Category Archives: Research Papers

Conduct a Pareto Analysis with the number of defects. What conclusion(s) can you draw from this analysis?

  1. Identify which variables they’ve provided are input, output, or outcome variables. Explain how you determined your answers.

  2. Identify which levels of measurement have been used when collecting the data, and which variable corresponds to which level of measurement. Explain how you determined your answers.

  3. Conduct a Pareto Analysis with the number of defects. What conclusion(s) can you draw from this analysis?

  4. Are there any other visual indicators that would be useful in identifying possible improvement opportunities for the company?   If yes, please include a complete version of that visual indicator.

  5. Determine the product unit cost. Be sure to clearly show all of the individual costs included in the determination of the product unit cost.  Assumptions listed above.

    1. Direct material costs = $12,000/month

    2. Rent = $8,000/month

    3. Utilities = $2,000/month

Compile your answers into a concise memorandum and include any additional details and all of your work as attachments.  Your memo should highlight the key findings from your report which the plant manager of your internship would be interested in hearing about.  The memo should be appropriately formatted and appropriately address the problem(s) and solution(s).





Directions: The items below need not be considered a template for concert report writing.  Use these questions as a guide to listening while at the concert and to generate ideas of what to write about in your report.  You need not fill out the form completely, nor do you have to submit the checklist with your written report.

  1. Concert attended:

  2. Date of concert:

  3. Place of concert:

  4. Type of concert (performing media):

  5. General reaction to the concert environment:

  6. Composition I liked best (if any) and why:

As you complete your report, consider the vocabulary we have been learning in class and the stylstic elements of music that we have discussed—melody, rhythm, harmony, form, timbre, and expressive qualities.  Use proper terminology and discuss the musical elements of various pieces as appropriate.



Short Discussion essay on the following requirements

Determine the flow rate of a faucet that you regularly use (kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower) by collecting water in a container of known volume and tracking how many seconds it takes to fill the container. Repeat 3 times (or more), and calculate an average.

Convert your data to liters per minute AND gallons per minute. For example, if your container is 1 liter, and it took an average of 10 seconds to fill, you would perform the following calculation to get liters per minute:

1 liter / 10 seconds *60 seconds / minute = 6 liters / minute

To get gallons, you would use the following conversion:

1 liter = .264 gallons

6 liters/minute *.264 gallons/liter = 1.584 gallons / minute

Track how many minutes you use that faucet over the course of two days. Take an average of those two days to get your average water per use day at that one faucet.

Given the flow rate, report how much volume of water (in both liters and gallons) would you currently use PER YEAR at that one faucet (assuming you lived in the same place for all 365 days)? Consider how you might change your behavior to reduce the amount of water you use from that faucet.

Considering all the other ways you use water in your daily life, how do you think you compare to the average Floridian (who uses ~150 gallons of water per day).


CS 490: Introduction to Cybersecurity

CS 490: Introduction to Cybersecurity3 Assignment
3.1 Prerequisites to Review
You should be familiar with how the RSA algorithm works from the Week04 Primality Lectures and the Week05 RSA Lectures. More details are available online (see the Wikipedia article on RSA). Keep in mind, however, that the Wikipedia page uses different variable names than what the lecture and slide set used. You will also want to reference the Java SDK documentation, specifically the java.math.BigInteger and
3.2 Starter Code
To simplify the assignment, and to allow easy interoperability between your code and our test cases, I have provided a significant amount of starter code in the file. That code is split into three classes, the first two of which are just to hold data and have no methods of their own. Javadoc documentation is available for each of these classes (to view the Javadocs, unzip the folder and open the index.html file).
◦ CipherText : a class to hold the cipher text for any RSA encrypted data
◦ RSAKey : a class to hold a public or private (or both) key



KNE316; Design of Column and Footing

KNE316; Design of Column and Footing

Part A – Column Design:
– Design the second column under the beam designed in Project 2,
– Assume 40 mm cover for corrosion and fire resistance,
– Determine the ultimate axial loads (kN) either by using the reactions from the beam or by using
the tributary area method,
– Determine whether the column is slender or short (the column is in a braced frame),
– Determine the bending moment applied on the column (no moment magnifier is required, i.e
δ=1 since the column is braced),
– Determine the longitudinal reinforcement using one of the charts given in Appendix C of the
“Cross-Section Strength of Columns” attached on MyLO (mark the loads on the chart and
included it in your assignment),
– Determine the transverse reinforcement,
– Draw one full typical elevation showing the main and transverse reinforcement of the column
and splicing of reinforcement with columns above and below.
– Draw 2 cross sections, one at mid-height and one at the lower section of the column (where it
splices with the column under.



Colab Homework about Functions.


At FitBit, you’re working on motivational messages to provide to users. Specifically, you’d like to create a function that (1) computes the average number of steps taken across a one-week period, and (2) prints a message to the user about that average.

In the cell below, define the function week() that takes a single input, steps_list. Note that steps_list will be a list of steps taken each day. (Remember, when defining a function, you shouldn’t include any specific values inside your function. Rather, you want your function to work flexibly with any input provided when the function is actually called.)

Your function should include a docstring indicating that the function’s purpose is to print the average number of steps per week. Then do the following:

  • Compute the average number of steps taken that week

    • Hint: Review the lecture on lists, including how to sum up the contents of a list, and how to determine the length of a list. How do you calculate an average based on the sum and number of values?

  • Round the resulting value using the built-in function we’ve discussed

  • Convert this rounded value to a string when printing the following message: This week, you took an average of x steps!

