Category Archives: Research Papers

Global Marketing in a Digital Era (HPMK440-1)

Global Marketing in a Digital Era (HPMK440-1)

Conduct a comprehensive international marketing strategy for your selected country and product. Your strategy discussion must be in essay format and should address the following aspects:
1. Introduction to selected country:
1.1 Concise introduction as compiled in Formative Assessment 1 (FA1)
2. International STP
2.1 Compile a detailed marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) strategy for your selected country and product.
3. International product:
3.1 Outline the product elements of your chosen beverage in detail.
3.2 Argue standardisation versus adaptation for your product with motivation.
4. The place/ distribution: International distribution and logistics systems
4.1 Briefly describe the market entry strategy you intend to follow.
4.2 Elaborate on the role of channel members and channel management.
5. The promotion: International marketing communication
5.1 Select and discuss any four (4) international marketing communication tools that should be applied to promote your product.
5.2 Evaluate the use of standardisation or adaptation of your marketing communication. Select and motivate the best option for your product and country.



HR Challenge: Hire From Within or Outside?

Your Challenge
You are now in a situation with a tough call to make. As the responsible HR professional, you must consider and decide which
course of action will provide the greatest benefit for the company and its employees, and how to make a persuasive argument
for your recommendation. Your options are to support the CEO’s guidance, or to take a hiring position that protects the
organization’s legal posture and maintains an ethical work environment.
Prepare a 3–4-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the
Analyze how your proposed HR solution to an HR challenge contributes to organizational goals and strategies.
Should you just follow the guidance of the CEO, or discuss the consequences of placing unqualified people in
managerial roles?
What might be the implications to you and the organization, if you remain silent without any further discussion?
What is the potential opportunity cost of ignoring outstanding external candidates?
Describe key legal factors you considered in the formulation of a proposed HR solution.
Explain the role of the HR practitioner in advancing a proposed HR solution.
Explain briefly the role you will take to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation



USING EXAMPLES from your reading or experience, EXPLAIN the practice of ‘DevOps’ AND the EFFECTS it has on the variety of roles, skills and responsibilities in the software development life cycle.

  • USING EXAMPLES from your reading or experience, EXPLAIN the practice of ‘DevOps’ AND the EFFECTS it has on the variety of roles, skills and responsibilities in the software development life cycle.


Activity Hazard Analysis

Supplemental materials contain Times Beach Dioxin Contamination video. We’ll use the video to develop AHA for excavation of Dioxin Contaminated Soil. Your assignment is to develop AHA based on the toxicity of the contaminated soil. Sources:

Supplemental materials also include various AHA forms. The last one is an Excel based form that can be used as an example for your assignment.


Accounting cycle

This company is an American multinational information technology company. In this assignment, you are going to complete the entire accounting cycle for the last month of the physical year ending May 31, 2015:

The company uses the following accounts:

  • Cash Capital Stock
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Inventory Retained Earnings
  • Prepaid Rent Dividends
  • Unexpired Insurance Income Summary
  • Office Supplies Sales
  • Rental Equipment Salaries Expense
  • Accumulated Depreciation: Computer Equipment Repair Expense
  • Cable Expense
  • Notes Payable Utilities Expense
  • Accounts Payable Rent Expense
  • Interest Payable Office Supplies Expense
  • Salaries Payable Depreciation Expense
  • Dividends Payable Interest Expense
  • Unearned Sales

The company performs adjusting entries monthly. Closing entries are performed annually on May 31.

During May, the corporation entered into the following transactions:

