Category Archives: Research Papers

Compute the discounted cash flow and determine the NPV

For this exercise, you need to calculate the NPV for a project described below. Make sure you study the “Numeric Models: Profit/Profitability” section in Chapter 2 of the textbook before trying to solve the problem. You are the manager of a construction company with a five-year project that has a projected net cash flow of $25,000, $35,000, $45,000, $20,000 and $15,000. Implementation costs are $50,000. The company has a required rate of return of 20%. Compute the discounted cash flow and determine the NPV. Include your calculations in an appendix after the references page. Include information on what projected net cash flow, discounted cash flow and NPV are, why they are useful in project selection, and, given the numbers, if this example project meets the company requirements, and why or why not.

  • Prepare a 3- to 4-page paper (not including the required title and reference pages and the appendix) detailing and compiling the specifics to items above.

  • Support your paper with a minimum of two current (published in the most recent five years) scholarly sources from the CSU Global Library, in addition to any course textbooks or lecture material you decide to use.

  • Format your entire paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

  • Be clear, concise, and focused. Be sure to organize your writing properly and include an introduction; headings/subheadings for the body of your work; analysis and recommendations (if applicable); a conclusion; list of references; and an appendix.


Implement a Java program

Implement a Java program that creates math flashcards for elementary grade students.  User will enter his/her name, the type (+, -, *, /), the range of the factors to be used in the problems, and the number of problems to work.  The system will provide problems, evaluate user responses to the problems, score the problems, and provide statistics about the session at the end.

Technical Requirements

The system should include the following Java components:

  • Exception handling for entering the user-name. The system will handle the entry of any character or String, including multiple tokens (a token is a single character or multiple characters or a String; multiple tokens are separated by a space), on the console line.

    • There is no additional editing or exception handling since both user-names and the input type String can be of any values.

      • Hint: Use Scanner method .nextLine() rather than Scanner method .next().

  • Exception handling for entering the operation. The system will handle the entry of any character or String or multiple tokens.  Unlike the entry of the user-name, the system will process only the first character of the entry.

    • Entries that are not one of “A”, “S”, “M”, or “D” will not allow the system execution to continue, but also will not cause an uncontrolled termination.

    • System will advise user that the entry was not valid and prompt for a new entry.

    • Only a valid entry will allow the system execution to continue.

      • Hint: The code for this solution was developed in class during Week 8. You may use that code.  You will need to implement it into your system.

  • Exception handling for the number of problems. The system will handle the entry of any character or string or multiple tokens.  The system will process only the first token.  Non-integer entries and entries less-than-or-equal-to zero will not allow the system execution to continue, but also will not cause an uncontrolled termination.

    • Entries should be checked for non-integer values and for integer values that are less than 1.

    • System will advise user that the entry was not valid and prompt for a new entry.

    • Only a valid integer entry will allow the system execution to continue.

      • Hint: The code for this solution was developed in class on Oct x or y. You may use that code.  You will need to implement it into your system.



issc363 assignment

issc363 assignment

Choose your own Industry Vertical to work from. These Choices are also listed in the Student Lab Manual:

a. Healthcare provider under HIPPA compliance law
b. Regional bank under GLBA compliance law
c. Nationwide retailer under PCI DSS standard requirements
d. Higher-education institution under FERPA compliance law

Then continue with Steps 6-11 in the Lab and complete the Deliverables as assigned below.

issc363 assignment

Upon completion of Lab #7 – Perform a Business Impact Analysis for a Mock IT Infrastructure, students
are required to provide the following deliverables as part of this lab:

Do Complete
1. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part A – BIA of business functions and operations
2. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part B – Business Impact Analysis Executive Summary


Reflection Paper

Write a short 3 page paper reflecting on your thoughts upon watching the film “Alive! Inside” which is found online through the UTA library. What emotions and feelings did this documentary evoke in you? How might it feel to be one of the nursing home residents? How might it feel to be a close family member of a nursing home resident with Alzheimer’s-type dementia? Do you think that music therapy should become standard across all long-term care facilities? Are there any steps you can take to advocate for elder nursing home residents who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and assist in program implementation, such as “Music & Memory”?



