Category Archives: Research Papers

Residency Research Makeup Project

Residency Research Makeup Project

Acme Enterprise Scenario Residency Week

Acme Enterprise is a private company that is gearing up for an initial public offering (IPO).  Prior to going public Acme must be in compliance with:  GDPR, PCI DSS, and SOX.  Acme is in the water purification business with new technologies that purify water in any form whether it is sewage, ocean, lake etc.

Part of its IPO process is to show due diligence and due care.  Acme has identified your team to conduct a risk assessment and analysis of its information technology infrastructure to uncover any threats and exposures and provide mitigations and controls to reduce those uncovered threat/exposures, so it can have a successful IPO.

Using the Network Infrastructure design of the Acme Enterprise you are to assess risk of Acme’s:

  1. Perimeter Security

  2. Network Security

  3. Endpoint Security

  4. Application Security

  5. Data Security

  6. Operations

  7. Policy Management



Compare the portrayal of Abraham and his relationship with God in the Qur’an with that in the Hebrew Bible (the Book of Genesis). Focus on one or two stories or themes

Compare the portrayal of Abraham and his relationship with God in the Qur’an with that in the Hebrew Bible (the Book of Genesis).Focus on one or two stories or themes. Identify features that have been added to the biblical stories or altered; consider important elements of the selected story that have been omitted or silenced. Explain how the changes you identify affect the meaning and interpretation of these biblical stories and figures. If you may wish, you may make comparisons with how Abraham was portrayed in the New Testament. Please cite specific passages.


How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations?

  1. How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations?

  2. How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization?

  3. When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?


EIND 434 Project 2

EIND 434 Project 2

You are a homeowner and have decided to build a shop on your property.  See attached rough sketch to show approximate location of the shop and layout.  (NOTE:  This assignment is to test your project management skills not your construction technical understanding.  I do want you to research this to the level to make approximations for times, but you will not be held to technical accuracy of the construction process.)

  • You will be the general contractor for the shop. You will hire out subcontractors for the following work; excavation, concrete, framing (including windows and door installs), roofing, insulation, dry wall, painting, internal siding, plumbing, electrical, garage door install, septic, and sewer line attach to existing system, final grading.

  • The shop will be a monitor style building 60X60 with a 10X60 lean to on the West side of the shop. The inside of the shop will be 40X60 garage like space, 20X60 office space.  You want the entire 60X70 footprint to be concrete.  (see attached drawings)

EIND 434 Project 2

  • The shop will be wood board and bat exterior, stained to the same color as your house.

  • You want to use radiant floor heat in the concrete to heat the shop. You will lay insulation below the concrete pad and outside the exterior of the pad to reduce heat loss.  The radiant tubes will sit on the Styrofoam, the rebar for the concrete will sit on the tubes and the concrete will be poured over that.  You want the concrete to be 5” thick.

  • The roof will be asphalt shingles on the high roof and metal roof on the flatter portion of the roof (see attached drawing).

  • You need to excavate the footprint for the shop to get down to “pit run” and then bring in “pit run” to bring the level of the shop to the height of the current driveway.

  • You plan to have a small kitchen area (break room) with a sink, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher.

  • You plan to have a bathroom with a sink, toilet and large shower.

  • You will connect to your existing well for water.

  • You will place a separate septic tank for shop, but you will connect the output of the septic to your existing septic pump to the leach field.

  • You need a Property Information Form from the county.

  • You need an EHS permit for you septic tank.


Osmotic hyper and hypo regulators

  1. Biology students peed in a little cup to measure their rates of urine production after consumption of their favorite beverages – and their not so favorite beverages:




urine output

(ml/2 hr)

[solute] (mM)

[solute] (mOsm)






800 ml

~450 ml

~ 0



0.9% NaCl

800 ml

~300 ml

155 mM

310 mOsm


9.0% NaCl

80 ml

~160 ml

1550 mM

3100 mOsm


~12% Ethanol

800 ml

~800 ml

~2600 mM


  1. For each beverage, indicate whether the beverage is hyperosmotic, hyposmotic, or isosmotic with respect to the blood.

  1. Which, if any, group above corresponds to:

– the responses of an osmotic hyper-regulator?

– the responses of an osmotic hypo-regulators?

– the responses of an osmoconformer?


Exp19_Access_Ch05_Cap – Varmel Studio Toys 1.0

Exp19_Access_Ch05_Cap – Varmel Studio Toys 1.0

You work as the database manager at Varmel Studio Toys, located in Lansing, Michigan. Varmel Studio Toys has the world’s largest selection of collectible superhero posters and action figures. Your task is to add validation rules, create a form that data entry associates can use to add new items to the inventory, and create a new table to classify items as a poster or action figure. You will also use queries to analyze existing data.



Describe the measures the Egyptians undertook to fool Israeli intelligence in the 1973 Middle East war. And how did Israeli intelligence’s “conception” of Egyptian intentions factor into the intelligence failure?

Describe the measures the Egyptians undertook to fool Israeli intelligence in the 1973 Middle East war. And how did Israeli intelligence’s “conception” of Egyptian intentions factor into the intelligence failure?


CSCI 303.1W – Technical Communication for Computer Professionals

CSCI 303.1W – Technical Communication for Computer Professionals

Read the following research paper: “A Turing Test for Computer
Game Bots”.
Then, please answer the following questions:
1. Summarize the following paper. Your summary should be 1 to 2 pages long and should
cover the following parts:
a. The problem and its importance.
b. General description of the proposed solution.
c. The experiments conducted.
d. The results achieved.
e. Did you find this article interesting? Please justify your answer.
f. What is your critique on this paper?
2. Using the web, read then write about:
a. The Turing Test: what is its purpose, and its importance. Then, give a detailed
description of this test.
b. The ELIZA chatbot, then briefly explain how ELIZA is related to the Turing Test.
c. The Chinese Room argument, then briefly explain how it is related to the Turing



Quichua sanjuán Iluman Tiyu.

Listen carefully to the Quichua sanjuán Iluman Tiyu. Then, answer the two questions:

  1. Describe what you hear regarding its time characteristics (rhythm), pitch aspects, timbre/instrumentation, form, musical personality and function.

  2. What is “Ilumán Tiyu” really about?


Share an example of an inherent conflict

Although all departments of an organization should work toward a common goal, there are often conflicting objectives. For example, finance wants to keep costs down, whereas the design team wants to add an extra feature to the product.

Share an example of an inherent conflict within your organization (or a hypothetical or past example if you are not currently working). Describe the activities and the nature of the conflict. What systems and processes does your organization use to manage inherent conflicts?

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