  • May 1: Issued 40,000 shares of capital stock in exchange for a total of $400,000 cash.
  • May 1: Purchased a piece of equipment to be used in the operations of the business for $300,000 that will assist with a more efficient production. Paid $100,000 cash and issued a two-year note payable for $200,000. The note plus all 24 months of accrued interest are due April 30, 2017. The interest rate on the note is 5%.
  • May 1: Paid $15,000 to SSR as three months’ advance rent on the warehouse used in daily manufacturing.
  • May 4: Paid salaries in May totaling $27,000. (Ignore payroll taxes.)
  • May 8: Purchased office supplies (e.g., copy paper, ink toner, pens, etc.) on account from Office Depot, $4,200. Payment due in 30 days.
  • May 15: Excluding the Wilmington General advance, fees earned during the first 15 days of May amounted to $95,100, of which $47,000 was received in cash. The remaining amount will be customer purchases on account.
  • May 18: Purchased on account from Parts Plus, Inc., $1,700 in parts needed to repair a server for a local law firm. (Debit an expense account.) Payment is due in 10 days.
  • May 23: Collected $22,000 of the accounts receivable recorded on May 15.
  • May 26: Paid salaries in May totaling $27,000. (Ignore payroll taxes.)
  • May 27: Paid the account payable to Parts Plus., $1,700.
  • May 28: Declared a dividend of 10 cents per share, payable on June 15, 2015.
  • May 29: Paid the May utilities in the amount of $985.
  • May 31: Purchased a 24-month warranty insurance policy for $24,000. This policy protects the company against liability for defects and warranties for the computer equipment that is sold and leased. The policy goes into effect on June 1, 2015.
  • May 31: Paid monthly cable bill of 684 to Suddenlink.
  • May 31: Collected Sales earned during the second half of May, which amounted to $120,700 and of which $86,300 was received in cash. The remaining amount is customer purchases on account.

Data for Adjusting Entries

  1. The advance payment of rent on May 1 covered a period of three months.
  2. The annual interest rate on the note payable is 5 percent.
  3. The machine purchased May 1, 2015 is being depreciated by the straight-line method over a period of five years.
  4. Office supplies on hand at May 31 are estimated at $440.
  5. Employee salaries earned by employees since the last payroll date (May 26) amounted to $9,642 at the month end.


Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Journalize the May transactions.

  • Prepare an unadjusted trial balance.

  • Prepare the necessary adjusting entries for May.

  • Prepare an adjusted trial balance.

  • Prepare a balance sheet, an income statement, and a statement of retained earnings for the year ended May 31, 2015.

  • Prepare closing entries.

  • Prepare a post-closing trial balance. The post-closing trial balance should reveal only permanent accounts that remain open for the next accounting period.

  • Prepare 3 profitability ratios, 3 liquidity ratios, and 2 solvency ratios (be sure to show your calculations).

  • After completing the accounting cycle and financial analysis, summarize the results in a double-spaced paper of 1-2 pages. The paper should be properly developed and formatted according to APA formatting guidelines


Pro/Con Articles Graphic Organizer

  • Read and annotate James Brumley’s “Delivery Drones Are a Bad Idea.”

  • Pay particular attention to the reasons he thinks we should not allow widespread use of delivery drones and the data and anecdotal evidence he provides.

  • Then consider whether you want to use his information to support your position on allowing widespread use of delivery drones, or if you would like to argue against his points.

  • In addition to annotating what we read, we will continue another helpful strategy, which is to graphically organize what we read for college. Typically, when we read informational text full of facts and details, we can create a graphic organizer to help unpack an author’s main idea, main subpoints, and important details. In Christa Avampato and James Brumley’s articles, they each argue their position in support of or against the widespread use of delivery drones, providing reasons, facts, examples, and cause effect explanation to illustrate their points. Directions: After reading and annotating Christa Avampato’s “Delivery Drones are a Good Idea” and James Brumley’s “Delivery Drones Are a Bad Idea” complete the graphic organizer below using details from their articles. For your own example connections, these can be hypothetical, or stories you have heard about the use of delivery drones from people you know or a news story you have seen showing the benefits or disadvantages of delivery drones. (Do not use any outside research–Use details from the articles to complete the graphic organizer).


Production & Inventory Control

Production & Inventory Control

Part 1: Forecasting Tool

The data in the Excel spreadsheet “flight_data” represents the number of airline tickets purchased each month from 1949-1960. You will create an Excel tool that will have the ability to generate forecasts using all five of the forecasting methods we covered in class:

  • Simple moving average
  • Weighted moving average
  • Simple exponential smoothing
  • Winter’s method (assuming exactly two seasons of historical data as initial input)
  • Linear regression

Your tool must be able to accept a forecasting method and its associated parameters from the user, as well as the range of historical data that should be used for initialization. For example, I should be able to tell the forecasting tool that I want to forecast the monthly demand for January-December 1950, using the demand data from January-December 1949 and applying Winter’s method with N = 4, α1 = 0.1, α2 = 0.0.5, α3 = 0.2. Note that, although I specified the historical data for January-December 1949, only the data for May-December would actually be used (because we are assuming two seasons, and N = 4). But you want the tool to be flexible enough that it can be given a range of historical data to use and then select from that data appropriately, given the forecasting parameters that are provided by the user.

