Category Archives: Research Papers
Design Elements Analysis
Develop an evaluation summary of a training experience and analyze it. The training you explain can be one you have experienced or an example you find while researching a type of program.
After researching the program you evaluate, write a paper as if you are writing a report to your HR/Training supervisor. Your paper should be no more than two pages. While your paper must be in APA format, you must cite your sources. Using language common within the HR/Training field, respond to these questions:
- Identify design elements in all three phases (before, during, and after the training event) that help ensure participants are engaged throughout the training experience and are then able to put their newfound knowledge and skills into practice on the job.
- How do these design elements encourage learning and transfer?
- Would you incorporate any of these elements into the training program you would design?
internet gaming disorder
internet gaming disorder, while not listed in the DSM as an official disorder, appears in the section listing conditions requiring further study. Video games, including multiplayer games played over the Internet, have become wildly popular across the world (Kuss, Griffiths, & Pontes, 2017). For a minority of people, playing such games can take on a pathological quality, affecting their well-being and occupational and social lives. Criteria for Internet gaming disorder include persistent engagement and preoccupation with gaming, tolerance, withdrawal, loss of interest in other activities, and clinically significant impairment or distress (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Research to define and study Internet gaming disorder is well underway, along with substantial differences of opinion in the field as to whether it is even a true mental disorder (Kuss et al., 2017; Petry et al., 2018). Nevertheless, the World Health Organization announced in 2018 that it would include it, as “gaming disorder,” in the addictive disorders section of the ICD-11, the newest edition of the international classification system used worldwide (WHO, 2018).Based on this information, you will find and summarize a journal article that examines Internet Gaming Disorder. The article must be from a scholarly journal and must focus on Internet Gaming Disorder. Make sure you include the following:
- What is the purpose of the article? What is it focusing on specifically? What past research and information/data do they discuss? What theory/theories do they examine or review (this is all found in the introduction/literature review section of the article) (about a page)
- If your article has a research study, what were the hypothesis? What did the study consist of and who participated (this would be your methods section).What were the results? What are the implications for future research? For a non-research article, what where the major findings or points that the author(s) presented? (2-3 paragraphs)
- What are your thoughts/opinion about the article and overall, about Internet Gaming Disorder? Do you agree with the authors? Do you believe this should be a disorder? Provide a thoughtful/meaningful reflection and critique (2 paragraphs)
- This assignment should be 2-3 pages of text (not including cover or reference page)
- Number your responses (do not include the questions and do not do it in essay format)
- You do not have to cite the article in your responses, if you choose to use an additional reference (you don’t have to, up to you), then you need to cite it in your paper
- Follow APA style for formatting, i.e. double spaced, 12-inch font, cover/reference page
- Follow the guidelines given above for how long each answer should be
- Remember it needs to be an article from a scholarly journal, use google scholar or the UIC library database. If you do not use a scholarly journal article you will get a 0
developing a health care system
A new island has been discovered in the Pacific Ocean. This island is approximately the size of Texas and has a temperate climate. United Nations officials have deemed this new land mass to be its own sovereign nation and have established a fledgling government made up of bureaucrats from nations all over the world. The island was uninhabited when discovered, but since its discovery has grown in population to about 25 million people when its borders were closed. This new nation has appointed your group to oversee the formation of its national health care system.
Your assignment is to develop a new health care system based on the examples of the countries described in Chapter 10. Do not just pick one health care system already established by a country, but take strategies from each country you find to be the best and develop your own, new heath care system. You must rationalize your final decision for each area. Your new healthcare system should specifically address the following health care issues:
- Financing
- Reimbursing
- Providing
- The assignment is to be completed in paragraph form, meaning written with words like a book and not just a list of bullet points. There are no right or wrong answers. The final project must identify which country the idea and justification came from to address each health care issue.
dissection of a mammalian heart
- Describe the difference in thickness between the walls of the atria and ventricles. What is
the reason for the difference in thickness? (2 marks)
- Describe the reason for the difference in the thickness between the walls of the left and right ventricles. What is the reason for this difference in thickness? (2 marks)
- Which chamber is the largest and strongest? (1 mark)
- Describe the difference in the thickness between the walls of the arteries and veins. What is the reason for the difference in thickness? (2 marks)
5. What is the function of the coronary vessels on the surface of the heart? (1 mark
The V.P of Marketing is not all that happy with the large volume of backorders in your plan from question 1A . She asks that you develop a plan that results in no backorders at any time during the year. The V.P. of manufacturing says that he will insist that any such plan specify level output each quarter. The V.P. of Finance states that you no longer need to have a Qtr. IV ending inventory of 2000 units.