    • Instead of x, use the variable representing the rounded average you computed above. Remember that if you want to add a number and a string together, you first need to convert the number to a string


Calculate R2 for this regression model. Predict the response when a patient takes 5 table spoons per day.

Question 1

(Do it by hand and show all your steps. You may use R for double-checking, if you want) A medical study was designed to study the efficacy of a certain medication and its dose. In this study, X represents the dose, the number of table spoons of medication administrated per day; and Y represents the response, a self-reposted improvement score.

Patient A B C D E F X112233 Y 0 6 6 12 6 12

Fitting the linear regression model in R produced the following output. > reg = lm(Y ∼ X)

> reg

Analysis of Variance Table:

Response: Y

X Residuals

Coefficients: (Intercept) X


Df SumSq MeanSq Fvalue Pr(>F) 1 36 36.0 2.1818 0.2137 4 66 16.5

  1. (a) Calculate R2 for this regression model.

  2. (b) Predict the response when a patient takes 5 table spoons per day.

  3. (c) For the lack of fit test, state the null and the alternative hypotheses; calculate the extra sum of squares and the F-statistic.

  4. (d) (Stat-627 only) While solving part (c), at some point, you treated dose X as a categorical variable. Keeping X categorical, estimate the prediction mean square error by the LOOCV.

  5. (e) It was noticed that patients A,C and E took a generic, whereas patients B,D and F took the brand-name medicine. Based on the scatterplot, can you tell if the type of medicine has a non-zero interaction with the dose?


JUS-470 Topic 2 Assessment of Assets Matrix

JUS-470 Topic 2 Assessment of Assets Matrix

Part I: Brainstorming list of Assets

Instructions: For the first part of this assignment, brainstorm to determine all of the assets in the chosen environment. Be sure to include all “types’ of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. That list will be used to help complete the Matrix in Part II (the list below is a starting point; there may be more or less assets in your specific environment).

Part II: Evaluation of Assets

Instructions: Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Please note the instructions for each section of the matrix. Additionally, you can add to this matrix if more space is needed.

  1. Be sure to include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. Use your brainstorm list to help with this.

  2. Catalogue and audit your assets, e.g. How many groups of people, buildings, etc. do you have in the environment?

  3. Rank the value of assets

  4. Who and/or what is the most vulnerable to be attacked? Give your rationale.



Provide an example of two organizations in which you think a similar IS would engender two different outcomes. Explain why.


  1. An organization often has distinct roles for handling different domains of its business. How do you think the required skill sets and organizational role of a general manager, functional manager, CIO, and end user differ? Explain why it is critical to the success of modern firms that general and functional managers be directly involved in IS and IT decision making. Why are modern firms increasingly selecting CIOs from managerial ranks rather than from technology ranks?

  2. Provide an example of two organizations in which you think a similar IS would engender two different outcomes. Explain why.

  3. IS can generate both positive and negative unintended results. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your answers by providing examples.



In this week, your task for the final project is to research in the South University Online Library and on the Internet to identify a case study of your choice with a pertinent information system application.

Some examples could be: a health care organization, such as a health care insurance company, a major hospital, or medical laboratory; an academic institution, such as a university or a professional institute; a commerce and transportation center, for example a major airport, or maritime port; a transportation carrier, such as an airline company, a railroad company, or even a car transportation service; a network service provider, such as a telecommunications service carrier/provider, an Internet and voice digital service provider, or a cloud service provider; a major media organization, such as television network, or a multimedia service operator; an industry firm that manufactures products, such as a computer products manufacturer, a car manufacturer, or a hardware manufacturer; a major retailer, for example a food retailer, a home maintenance retailer, or clothes outlet; an entertainment complex, such as a hotel, a vacation resort, or a large recreation and entertainment complex; a financial institution, for example a banking system, a credit card service, or an investment trading service.

The above are examples to guide you with your research, but you are not limited to these areas. It is important that you arrive at your own case study based on your personal interests, and that it is well suited for an information systems analysis.

Once you have selected your study area and case, and have received approval from your professor, you may proceed to the next steps described below. Create a report that focuses on the IS used to support the operation of your organization in your case study and answer the following questions.

  • What events trigger the flow of information in and out of your system?

  • What tracking mechanisms are in place?

  • What technologies are being used for tracking the underlying events?

  • What is the information infrastructure for handling the information flow?

  • Diagrammatically represent the flow of information between your organization and adjacent entities (for example, these could be suppliers, customers, support organizations, government agencies, or partnering organizations).

  • What security mechanisms are in place for obtaining information on events pertaining to your case study?

  • What security mechanisms are in place in the organization? Who handles violations of organizational policies? What is the range of their responsibilities? Who do these officers respond to? Which office oversees the operations of the business for your organization?

  • What are brokers? What types of precautions are taken in order to establish minimum trust with brokers?

  • Which standard organizations or governmental agencies oversee the operation of your organization?


HSCI 345 Hybrid: Issues in Public Health

HSCI 345 Hybrid: Issues in Public Health

Selection of Topic: You should select any current public health event or ongoing health problem from a professional and reputable publication. Examples are:
• Daily publications, websites, tweets, social media outlets, — (e.g.): Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc.

• Weekly publications— (e.g.): Time, Newsweek, etc.

• Health-related websites
Public Health journals and public health publications can be used to supplement your primary article with additional information. Fact sheets and/or results of a study are not acceptable sources. If you are unsure of a source’s  redibility, check with me first. The chosen topic must be current, occurring within the last 6-9 months.



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