Category Archives: Research Papers

Write a paper on ONE work of Euro-Western art (European or North American) completed between 1600 and 1980 of your choosing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection

You will write a paper on ONE work of Euro-Western art (European or North American) completed between 1600 and 1980 of your choosing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection, accessible through the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, (Links to an external site.). Your chosen work should NOT be one that is illustrated in the textbook or discussed in class, but it should be associated with one of the art movements covered in class. The Heilbrunn Timeline allows you to narrow your search according to time period and geographic region. If you would like to write your paper on a work of art that is not in the Met’s collection, you are welcome to, but please get your GE’s approval before you begin to make sure the work falls within the parameters of the class.

Your essay will consist of two primary components, (1) a visual analysis and (2) a research dimension.

In the first half of your essay (2-3 pages), you should describe and analyze the formal and technical aspects of your chosen work. You should spend at least one hour looking at your work and writing about what you see.


Develop and/or collect training materials to develop future trainers.

As a trainer, there are defined competencies and skills needed in order to be successful on the job. While there can be well over 200 skills for a given occupation, the DACUM chart (Attached Document) provided for this course gives a brief sampling of the skills needed to be a successful trainer. Each student will be required to assimilate learning resources for an assigned (Create Expert Worker List)

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate the skills needed to be a trainer, as well as to develop and/or collect training materials to develop future trainers. For your assigned Skill (Create Expert Worker List) you should create 1 learning activity with a minimum of 3 learning resources to support your specific skill. A learning activity should enable a learner to apply and develop a specific skill. Learning resources may come from the following:

Audio-visual material

  • • YouTube, Vimeo, etc. video

  • • Narrative learning resource

  • • PowerPoint

  • • Video you create

  • • Podcast you create (enhanced PowerPoint)

Printed/Reading material

  • • Journal articles

  • • Pamphlets and brochures

  • • Reference materials

  • • Service manual

  • • Supporting materials

  • • Textbook

  • • Training manual

Learning resources should isolate information required to explain explicitly how to perform your assigned trainer skill. For example, Your resource should be an extraction of materials from a larger context. Most desirable are audiovisual materials (this may require you to create something if A/V materials don’t already exist). For Printed/Reading material you may need to do more than simply just photocopy the resource. Depending how much information is provided in the resource, you may need to recreate and retype parts of the resource to meet your needs. Keep in mind that some of the skills assigned here may not have a large number of resources outside of your textbook. Therefore, you will have to be creative on what you design. Finally, you are required to reference each of your selected resources utilizing APA referencing format (see:… )





In this assignment, you will design a differential amplifier satisfying the required differential gain, input impedance, and single-ended common-mode gain; when fed by a small-signal. Then you will simulate your circuit on LTSpice to compare the simulation results with hand calculations.



Develop a Health and Safety Plan for Environmental Remediation of Dioxin contaminated soil

Develop a Health and Safety Plan for Environmental Remediation of Dioxin contaminated soil

You can use the plan included in the Course Documents as a template. The Contract Number will be ER-D-001-2017. Include your name as a Health and Safety Manager.

We’ll use Times Beach, MO as an example. Use Times Beach, Meramec Township, MO 63025 as the address of the site. Find the nearest hospital and include a map with emergency routes to the selected hospital.

The tasks are: Excavation of Dioxin contaminated soil and Decontamination of the heavy excavation equipment.

Consider what kind of PPE we’ll need. Mead, NE remediation project only required Level D PPE. Is it sufficient for Dioxin contaminated soil? Also, consider decontamination procedures for the heavy excavation equipment. Use the following publication for decontamination procedures ideas:

The following video will give you an idea about proper PPE and practices.


Transcribe the following using a close Identify primary stress in each word as well as nasalization, flapping, aspiration. For b do BOTH a phonemic and a phonetic transcription.

  1. Transcribe the following using a close Identify primary stress in each word as well as nasalization, flapping, aspiration. For b do BOTH a phonemic and a phonetic transcription.

    1. morphemic

    2. paucity

    3. variational

  1. Draw trees of these sentences and explain how the NP’s receive case.


  1. Many students believe that this class is daunting.

  2. The students in the back of the class finished the exam with ease.

  1. Please complete phonology problem 24, page 267, in the 11th edition of the Fromkin and Rodman text. The problem is on Japanese vowel devoicing. You can write the rule in everyday English—you do not need to use formal notation.