Using the original forecast data, beginning inventory, starting number of full time employees, etc. from problem 1, develop a plan that will meet the requirements of all three V.P.’s.
On Dec. 22 the V.P. Finance informs you that the availability of capital will be extremely tight next year. As a consequence, he asks you to develop a radically different type of aggregate plan based on a “Chase” strategy. Ending inventory and backorders is to be zero at the end of each quarter. The V.P. Manufacturing says he realizes this type of strategy will require him to abandon his beloved “level” strategy and for you to vary the total output rate from one quarter to another. The productivity planning factors for each type of output are repeated here (note that there are some limits in a couple of the categories).
Verbal vs. Non-verbal Communication
Verbal vs. Non-verbal Communication is the process of transferring a message which can happen with or without words. Describe a recent scenario where you communicated non-verbally using proxemics (distance), kinesics (body language), haptic (touches), appearance, or eye contact, etc. How was this type of communication as effective (or more effective) as verbal? Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, discuss areas where there may be a difference of opinion. Do you find your peers’ techniques to be valid? What might contribute to the differences in non-verbal techniques? Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, select the three dots above [tree dots.jpg] to see the rubric.
GEODA Software Use
The aim of this assignment is to teach students how to import data into GEODA, and perform basic mapping exercises. In this exercise, please visit the geoda data and lab website (here Links to an external site.), and choose the Malaria incidence and population (1973, 95, 93 censuses and projections until 2005) in Columbia. After choosing this data set, please input it into Geoda as we practiced in last week’s class, then perform the following activities:
1. Make a percentile map while using the malaria incidence variable, and interpret it.
2. Perform a global spatial autocorrelation test, and explain it.
3. Perform a local spatial autocorrelation test, make a LISA map, and explain both.
Make sure you use the Geoda documentation website here ( ) Links to an external site.
Econ 436 coding stata
Mental health is one of the main issues or problems in this day and age. As college students, we believe that mental health issues are one of the main problems we, as a community, are constantly facing. Not only that, but in our population, we are the segment that suffers the most from mental health issues. As of today, more than 50 million Americans are currently suffering and battling mental health issues. Many factors can increase our risk of mental health issues, such as personal situations and events that changed our lives. The objective of this research is to understand more about what potential factors can affect our mental health and what type of correlation the factor has with mental health.
Our research question is whether health and health-related behaviors are affected by marijuana consumption and alcohol consumption. We want to research this question to know the effects of binge drinking and marijuana consumption on health care or mental health, as it has been predicted that those two factors can impact mental health problems. We think this question is interesting because, as explained before, college students and adults are constantly battling mental health issues. We want to know if those factors, such as binge drinking and marijuana consumption, affect our mental health.
The equation that we want to use is:
Days of poor mental health = α + β1 binge drinking i + β2 Marijuana Consumption i + β3 good health i + ε
ment14d = α + β1 rfbing5 i + β2 mjuse i + β3 goodhealth i + ε
The equation above explains how binge drinking variable and marijuana consumption can affect a person’s mental health behavior. Good health will also be added to the regression to avoid omitted variable bias because it can be a determinant on days of poor mental health and possibly correlate to binge drinking and marijuana consumption. Good health in this case means a person with good mental health. The coefficients of interest are interpreted as binge drinking as opposed to not drinking is associated with a β1 percent point change in the probability of having zero days in last 30 days when mental health not good, holding Marijuana Consumption, and having good health constant. Marijuana Consumption is interpreted in used marijuana in the last 30 days, as opposed to not used marijuana in the last 30 days is associated with a β2 percent point change in the probability of zero days in last 30 days when mental health not good, holding binge drinking and having good health constant. Finally having good health as opposed to poor is associated with a β3 percent point change in the probability of having zero days in last 30 days when mental health not good, holding binge drinking and marijuana use constant.
Political Anthropology
1. The task is to choose a modern political system that carries clear traces of its past: the traditional political organization.
