.

  2. You will then analyze and consider the pros and cons of doing business either through exporting to and or through investment by FDI in your country for the type of business or industry within the sector you have been assigned, and select which of these 2 types of business activity would deliver the best returns to the company. You should include extensive analysis of the various theories and issues (e.g. Porter’s diamond, Dunning’s eclectic theory) relating to why firms might choose to trade and or invest.

  3. Write a Report of about 9-10 pages, (10 pages max, double spaced, 12 point font size, not including your title page, annotated bibliography or any other pages containing graphs, charts diagrams) explaining your research, analysis and recommendations about the global business expansion proposal. Given these space constraints, you should make sure you only include factors that are directly relevant to your analysis of the Business Opportunity in your assigned country. Upload one copy of your Report to the CANVAS course site.

  4. Use APA format for citing any sources used. Failure to do so suggests that the material you have included is your original work which may be plagiarism. At best, you will receive zero credit for such inclusions. You should have at least 6 academically credible, sources for this assignment, although you will be expected to have several additional sources. Your Report should also include an Annotated Bibliography of the sources you used; this is a summary and/or evaluation of each of your sources, summarizing the main arguments, the point of the article, why in each case you chose to use that source. Your annotations for each source used should not exceed one sentence in length.


The Evolution of Unionized Labor in the U.S.


After reading and watching the videos on Labor Movement (History Channel) (Links to an external site.) you will have a deeper understanding of the progression of unionized labor. Create a video that articulates the evolution of unions from their historical past to their present day function.

The Origins (the early 1800s and prior)

STEP 1: conduct research to identify at least two scholarly sources pertaining to your assignment.

STEP 2: Summarize the identified sources by creating a 3-5 minute PowerPoint® video presentation that highlights key events from your assigned time-frame. Please be sure to speak to the following:

  • Historical events that influenced unions and the labor movement during your specified time-frame

  • Key figures that impacted the labor movement during your assigned time-frame

  • Key legislation that was passed during your specified time-frame

  • Any opposition to or challenges experienced by those working to advance the labor movement.



Your video should be creative and leverage the technology of PowerPoint®. Include sound effects, intro/outro music, or other features to personalize your video.


Write a paper summarizing your video. In 500 words using current APA format, address the key points from the following eras:

  • The Origins (the early 1800s and prior)


  • Historical events that influenced unions and the labor movement during your specified time-frame

  • Key figures that impacted the labor movement during your assigned time-frame

  • Key legislation that was passed during your specified time-frame

  • Any opposition to or challenges experienced by those working to advance the labor movement.


SUA #2 Month-End Procedures_Alt1


  1. Foot and cross-foot the monthly totals in the five special journals. It’s automatically done in your workbook. Nothing to be submitted.

  2. Post journal entries in the five special journals to GL

  • Post all monthly totals of all columns of the special journals to GL in workbook, except for the column of “Other G/L”. Place a posting reference check mark.

  • Post individual transactions in “Other G/L” columns to the appropriate general ledger account and updates each general ledger account. Place a posting reference check mark by each of the individual transactions (done in workbook). Fill in the following tables as you complete this step. Add more rows in the table if needed. Submit the filled table below (30 points). 15 rows need to fill in.

Journal Name

Need to Post?

G/L Acct # to be posted


Dr. or Cr.?







Misc. Rev.






  1. Bank Reconciliation

  2. In your workbook, check if you have posted monthly total of Cash G/L column in CR, CD to G/L cash account, and click “posted”. Also check if you have posted the total of “Net Pay” column on Payroll journal to G/L cash account, and click ‘posted’. RK initials. Submit a screenshot of your G/L Cash account. Your screenshot should not include the $25 bank service fee. (10 points)



  1. Compare each entry in the Cash Receipts Prelist (Doc#9) to the CR Journal and check. Submit a copy of your Cash Receipts Prelist ( Doc#9, 10 points).


