Category Archives: Research Papers

Cross Site Scripting – Attack sample program

This programming assignment require your in-depth knowledge in cyber threats and programming knowledge. In your programming, you will demonstrate this cyber threats(Cross Site Scripting Attack) and apply your preventive measures to counter these cyber attacks. You need to simulate a Cross Site Scripting Attack and showcase a proper documentation. You can use any programming language. You need to show how to run the program and provide screen shot of its running.


Do you think a global seed vault is a surefire way to preserve crop diversity?

For this assignment you will explore the topic of crop diversity through the system of seed banking and write a reflection paper on your readings and research. In particular, the seed bank you will research is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway.

  • Do you think a global seed vault is a surefire way to preserve crop diversity?

  • Do you agree with some of the criticisms about the vault? (…for more on this topic here is a lengthy Guardian article on some of the controversy around the vault)

  • How could this system be improved?

  • Does this system promote crop diversity or just preserve it and if so, is that ok?



The trade-off between reliability and construct validity has been referred to between internal/external validity. Explain them.

  1. Search from Google and Choose at least 5 research articles on accounting in which you are interested and would like to investigate. You might have observed that every article starts with an Abstract, explain in your words what is an abstract and how does it help other researchers.

  2. Write the title and author of each article and summarize the finding of each author in all the 5 articles and write a critical comment on them.

  3. Develop one Question/ Topic of your own based on all the comment you made from the summary above.

  4. The trade-off between reliability and construct validity has been referred to between internal/external validity. Explain them.



Value design engineering

Losses are projected to be $50 million in year one, $40 million in year two, $30 million in year three and $5 million in year four. An interest rate of 10% per year is used.

1 The present worth of the losses for the first three years is nearest to:

  1. A) $90,124,000

  2. B) $101,054,000

  3. C) $124,345,000

  4. D) $147,636,000

2 The present worth of the losses for all four years is nearest to:

  1. A) $101,054,000

  2. B) $104,244,000

  3. C) $110,395,000

  4. D) $124,345,000

3 The equivalent uniform annual worth of the losses through year four is nearest to:

  1. A) $29,533,000

  2. B) $30,621,000

  3. C) $31,882,000

  4. D) $32,889,000

4 In order to recover the losses by the end of year nine, the company’s equivalent uniform annual profit in years five through nine must be nearest to:

  1. A) $25,631,000

  2. B) $36,922,000

  3. C) $44,288,000

  4. D) $51,369,000

5- Expenditures for maintenance of a certain machine are expected to be $900 in year two, $1,400 in year five, and a uniform amount of $2,000 in years six through nine. At an interest rate of 10% per year, find the equivalent annual worth of expenditure between [1, 9], years 1 and 9 inclusive.

6- Costs for maintenance of buildings at an industrial complex are expected to be $1,000 in year three, $1,200 in year four and amounts increasing by $200 per year thereafter through year nine. At an interest rate of 12% per year, calculate the equivalent future worth at year 9.

7- The costs of fuel for a smelting operation are expected to be $50,000 in year three, $52,500 in year four and amounts increasing by 5% per year thereafter through year ten. At an interest rate of 8% per year, calculate the present worth.

8- Payments of $1,000 in year two and $5,000 in year five are equivalent to uniform payments in years three through seven at an interest rate of 12%. Calculate those uniform payments.

9- How many uniform annual receipts would be required from now that an initial investment of $1,000,000 would be recovered? Note that the annual receipts are $131,000 and starts three years from now at an interest rate of 8% per year.



Inflation Rates

Using the average inflation rates from: use the geometric mean to find the average percent change in inflation for the past 5 years.

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is required for this DQ.



How did Victorian era writers use didacticism in their publications?

How did Victorian era writers use didacticism in their publications?

Write an essay in which you answer this question. Look at a minimum of two works from Victorian era writers that were assigned in this course and explain how they incorporated didacticism in their writings. Be sure to indicate in the intro what works you are discussing. As you prepare your essay, you will need to give a summary of the ideas in each work and connect these ideas to the Victorian concept of didacticism. Use specific examples from the work to explain your thoughts.

Essay, Option 2

Use the Victorian era works covered in Units 3 and 4 to compare an idea (belief, value, political issue, or social issue) found in the text to some aspect of today’s society. It could be something that is the same as it was in the text, or an idea that has shifted from the time these works were written until now. In your intro, identify the idea/issue you are discussing along with how the views toward it have changed or remained the same. You will need to explain how the characters in the works address the issue as well as how it is addressed in society today.



Comparison of the simple moving average, weighted moving average, exponential smoothing, and linear regression analysis time series models. Description of market research, panel consensus, historical analogy, and Delphi method qualitative forecasting techniques.

  1. Comparison of the simple moving average, weighted moving average, exponential smoothing, and linear regression analysis time series models

  2. Description of market research, panel consensus, historical analogy, and Delphi method qualitative forecasting techniques.



1. Calculate the % error between your calculate value of density and the expected value
of 2.699 g/cm3
2. Which of the 3 densities gave the most accurate answer? Was this what you expected
why or why not? Explain!
3. Was the propagating error involved in calculating the density significant with any
combination of the measuring devices? Explain.
4. What were the random errors involved and how did they affect the density and
uncertainty calculation?
5. What systematic errors were involved?
6. Comment on any other sources of error that could have been involved.



Case Analyses, B&R

Below are 4 ethically-loaded scenarios. For each scenario (so, 4 times total):
1. Briefly describe (in a sentence or two) two possible courses of action that could be followed in
the scenario.
1.1. “In the decision of whether or not to skip class on a whim, I can either skip class on a
whim or go to class.”
2. For each of the two possible courses of action, identify and briefly explain (in no more than 3
sentences each):
2.1. the scope of the action, or how many people are affected by the action,
2.2. the benefits or positive utility (+) of the action (0-10; about how beneficial was it?), and
2.3. the cost or negative utility (-) of the action (-10-0; about how costly was it?)
2.4. Then calculate the total utility for each course of action:
Total utility = (scope) x (benefits + cost)




​Computer Science; Write an assembly code subroutine…square root…bisection method

Write an assembly code subroutine to approximate the square root of an argument using the bisection method (see following Wikipedia article for details: Your code must approximate the square root of an integer between 0 and 231-1. Using integer maths is sufficient (no floating point or fractions are required); your code will return the truncated (integer portion) of the square root.

Your code must be in an assembly language subroutine which is called by a C function for testing. Be sure to use registers according to the ARM calling convention

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