Category Archives: Research Papers

Nutrition, Feeding, and Eating

Choose one of the main topics from the left column and then identify one study under that topic.

Read the study chosen and answer one of the topic questions listed below. Create a 2-3 page summary which supports the topic question. Provide a current research article (less than 5 years). The 2-3 page limit does not include title and reference pages. APA format.

The Summary must include the following headings (see rubric for criteria under each heading):

  1. Introduction and Key Points (10 Points)

    • Choose one of the assigned topics and identifies one of the questions

    • Defines the topic and question

    • States why it is a problem

    • Information presented in logical sequence

  2. Article Search (25 Points)

    • Current (less than 5 years) and credible resource

    • Database search – terms and methods used

    • Number of articles located

    • Source outside of ATI module used

  3. Article Findings (25 Points)

    • How it addresses the topic

    • Type of research conducted

    • Findings of research

    • Why this article was chosen

  4. Evidence for Practice (25 Points)

    • Summary of evidence

    • How it will improve practice

    • How this evidence will decrease a gap to practice

    • Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence

  5. Sharing of Evidence (25 Points)

    • Who would you share the information with?

    • How would you share this information?

    • What resources would you need to accomplish this sharing of evidence?


Business Law/Legal Environment

 PART 1: Write each answer in the same order, labeled the same as here: 1.a., 1.b, etc.:
1.a. Pick a SUBJECT you are interested in, that involves business in some way. Tell me what it is. Examples: a favorite sport, makeup (cosmetics), smartphones, online gaming. Tell me what it is.
1.b. Pick a BUSINESS FIRM (company) involved with that. Tell me what it is. Examples: Dallas Cowboys football team, L’Oreal cosmetics, Apple, Walmart. Name your choice to me.
1.c. About this company, find at least 2 ARTICLES (online or printed) FROM THE LAST 2 MONTHS that show some important news about it. Name these articles to me by title and source (including any web links). Then, in your own words (as much as you can), answer these (labeled like this, in this order):

1.d. What kind of ORGANIZATION is your firm? For example, is it a corporation or LLC? Are its operations international, or mainly in one country? You probably have to go outside your recent articles to get this info. Here is an example of 1.e. Who are major players in this business? (“Players” meaning, the powerful and influential persons, and other firms (companies) in that same business, competitors, big investors, etc.?) In other words, what persons or groups have a big impact on how things go? Name them for me, and describe what part they play in this business.
1.f. VERY IMPORTANT: What are some main LAWS/REGULATIONS it works under? Who are the REGULATORS (agencies or other government bodies) it works with on these matters? Is this changing — are this company facing new regulations, or maybe less regulation under the current US government? Example google research for a question on regulators/ regulations:

1.g. What (in your own words) do the articles you can find tell us about changes happening, or coming, in the big picture for this firm/business? What are big challenges faced in doing this business, for example, are they growing and hiring more people now? What is the impact of COVID-19? Must they spend more soon on tech? Are there new technologies affecting their business, such as new ways to shop and choose their products? Is this organization moving well with the times?



Principles of Investment; Diversification

    1. Principles of Investment; Diversification

    1. Assume that an individual can either invest all of his resources in one of the two securities, A or B; or, alternatively, he can diversify his investment between the two. The distributions of the returns are as follows:


    Security A

    Security B













    Assume that the correlation between the returns from the two securities is zero, and answer the following questions:

    • Calculate each security’s expected return, variance and standard deviation.

    • Calculate the probability distribution of the returns on a mixed portfolio comprised of equal proportions of securities A and B, i.e. calculate all possible returns on this portfolio and the probability of each one.[1]

    • Also calculate the portfolio’s expected return, variance and standard deviation.

    • Calculate the expected return and the variance of a mixed portfolio comprised of 75% of security A and 25% of security B.

    1. The securities of companies Z and Y have the following expected returns and standard deviations:


    Company Z



    Company Y



    Assume that the correlation between the returns of the two securities is 0.25.

       (a)        Calculate the expected return and standard deviation for the following portfolios:

    (1) 100%Z

    (2) 75%Z + 25%Y

    (3) 50%Z + 50%Y

    (4) 25%X + 75%Y

    (5) 100%Y

    (b)     Graph your results (standard deviation on the X axis, Expected return on the Y axis).

    (c)     Which of the portfolios in part (a) is not optimal? Explain.