  1. Use the template below (also in your workbook) to prepare bank reconciliation statement (Follow the steps below). Fill in the yellow parts in below “Bank Reconciliation”. (Use the workbook and fill in here). Submit the filled Bank Reconciliation Table. (20 points)


Step1: Put in the balance from the bank statement (Doc #24) and the balance from the cash account on G/L (Already done)

Step2: Add deposits in transit. To do this, need to check the Doc#25. Compare the “Deposits” with the items listed on Cash Receipts Prelist (CRP, Doc #9). Notice that the checks of 12/16 ($1622.88 )and 12/19 ($90,000) have been deposited to the bank account, but the two checks received and listed on 12/27 in the CRP have not been shown in Doc #25. So these two checks are deposits in transit that you need to put the amount of each check under “Add Deposits in transit” section under “Bank Statement”



Management course

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally. (1.2)

  • Identify ethical issues and dilemmas that businesses often face and employ ethical standards in all manners and circumstances. (1.4 & 3.3)

  • Apply and analyze various concepts of problem solving in diverse contexts and business situations. (1.5 & 2.2)

  • Identify and analyze different perspectives on understanding problems for different situations. (3.1)


COSIC Packet tracer needed


The introduction provides an overview of the proposal and introduces the reader to the problem that the project intends to solve.  The introduction should also give a motivation for the project and why the project is a worthwhile endeavor.  The motivation should also state how the project will impact student learning during the semester.  The introduction should also include any background information that is needed to understand the problem.  Finally, this section should give an overview of the rest of the project proposal.

Vision Statement and Goals and Objectives:

The vision statement describes the project at a high level and gives a description of the grand scheme of the project.  List the goals of the project.  The goals are also high level statements of what the team plans to achieve.  List specific objectives for each goal.  Objectives are lower level statements that describe the specific deliverables that the project will produce.  Remember that you are working at a high level right now and you will drill down on each objective as the semester progresses.


Give an overview of the method that you will use to reach your goals and objectives.  At this point, the approach can be written at a high level and doesn’t need to be precise.  Give the reader an idea of how you plan to solve the problem and reach the goals and objectives of the project. List critical tasks that will need to be completed.


Describe the resources that will be needed to complete the project.  Resources include people, equipment, software, and time.  At this point, you should at least describe human resources in terms of the team makeup and skills that will be needed and equipment or software that will be needed


Give an overview of the timeline for the project.  This timeline can be at a high level and can relate to the tasks that are listed in the approach section.


List ways in which the team plans to communicate.  How often do you plan to meet?  What methods of communication will be used for meetings and project updates.  Some technologies that might be useful are Slack, Trello, WebEx, Zoom, and Google Docs.


What risks might hinder project success?  List each risk and try to describe how it will be mitigated.


Today, networks are created and defined through software rather then physical interfaces. As a means of efficiency, leveraging virtualization and subnetting became the new norm to create networks of all sizes for all purposes. This project is to present one such scenario to showcase the students’ hands-on technical expertise in system architecture and administration. Using Cisco packet tracer, we will be able to emulate real networks, technologies, and scenarios to present a project of a virtual, yet logical topology for a network.



CSS 220 Module 6 Homework

CSS 220 Module 6 Homework

Step by Step Sorting

Show the steps taken by each sort on the following unordered list of integers (duplicate items are denoted with letters):

4, 1, 6, 8, 9, 2, 3

  1. Insertion Sort

  1. Selection Sort

  1. Bubble Sort

Short Answer

  1. We have a system running insertion sort and we find that it’s completing faster than expected. What could we conclude about the input to the sorting algorithm?

  1. Give a 5-element array such that it elicits the worst-case runtime for bubble sort.

Python Programming

Submit a Python file for each of the following. Do not use prebuilt Python functions/methods. These should be solved using loops and comparisons.

  1. Find the smallest and largest numbers in the following unsorted list: [4, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5]

  1. Find the smallest missing element from the following sorted list: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]

  1. Count the number of occurrences of the number 7 in the following sorted list: [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9]



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