Category Archives: Research Papers

Java Spring MVC

2. Using eclipse, create a SpringMVC application.

3. Initialize a git repository

4. Create the appropriate .gitignore file, you must justify each line of your .gitignore file with a statement as to why the entry in .gitignore exists and what the ide uses it for.

.classpath file stores java settings that are specific to the local machine, team members may have different settings. .classpath

5. You will create your own object model the model of your SpringMVC app create a parent class for your object hierarchy, be sure to use the naming convention.

6. Add the changes to your git repo

7. Create two child classes from your classes. Add two non-trivial methods and two properties to each class, default constructors and the toString() method do not count.

8. Add the changes to your git repo

9. Use an interface to implement the at least two methods across both of your classes, these methods should be different from those in the previous step.

10. Commit the changes to your git repo

11. Create a Controller uses SpringMVC to instantiate one type of each of the classes and execute the methods.

12. Create a corresponding view to initialize the objects. You must have text fields (“INPUT” tags) to set the various properties, but you also must use the VALUE attribute to pre-populate these fields, When the user submits your web form your controller must process the form post data. Name the view “Assignment1View.jsp”

. Using git rename AssignmentView to reflect the naming convention for example (assignment1-shi89.jsp). Of course you will use your own name.

14. Commit all your changes

15. Test your program to make sure it runs.

16. Package your submission make sure there are no outstanding changes to be committed in your repository, make any final commits and zip up your eclipse project and submit the properly named zip file to Blackboard (example: Be sure to adhere to the naming convention corresponding to your own name and student number.

17. Create github account, and then sign up for an educational account.


Calculate the profit for each demand and order quantity combination using Excel Data Table method. Calculate the Expected profit for each order quantity.

  1. [20 points] Import the Exam 1 Data.txt dataset into Excel. Answer following questions.
  2. [10 points] Refer to Question 5 data set. Use conditional formatting in Excel and perform following operations.
    1. Highlight the “Customers” who have ordered between 01/01/2013 and 06/30/2013 and ordered 500 or less per order. (red)
    2. Highlight the “Order ID” which have shipped from PLANT01 to PORT02. (blue)
  3. [15 points] Following table shows number of picking errors made by employees during last 11 days. Number of units picked each day is also given. The warehouse manager wants to keep average number of errors per 1000 picks below 0.20. What is the maximum number of errors allowed on 12th day if the number of units picked is 19073?
  4. (question 8 on the Excel sheet) [15 points] A medical equipment supplier is deciding on how many units of N-95 masks should be ordered from the manufacturer for the next month. From each mask sold, they would earn $1.00 profit. If the mask is not sold within the next month, the supplier has to sell at a salvage price, that would cost them $0.75. The demand is assumed to be distributed in a discrete distribution as given in the “Exam 1 Q8.xlsx” file. The Excel file shows the profit calculation when demand is 50,000 units and when the supplier orders 50,000 units. (Profit value is given in E4). The supplier may order between 30,000-80,000 units for the next month in a multiple of 5000. The supplier wants to find out the number of units that would maximize the expected profit.

a.How many total orders were shipped from origin port? What is the average weight per order?

b.Which carrier shipped highest number of units? How many units were shipped by that carrier? How many orders were shipped by that carrier?

c.Which plant shipped least weight? How many units were shipped by that plant? How many orders were shipped by that plant?

d.How many orders were shipped in 2012, 2013, and 2014?

Day No. of Units picked No. of errors
1 16899 2
2 15785 3
3 15740 2
4 15393 5
5 15891 5
6 17256 4
7 19883 2
8 15431 3
9 15782 3
10 15403 3
11 19662 3
12 19073 ??

a.Calculate the profit for each demand and order quantity combination using Excel Data Table method.

b.Calculate the Expected profit for each order quantity.

c.What is the order quantity that gives highest expected profit? What is the profit?



From which direction as default does AutoCAD start measuring angles?

  1. A floor plan (40’×30′) is sketched in full scale in the Model Space. In the layout, this floor plan is prepared for plotting, with the measurement zoomed to be 8” × 6”, to fit the Letter Size paper.