    Principles of Investment; Diversification

    1. Consider two assets A and B for which return distributions can be summarized as follows:



    Asset A



    Asset B



    Correlation Coefficient


    What is the risk of the minimum risk portfolio composed of these two Stocks? (Hint: Use the calculus to minimize sp2). Is the risk of the minimum risk portfolio below that of every constituent asset? What is the expected ROR on the minimum risk portfolio?


    1. Consider two other assets A’ and B’, which are identical (in statistical summary), respectively, to A and B above except that rAB = 1.

    2. Draw the graph of the efficient frontier in this case

    3. Write down the answers to the same questions as in problem 3.


    1. Assume N securities. The expected returns on all the securities are equal to 0.01 and the variances of their returns are all equal to 0.01. The covariances of the returns between two securities are all equal to 0.005.



MGT103 Product Marketing and Management,Product Launch Presentation

MGT103 Product Marketing and Management,Product Launch Presentation

• PowerPoint (or other slide software)

• 15 slides or less

• Topics (from lectures #1 – #5)

– Market Analysis (Secondary Market Research)

– Primary Market Research

– Customer Segmentation


– Positioning Statement


What are some of the indicators of declining connectedness among Americans?

1) How is social capital defined?

2) What other forms of capital are mentioned?

3) What are some of the indicators of declining connectedness among Americans?

Scenario: You’ve been hired by the Wakandan School for Expats in Qatar to investigate low participation in the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Summarize both articles 1 and 2 (independently) assuming a problem of low-civic participation. Your academic summary should focus on the ‘problems’ specific to the article, assuming your audience is primarily interested in the issue of decreasing civic engagement.


Elements of Retail Logistics and distribution course: Netflix case study


  1. What were some of the key structural and infrastructural elements that defined Netflix’s supply chain strategy before 2011? Today?

  2. How have the customers’ order winners for Netflix’s customers changed over time? Would today’s customer be satisfied by the delivery performance or selection of Netflix’s “old” supply chain?

  3. As of early 2017, Netflix still supported customers who want to rent DVDs, although the number of subscribers has fallen to around 4.1 million (vs. 94 million online subscribers)19. Should Netflix abandon its physical distribution system altogether? Why or why not?

19M. Whener, “Here’s How Many People Still Rent Netflix DVDs by Mail, and Why Netflix Loves It,” January 20, 2017,



Understand the meaning of the term “marketing.” Explain the importance of marketing. Introduce and provide an overview of the marketing management framework.

1. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

a .Chapter 1 – Why Is Marketing Management Important?

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the meaning of the term “marketing.”

  2. Explain the importance of marketing.

  3. Introduce and provide an overview of the marketing management framework.

b. Chapter 2 – Customer Behavior

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify and describe the three phases of the purchase process.

  2. Distinguish among the types of purchases for consumers and for businesses.

  3. Understand the role of sensation and perception; learning, memory, and emotions; motivation; and attitudes and decision making in the purchase process.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

c. what did you expect marketing to be? Ask a family member, classmate, or coworker what they think marketing is. See whether you can persuade them that marketing enhances a mutually beneficial exchange between a customer and a company.

d. New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry. Pick an industry and identify a typical customer problem. What changes could you make to enter that industry and enhance customer satisfaction (and be profitable)?




Teams will submit multiple CAD drawings to depict the different areas of their park. One printout will show the overall layout with other printouts showing the designs of the individual components.
The layout must include at least 1 parking area, 1 sports field, paths, and at least 1 other recreational feature (i.e. playground, pond, picnic area). Dimensions of sports fields can be found online.
CAD drawings must be printed in monochrome with Color 8 printing gray. The drawing must be hatched to show the different land coverings (i.e. grass, asphalt, concrete).
Dimensions and text must be included on the drawing.
2. Timesheet – Excel
Teams must keep track of the weekly tasks performed for the project and log how much time was spent by each student. As this is a group project, all students should be contributing equally.
3. Submission Letter
Each group will prepare a submission letter describing the overall intent of the design. This letter should not exceed one page. The letter should also contain the name of all of the students who worked on the project at the bottom.



Implement a REST server which will manage a Claim entity in its SQLite3 database.

