Category Archives: Research Papers

MGMT 3201 Management Question

MGMT 3201 Management Question

  1. The annual financial statements for IBM and 3M are attached for the last five years. (Note: you will need to format some of the sheets yourself.  Also, do not be concerned that the companies have a different year end date.)  Prepare a ratio analysis, and based on your ratio analysis, provide an explanation of which company you believe performed better over the time period covered by the financial statements.  Note that the sheets are actual data downloaded from Bloomberg.  Some of the minor accounting terms you may not be familiar with.  Do the best that you can with the data.  All of the important terms you should be familiar with.

  2. Look up the stock price for both IBM and 3M. (This as well is readily available on a wide variety of internet sites.)  Look at the closing stock price from January 19, 2019; January 19, 2020; and January 19, 2021.  Briefly comment on how well the stocks have performed over the period prior to COVID, and since COVID.

  3. Look up a story from the newspaper in the coming week that comments on the stock market in Canada. Provide your own comment and analysis on the story that the newspaper article refers to.  The article could be commenting on the stock market performance of a specific stock, or it could be talking about how investors are reacting to the market as a whole.  Basically, any news story about the financial markets that interests you will be sufficient.

MGMT 3201 Management Question


Write a two page roughly 600 word reaction paper to the reading Cabeza de Vaca, The Account: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s Relación. Arte Publico 9781558850606

Write a two page roughly 600 word reaction paper to the reading Cabeza de Vaca, The Account: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s Relación. Arte Publico 9781558850606


COUN 6965 Program Evaluation Plan Part 1: The Clinical Program

COUN 6965 Program Evaluation Plan Part 1: The Clinical Program

In your role as a consultant who has been hired to evaluate a clinical mental health counseling program, you will describe the hypothetical program you will be planning to evaluate (recidivism of substance abuse offenders). Because this course project is a simulation, you will not actually evaluate a program; instead, you will create a fictitious but plausible program with hypothetical stakeholders, clients, interventions, and measures. It may be similar to one in your community, or it may be one that you would like to design someday.

For this assignment in Unit 4, use the template linked in Resources (attached) to write an introduction and a description of the program to be evaluated, including the vision and mission, clinical interventions, stakeholders, and short- and long-term outcomes the program. You will need to:

  • Establish your research base for the program evaluation by reviewing published evaluations and relevant research. Critique how the research and the program evaluations inform the practices of similar programs. This is the basis of your literature review.

  • Select, justify, and apply a model of evaluation you will use in your program evaluation.

  • Describe your plan for needs assessment, including culturally sensitive strategies for conducting the assessment.

  • Identify ethical standards that apply to program evaluations, and discuss how you will ensure they are met.


Eating disorders and treatment options

  1. Choose one Eating Disorder from the combined resources this week in the course materials for guidance (i.e., DSM-5 Fact-Sheet).

  2. What precursors, signs, and symptoms would a family doctor, friend, or family member notice if an individual has developed this eating disorder?

  3. Considering the Biopsychosocial model, what treatments and/or alternative modalities might be effective in treating this eating disorder?


Writing a synthesis paper


Write your thesis statement and introduction (one paragraph), followed by your abstract page (it has its own page!), and then the next page will start with the introductory paragraph. Prepare the Annotated Bibliography section in your paper. For full points on the final paper, have 6 scholarly articles and 3 websites, a total of 9 sources. As per your Shell, your Annotated Bibliography section will be added after the Reference Immediately following each reference, you will need a paragraph describing the contents of the source – this is the annotated portion, it is a short 3 sentence summary of the source. Prepare the Literature Review section of your paper. Begin with an introductory paragraph that describes your search parameters and what databases were used. Be sure to avoid first person (I, we, me, us, etc.). Include at least one paragraph for each of your sources chosen in your Annotated Bibliography. This is not a repeat of the annotations in the annotated bibliography, but should be written as an essay that flows easily from one point to the next. Remember, your literature review should be at least seven paragraphs (eight for full credit on the final paper), but not more than twelve paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least three sentences in length, but only contain one or two main points and support. Review your APA resources for how to properly cite references in your text. This is where you will apply in-text citation rules, as each paragraph will indicate the reference from which the information is taken.Prepare the Discussion section of your paper. The discussion section should contain two to five paragraphs and should be a discussion of how the literature review impacts your topic. Go back to your thesis statement and be sure to clearly apply your literature review to your thesis statement. This is where you might choose to add practice examples. Prepare a one to two paragraph conclusion to your paper. Prepare the abstract section (150-250 words in a block paragraph). The abstract is the 2nd page of the paper and it has its own page.


Building Web Apps

Topic 1

Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

  • Five network penetration testing techniques

  • Advantages and disadvantages of each

  • One notable social engineering test

  • Possible negative implications of penetration testing

Please write between 200 and 300 words

Topic 2

Read this Time article and view the video explaining how Russian trolls spread fake news. Discuss in 500 words whether the government should regulate Facebook more closely.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Topic 3

Include a short paragraph describing project and how you intend to research it and include Abstract for any of the topics attached in the word file.