2. The cases considered by students so far are: a) the traditional state of Benin as it exists today within the federal state of Nigeria; b) modern Uganda after Adi Amin. In addition, the teacher presented other cases, such as modern Rwanda, the successor to the traditional state of Rwanda.
Plagiarism Free/check
The sources should be Default Paragraph Style, Time New Roman, 12pt and Setline spacing 1.15
Database Case Study Report TIMES UNIVERSITY (TU) currently uses a paper‐based manual process for managing applications for special consideration (SC), the process for students to request special consideration of an assessment deadline, or arrangement of alternative assessments.
The university is planning to automate the process, and as a database designer, you are going to design the back-end database for the system. The current process is detailed below:
To apply for special consideration (SC) of an assessment, students download the special consideration form from the TU Website and then fill out the sections allocated for the student, which are then sent to the Learning Facilitator (LF) along with the supporting documents via email. There are 6 sections allocated for the student, they are:
- Section 1: Personal details
- Section 2: Modified assessment arrangement requested
- Section 3: Reason for application
- Section 4: Supporting documentation
- Section 5: Assessment or examination affected
- Section 6: Declaration
Sections 2 and 4 have a number of options for the students to tick depending on their circumstances.
Likewise, there is also a section that is required to be filled by the LF, and alternatively in some cases to be filled by the Program Director.
To get a good understanding of the data requirements, please check the SC form currently used by the university. However, you should note that the form is not a full reflection of the data requirements of the new system the university is planning to implement.
SC form acceptance works by the following process:
when the LF receives the SC form, they are responsible for checking the form for completeness and deciding if the student is eligible for an SC.
If the student is eligible for SC, the LF approves the form by filling in the details allocated to the LF, which includes the new submission date with signature.
If declined, the LF would add reasons. The form is then sent to the Academic Services Officer (ASO) team who is dedicated to processing these applications in a timely manner. They work on different campuses, and there is at least one dedicated ASO for each campus.
Final processing of the form, which includes checking the form for completeness and supporting documents is carried out by the ASO, who then notifies the outcome to the student and LF via email.
Finally, a request is sent to the Blackboard (BB) team to adjust the due date of the assignment accordingly in BB for that student.
Typically, the form is processed on the same day, and the student is informed of the outcome within 1-2 days if all the supporting documents are available.
The LF is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete with supporting documents before sending them to the ASO team. If not, the ASOs would not be able to process the application. Forms with extension periods longer than 10 days would require the Program Director’s (PD)/Course Coordinator’s approval in addition to the LF’s approval.
The data in the forms are recorded in an Excel spreadsheet shared on a network drive.
When the new system is designed, the university also wishes to make the application process more flexible to allow multiple SC requests to be submitted at the same time in one form, instead of the current process where the student is required to fill out separate applications for each subject.
Likewise, students can also apply for SC for multiple assignments of the same subject in a single application. For example, in some circumstances, a student may want to apply for an SC for all the assessments of one or more subjects. To implement this new feature, instead of one authorized person (LFs/PD) approving the application, one or more approvers may require approving the requests. For example, if the student applied for SC for assignments of two different subjects, then each request would be approved by the relevant LF delivering that subject. The SC approval process is one of the processes that get periodically audited by the quality assurance team. At any time, the team could request to provide reports of the SC approval process. The reports include, but is not limited to, the following statistics:
- The number of applications received each semester, by course and vertical.
- The total number of applications that do not conform to the SC policy, and the LF who approved them.
- The number of SC forms approved come after a particular assessment due date. • The total number of students by gender, campus, and mode (F2F/online).
- The total number of forms rejected, and likewise, the total number accepted.
- The average number of days taken to process the form
Based on the information provided in the case study, create a functioning database using MySQL that can be queried to meet the requirements of the business.
- The database case study report should include the following elements:
- a) ER diagram, relational model and associated business rules and assumptions
- b) SQL commands to:
- Create tables and Insert sample data rows into each table
- SQL queries to provide business insights. At least one of each of the following is required:
- SELECT query with a condition
- GROUP BY query
- JOIN query o NESTED query for each query explain its business value i.e. what business question does the result answer? Does it save money/more efficient process?
- c) At least two visualizations with an explanation of its business value. For each visualization explain its business value. E.g., does the visualization highlight savings in time or money?
Referencing It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.