ChE 455 Styrene Production

ChE 455 Styrene Production

Styrene is the monomer used to make polystyrene, which has a multitude of uses, the most common of which are in packaging and insulated, styrofoam beverage cups. Styrene is produced by the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. Ethylbenzene is formed by reacting ethylene and benzene, and one of the ways benzene is made is by the hydrodealkylation or transalkylation of toluene, which is obtained as a byproduct of gasoline manufacture. There is very little ethylbenzene sold commercially. Most ethylbenzene manufacturers convert it directly into styrene in the same plant.
The plant at which you are employed currently manufactures ethylbenzene and styrene. This plant was recently acquired by your company in a takeover, and a team of engineers has been assigned to solve the problems observed in the process over the last few years. The unit to which you are assigned, Unit 400, converts the ethylbenzene into styrene, producing around 100,000 metric tons per year of 99.8 wt % styrene.
Process Description
The process flow diagram is shown in Figure 1. The reactions, the kinetics, and the
equilibrium equations are detailed in Appendix 1. Ethylbenzene feed is mixed with recycled ethylbenzene, heated, and then mixed with high-temperature, superheated steam. Steam is an inert in the reaction, which drives the equilibrium (shown in Equation 1 in the Appendix 1) to the right by reducing the concentrations of all components. Since styrene formation is highly endothermic, the superheated steam also provides energy to drive the reaction to the right. The reactants then enter two adiabatic packed beds with interheating. The products are cooled, producing steam from the high-temperature reactor effluent. The cooled product stream is sent
to a three-phase separator, in which light gases (hydrogen, methane, ethylene), organic liquid, and water each exit in separate streams. The hydrogen stream is further purified as a source of hydrogen elsewhere in the plant. The small amount of benzene and toluene is distilled and either incinerated for its fuel value or returned to the ethylbenzene process (since the benzene raw material always has some toluene impurity). The ethylbenzene and styrene stream is distilled to separate unreacted ethylbenzene for recycle from the styrene product.

The styrene product can spontaneously polymerize at higher temperatures. Since our product styrene is sent directly to the polymerization unit, experience suggests that as long its temperature is maintained below 125°C, there is no spontaneous polymerization problem. Since this is below styrene’s normal boiling point, and since low pressure pushes the equilibrium to the right, much of this process is run at low pressures, with much of the separation section at vacuum.
Tables 1 and 2 show the design conditions for Unit 400. Table 3 contains an equipment list.
Other pertinent information and calculations are contained in Appendix 2.



Critical Review Essay

Choose one good objection and fully develop it. Don’t introduce two, three, or more objections—you’ll only be graded on your strongest one. And if you pick more than one objection, your writing will probably be unfocused and underdeveloped.

Either use one of the following three passages, or check with me if there is a different passage you’d rather analyze. (a) Aristotle, Physics, §2.8; (b) Bacon, New Organon, Aphorism XLVIII; (c) Descartes, Principles, pt. II, §§3–4.


Analytic Hierarchy Process ranking.

Analytic Hierarchy Process ranking.

Please have a look at this presentation regarding ways to prioritize work in a way that allows you to work on the things that matter most – first. Attached please find an Excel file that you can use to perform Analytic Hierarchy Process ranking as shown in the video. Please send me some critical feedback as an in-line position paper. Here is the link for video: 


RGA6207 Electronic Common TechnicalDocument (eCTD)


RGA6207 Electronic Common TechnicalDocument (eCTD)

In completing Writing Assignment #2 for RGA6207students will have the opportunity to build upon theresearch conducted, as well as the foundationalknowledge developed in Writing Assignment #1. Thus,to complete Writing Assignment #2 please utilize theFDA approved pharmaceutical or biologic productselected in Writing Assignment #1. For WritingAssignment #2 please conduct an analysis of the typesof background information and data that would be required in Modules 2 & 3 of a Common TechnicalDocument (CTD) compliant submission to FDA. Wehave studied the content requirements for CTDModules 2 & 3 during Weeks 4 & 5 of the course.

RGA6207 Electronic Common TechnicalDocument (eCTD)

In addition to providing a summary of the contentrequired in Modules 2 & 3 for your specifically chosenFDA approved product, your completed Writing Assignment #2 should also include the following:

• An explanation for whether the IntegratedSummaries of Safety (ISS) and Effectiveness(ISE) for your product would be included in CTDModule 2 or Module 5

• A description of the non-clinical and clinicalinformation that was likely incorporated by theproduct manufacturer in CTD Module 2

• Identification and synopsis of any Chemistry,Manufacturing and Controls (CMC)challenges/issues that were likely incorporatedby the product manufacturer in CTD Module 3

• Identification and synopsis of any quality associated challenges/issues that were likelyincorporated by the product manufacturer in CTDModule 3


Introduction to Psychoactive Substances (PSYC2007 PSB210)

Introduction to Psychoactive Substances (PSYC2007 PSB210) 

Harm reduction: good in theory but impossible in practice. Discuss.

Drawing from the peer-reviewed literature, form an argument related to the above topic and support your proposition with scientific evidence. You should choose a position and build a comprehensive justification.
Place a title at the beginning of your essay. Organise your essay by using subheadings to indicate the main theme that you are addressing in each section. Typically, an essay of this length will have three to four subheadings.
Please read widely for your essay, well beyond the required readings, and reference appropriately using
APA format. Make sure you refer to recent literature.
Write in third person, using formal, professional English.

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