How do we make sure that a rational expression does not get undefined?

  1. Compare numerical fractions and rational expressions. What is common and what is different about them? Support your answer with examples.

  2. How do we make sure that a rational expression does not get undefined?



Write Networking paper

This project is to do research on a network related topic, write a small paper and present the material to the class. Below are some guidelines to help formulate the project.

  1. The topic could range from network monitoring, devices, protocols, security, troubleshooting, future technology, and any other interesting category.

  2. The paper will be 5 pages of content double spaced.

  3. Must include at least two diagrams (not to take up the entire page).


HMP 501 Lab Protocol 6: The Greater Manchester Community Health Needs Assessment

HMP 501 Lab Protocol 6: The Greater Manchester Community Health Needs Assessment


  1. Read the introduction

  2. What communities are covered in the “needs assessment?”

  3. Think about “Person”

    1. What is one reason that the city is growing in size?

    2. What does the report tell you about the people in the area (age, ethnicity, other)? Choose three different aspects to report on and give me some details on each characteristic.

    3. Where did they find the information?

    4. How many languages are spoken in the Manchester school system?

  4. What information do they tell you about the poverty levels in Manchester?

    1. Share any notable information you found.

    2. Anything regarding free and reduced meal plans?

    3. Homelessness?

    4. How do these possibly predict the health of a community?

  5. Health Behaviors and Risk Factors

    1. Where did they get the information for the “poor mental health days”?

      1. What does this information tell you as compared to NH?

      2. Any other observations based on other factors?

    2. They go into risk factors and outcomes such as suicide, substance abuse, etc.

      1. Read through them and choose one area (topic) to present the findings, the data source(s), and your impression on how this would impact the health of the community.



What is this woman’s ideal weight range? How much weight does she need to lose to reach that ideal weight? By how much should she reduce her caloric intake? What else can she do to facilitate weight loss?

A 32-year-old woman presents to the clinic for advice regarding weight loss. She is 5’4″ tall and weighs 159 pounds. Her typical diet consists of approximately 2500 calories per day. She generally has a very light activity level that only includes housework. Based on the above information, what is this woman’s ideal weight range? How much weight does she need to lose to reach that ideal weight? By how much should she reduce her caloric intake? What else can she do to facilitate weight loss?


Motor Vehicle Search Activity

Please watch minutes 1 through 7 of the video and then answer the following questions. The video may be found at

  1. In your opinion, did the individuals in the car voluntarily agree to answer the officer’s questions? Please circle your answer on the scale below.

Not at all voluntary (1)                   (2)          (3)          (4)                          (5) Completely voluntary

  1. Did the driver give the officer evidence to use against him? Answer yes/no and explain:

  2. In your opinion, did the driver voluntarily agree to a search of his vehicle or bag? Answer yes/no and explain:

  1. Did you see any indication that the driver tried to assert his rights? Answer yes/no and explain:

  2. In your opinion, did the officer do anything that was either wrong or illegal? Answer yes/no and explain:

  3. What, if any rights, did the individuals in the car waive? List specific sections of the Constitution.


Case study

  1. Explore and choose a mindfulness/stress management app to download. It should be an app that you have not used before. There are many free apps that are available so you do not need to spend additional money downloading anything (see suggestions below or do your own research).
  2. Spend at least a week using the app.
  3. Find (2) peer-reviewed journal articles on the stress management techniques that the app uses (Typically, the stress management technique will be mentioned in the title of the article. Articles must be published from 2010 – 2020).
  4. Prepare a college-level written discussion and review of the app. and peer reviewed articles. Include the following:
    1. A summary of the mindfulness/stress management app.

    2. Discuss the 2 articles you read. How do the articles you found relate or apply to the app you are using. Compare and contrast how the technique was used in the articles vs. the app.

    3. Discuss your experience using the app. How did you use the app? What aspects did you find beneficial on not?

    4. Based on your experience using the app and your research, would you recommend this stress management app to others? Why or why not?

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