In addition to generating forecasted demand values for the months specified by the user, the tool must also be able to generate metrics that capture the quality of the forecast, compared to the actual observed demand. This will enable the user to experiment with different forecasting approaches, compare metrics, and then select an approach that provides the best results. Think carefully about what is meant by “best”, in terms of forecast accuracy and bias, as well as the consequences (in terms of cost) of overages and shortages for this system.

Once the forecasting tool is developed, you will use it to answer the following two questions (which you will address in your report):

  • Develop a forecast for airline ticket demand for each of the 12 months in the year 1950. Which forecasting approach is best? Why?

  • Develop a forecast for airline ticket demand for each of the 12 months in the year 1960. Which forecasting approach is best? Why?



ill a credit line of $750,000 be sufficient to meet the company’s needs in 1996 if it takes the trade discounts?

Clarkson Lumber Company

After a rapid growth in its business during recent years, the Clarkson Lumber Company, in the spring of 1996, anticipated a further substantial increase in sales. Despite good profits, the company had experienced a shortage of cash and had found it necessary to increase its borrowing from the Suburban National Bank to $399,000 in the spring of 1996. The maximum loan that Suburban National would make to any one borrower was $400,000 and Clarkson had been able to stay within this limit only by relying very heavily on trade credit. In addition, Suburban was now asking that Mr. Clarkson guarantee the loan personally. Keith Clarkson, sole owner and president of the Clarkson Lumber Company, was therefore actively looking elsewhere for a new banking relationship where he would be able to negotiate a larger loan that did not require a personal guarantee.

Mr. Clarkson had recently been introduced by a friend to George Dodge, an officer of a much larger bank, the Northrup National Bank. The two men had tentatively discussed the possibility that the Northrup bank might extend a line of credit to Clarkson Lumber up to a maximum amount of $750,000. Mr. Clarkson thought that a loan of this size would improve profitability by allowing him to take full advantage of trade discounts. Subsequent to this discussion, Mr. Dodge had arrange for the credit department of the Northrup National Bank to investigate Mr. Clarkson and his company.

1. Will a credit line of $750,000 be sufficient to meet the company’s needs in 1996 if it takes the trade discounts? (You will need to construct pro forma statements to support your answer.)



Software Quality Assurance

Question 1: When do you use white box testing and when is black box testing preferred.

Question 2: Discuss the fundamentals of a test plan.


Chemistry 141 Exam

Chemistry 141 Exam

  1. In this question, you should think about the differences between real gases and ideal gases:

    1. Match the two curves in the plot below to 200K and 1000K for a gas.

  1. At low temperatures, which of the following best describes the behavior of gases? CIRCLE ANSWER.

    1. At low temperatures, gases behave ideally and PV/nRT is approximately equal to 1.

    2. At low temperatures, the size of gas molecules becomes important and PV/nRT becomes less than 1.

  • At low temperatures, gas molecules have a greater probability of attraction, and therefore causes less collisions with the container walls.

  1. At low temperatures, the average kinetic energy is lower, so gases behave more ideally.

  1. Circle the image below which most accurately would portray what you would expect to see at high pressures in a gas container. The red spheres are individual gas molecules in a container. Explain your choice!


Chemistry 141 Exam

  1. Consider a gas mixture of 2.5 moles of argon (Ar), 5.0 moles of neon (Ne), and 2.5 moles of helium (He). The three gases were in a 4.75 L container at 298K. What is the total pressure of the mixture and the partial pressure of neon (Ne) gas? Assume ideal gas behavior.

    1. A sample of helium (He) gas was expanded from 2.2 L initially at STP to 2.9 L. After expansion, the final temperature of the gas increased 25° What is the final pressure of the gas?

      1. Look at the graph below and think about Kinetic Molecular Theory to answer the following questions:

        1. In the graph above, label each curve above as O2, N2, H2O, or He.

        2. Calculate the average kinetic energy of He gas at 298K in J/mol.

      Will the average kinetic energy of O2 be smaller, larger, or the same as He at 298K?



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