Please note that id and isSolved of the input Claim object will be initialized by the server before inserting the Claim object into its database. You need to use Swift UUID class to generate a random UUID object and assign it to the id of the Claim object. On the other hand, the isSolved property should be initialized as false.
Since SQLite3 database does not support UUID type, you will use a Text column to store the string representation of UUID. Because of this, you need to do a type conversion between UUID and Text to insert/retrieve a Claim record into/from the database (pls refer to Apple UUID Documentation). For boolean property, you can store it as an SQLite3 integer.



CS 350 Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric Overview Competent software developers possess not only the knowledge and skills to code proficiently but also a good understanding of computer architecture. Why is this important? As new technologies emerge, companies have opportunities to develop products and services that capitalize on these emerging technologies. Given the current tools, architectures, and tech, think about the opportunities you see in what is emerging. How can you create solutions for an existing problem or new innovation? An engineering mindset is an important dispositional trait you can cultivate to leverage these opportunities. You may write not only desktop applications but also software to control hardware and software components. You may also write software that provides display output from a device. The final project in this course is meant to help you develop your engineering mindset. The submission for this final project is in two parts: Final Project I is the creation of scripts that run an embedded system device. For this part, read the scenario in the prompt section of this document, which details your role at a company called SysTec. In Final Project II, you will be immersed in a different scenario to develop a response to a request for information document from Arboretum Research Centers. Using the updated specifications you will be provided with in that scenario, you will recommend suitable embedded systems and software architectures necessary to meet those specifications. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  CS-350-01: Write software to interface with embedded systems to control hardware and software components  CS-350-02: Display data from an embedded device by modifying interfacing software in an emerging systems architecture Prompt Final Project I will build on the milestone assignments you completed in Modules Two through Five. This work creates a foundation that you will then modify for the client needs detailed below, which you will address in Modules Six and Seven of the course. You will extend the capability of the weather station prototype and build the custom software components that control the sensors and the sending, receiving, and storage of data.

CS 350 Final Project I

Competent software developers possess not only the knowledge and skills to code proficiently but also a good understanding of computer architecture. Why is this important? As new technologies emerge, companies have opportunities to develop products and services that capitalize on these emerging technologies.
Given the current tools, architectures, and tech, think about the opportunities you see in what is emerging. How can you create solutions for an existing problem or new innovation? An engineering mindset is an important dispositional trait you can cultivate to leverage these opportunities. You may write not only desktop applications but also software to control hardware and software components. You may also write software that provides display output from a device.
The final project in this course is meant to help you develop your engineering mindset. The submission for this final project is in two parts: Final Project I is the creation of scripts that run an embedded system device. For this part, read the scenario in the prompt section of this document, which details your role at a company called SysTec. In Final Project II, you will be immersed in a different scenario to develop a response to a request for information document from Arboretum Research Centers. Using the updated specifications you will be provided with in that scenario, you will recommend suitable embedded systems and software architectures necessary to meet those specifications.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 CS-350-01: Write software to interface with embedded systems to control hardware and software components
 CS-350-02: Display data from an embedded device by modifying interfacing software in an emerging systems architecture
Final Project I will build on the milestone assignments you completed in Modules Two through Five. This work creates a foundation that you will then modify for the client needs detailed below, which you will address in Modules Six and Seven of the course. You will extend the capability of the weather station prototype and build the custom software components that control the sensors and the sending, receiving, and storage of data.

You are currently working for an embedded systems development and engineering company called SysTec; you are working in the role of systems engineer, and you are responsible for product development, embedded systems, and prototype coordination. SysTec develops a flagship product that can be used to monitor changing weather conditions in remote environments. This product, called WetSpec, is the perfect delivery system for an embedded solution that allows clients to extend the capability of the prototype as much as needed to fit the scope and goals of their current projects, which are mainly related to research and development. Since academic partners are one of the largest clients that SysTec works with, you will be interfacing with a remote team of engineers who will supply changes in scope and development needs to you throughout the course. Your first milestone assignment involves becoming familiar with WetSpec and setting up your own working prototype so you can communicate effectively about various components and extending capabilities with in-house engineering teams as various needs change.
Your final project involves creating a weather reporting system that gathers and stores information for future usage. The client has given the following

Light Sensor: Their proposed platform monitors temperature and humidity, but only during daytime hours and during daytime conditions; sensor readings must not be recorded outside of these times or conditions, or we might risk skewing the data the platform collects.
Frequency of Data: During operating hours, readings must be taken once every 30 minutes, and the readings must be incrementally stored in a JSON file. To clarify, each reading must be added to a single JSON file so that a flat file of readings is stored over time.



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