EGN3443: Statistics in Your Field

EGN3443: Statistics in Your Field

Probability & Statistics My Field: Civil Engineering 

Applications of Statistical Methods in Civil Engineering (Links to an external site.) by Prof. Don Coduto, Civil Engineering Department, Cal Poly Pomona. On this page Professor Coduto provides a way in many specialties of civil engineering that statistical methods can be applied.  These specialties include: Traffic/Transportation Engineering (multiple examples), Surveying and Mapping, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering/Seismology, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Coastal and Port Engineering

Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering Proceedings –  the proceedings book is from this conference is available electronically for 2003-20014. To search for this use the Google Scholar search option on the USF website.  When you open it there is a link for USF embedded. The 2011 edition includes chapters on: risk assessment, bridge traffic loading, decision analysis, life-cyle cost analysis, maintenance and safety of aging infrastructure, natural hazards, timber structures, seismic hazard analysis, modeling tropical storm risks, geotechnical irsk and reliability, marine energy, risk and reliability for interdependent infrastructure systems, The Use of Statistics in Civil Engineering and Real Life (Links to an external site.) by Habib ur Rehman, Civil Engineer at Faisal Colony Larkana.  In this slide show, starting on slide 18 are a number of detailed examples of the use of statistics in Civil Engineering.

EGN3443: Statistics in Your Field

Credible Sources: Determining A Reputable Source 

There is a commonly referenced guide for determining reputable sources that will remain important for you as a professional, as you never want to be embarrassed by sharing inaccurate or false information. That guide is the CRAAP Test.

  • Currency: Is the information/article you are looking at recent enough to be relevant.  This is not a specific date but should be examined based on the specific topic (e.g. There is much discussion going on around the Spanish Flu now, some of which may be relevant — will our economy ever recover? — some may not — How were patients with the Spanish Flu treated?)

  • Relevance: Is the information/article about what you are looking for input on? Specific and focused.

  • Authority: Does the source of the information/article have expertise on the topic being discussed? (e.g. Does the person presenting information have expertise to talk about a particular aspect of the pandemic?)

  • Accuracy: Is the information based on solid, accurately interpreted, data that is a reasonable sample for what is being evaluated?

  • Purpose: Why does the information exist?  If the information exists to sell or as propaganda, it may still be good but you have to ask more questions



Dissertation Problem/Purpose Statement worksheet

Breast cancer and the harsh treatment for the disease affects not only patients but also their caretakers. Caregivers face physical and mental challenges while continuing to assume significant caretaking responsibilities. Caregiving often becomes a full-time responsibility, which can last for many years. In the instance of a wife with breast cancer, husbands are often the primary caregiver. A majority of caregivers report that caregiving is a burden physically, psychologically, economically, socially, and personally (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015). The problem is that male caregivers have a demanding and exhausting caretaking schedule resulting in failure to practice their own good self-care (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015). According to Family Caregiver Alliance (2018), many caregivers are aware that taking care of their own health means providing better care for the patient, but caregivers often feel guilty when choosing themselves first. As a result of failing to take care of themselves, caregivers often become psychologically and physically ill, reducing their ability to care for their ailing spouse (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015). Gaining male caregivers’ perspectives on barriers preventing good self-care could lead to the development of interventions and resources for male caregivers to begin practicing good self-care.



Listening journal

Listen to and write about these three YouTube selections below

Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone – Farmer

Palestrina: Gloria from Pope Marcellus Mass

Susato: Three Dances

Listening journal entries should consist of two short paragraphs for each piece of music using Aaron Copland’s listening levels which are outlined in his book “What to Listen for in Music” as your guide—see attached pdf.  The first paragraph should consist of your personal reactions on the Emotional plane and the second paragraph should consist of observations on the Musical plane.

You should plan to listen to each piece at least three times.

  1. The first time just listen. This might be more challenging than you think since many of us use music as a background to other activities. (Copland’s Sensuous plane)

  2. The second time, think about and record your personal reactions on the emotional plane as Copland describes it. What is the music making you think and feel? You might want to jot down notes while you are listening.

  3. The third time, listen for and record your musical level observations. What do you hear the actual notes doing? Try to keep these comments objective, just the facts, no feelings. What instruments do you hear? Can you describe the tempo? Dynamics? Texture?


WE3: Professional Writing in Your Area

WE3: Professional Writing in Your Area

For this assignment, you will:

  1. Locate five (5) online sources that define professional writing relative to your area.

  2. Summarize those sources in one (1), well-written paragraph directed to me.

In the process, you will begin to understand how the general concepts of professional writing (PW) that we have reviewed (e.g. conciseness, clarity, audience, purpose) relate to your career field’s specific needs and types of PW.

In addition, completing this assignment enables you to demonstrate your proficiency with our learning outcomes, which include the abilities to:

  1. Research relevant sources.

  2. Summarize sources effectively.

  3. Design effective documents.

  4. Document sources using APA.

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