  1. Suppose the scale in the plot dialog box is 1 to 1 (i.e., 1 inch = 1 unit). What is the scale for the printout of this drawing? (3%)

  1. Suppose that the scale in the plot dialog box still is 1 to 1. The viewport scale in the layout is changed to 3/4” = 3′. Then, what is the measurement of one unit in the layout for plotting? (3%)

  1. Answer the following short questions. (16%)

  1. From which direction as default does AutoCAD start measuring angles?

  1. What is the length of the line connecting two absolute coordinate points, (1, 4) to (4, 4)?

  1. What is the length of the line from an absolute point, (1, 4), to the point, @4<5?

  1. Explain three basic methods to select objects.

  1. In the MOVE command, what is the option, “displacement,” for the first point and second point?

  1. When you use some of the commands to modify existing objects, the commands ask to specify a base point. What is the role of the base point in these commands?



Lab cicso assingment

  • Now from PC1, ping PC3. Now run the command show policy-map interface g0/0/1.  Did the number of packets marked “ef” increase? ___________________   Paste your output below.

  • Now from PC2, ping PC3. Now run the command show policy-map interface g0/0/1.  Did the number of packets marked “ef” increase? ___________________  Paste your output below.



Manipulating NumPy Arrays

Manipulating NumPy Arrays (105 points)

Write a program to provide the following tasks for a 1-D NumPy array:

  1. Create and print a one-dimensional (1-D) with 20 numerical items

  2. Print the dimension of the array

  3. Print the array value for index equal 10

  4. Slice and print the array between 5 and 15 indexes. Include both of the arrays.

  5. Print the data type of the array

  6. Make a copy of the array and print it

  7. Make a view of the array and print it

  8. Print the shape of the array

  9. Reshape the array and print it



How does mathematics affect your life? How, if at all, has this class developed your understanding in this regard?

Question 1

  •  How does mathematics affect your life? How, if at all, has this class developed your understanding in this regard?

  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

Question 2

  • In Genesis 41: 25-39, we see Joseph provide a wise solution to Pharaoh. What lesson(s) can we learn from Joseph’s story?



Discussing a personal moment of truth. In your response, please not go into a lot of detail as to what a MOT is…..focus on your personal experience.

Discussing a personal moment of truth. In your response, please not go into a lot of detail as to what a MOT is…..focus on your personal experience.

2. Please comment on the writing below in 300 words.

I recently had a customer experience including several moments of truth with IRS and the company Sprintax. Indeed, most of you already know Sprintax as Pace University’s recommended partner to help students file their tax returns. So here’s the little background: I filed my tax returns document with the help of Sprintax in Spring and mailed them to IRS way before the deadline. After a few months of seeing all my friends receiving their refunds, I got worried as I hadn’t received anything yet.

MOT 1: I called IRS hoping to talk to a human advisor, but ended up talking to an IVR (interactive voice response) robot who tells me that the information I gave them on request (name, social security number, address, expected refund amount) are not enough to track my refunds. Ultimately, the AI concludes by advising me to visit a special page on IRS’s website to track my refund, and terminates the call. After this first MOT I was a little disappointed that I wasn’t given the opportunity to talk to a real person and my perception of IRS as being a high governmental institution falls down considerably, along with my admiration and respect for the American bureaucracy.

MOT 2: As advised, I visit IRS’s website and try to track my refund. However, after providing, once again, my name, SSN, address, and expected refund amount, the website shows me an error message saying that my refund cannot be tracked, and that this refund probably doesn’t even exist! After this second MOT, I panicked, knowing that I expected an important amount of $ and that I followed Sprintax procedures properly when filing and mailing my tax returns. Needless to say that my esteem of IRS dropped even lower after this second moment of truth.

MOT 3: Panicked, I review my tax return documents and attach them to a desperate email for a Sprintax representative, hoping someone outside of IRS could help me. After only a few hours, Eva answered my email with some questions to help her find a way to track my refunds. She was very kind, quick, and professional. After a few emails, she was able to tell me that my New York State refund was being re-directed from my hold address to my new address and I received it just a few days later (thanks you Eva!). Regarding my Federal tax return, Eva was able to tell me that my documents were not in IRS system yet as they haven’t finished to review all the returns they received and that it could take another month or so to receive it. Ever since that day, Eva emailed me once a week to ask me if I received my federal tax refund. I have not, but I really appreciate how committed she is to help me track my refunds! After this last MOT I can tell that I respect and trust Sprintax way more than IRS. Indeed, Sprintax provided a curated, personalized customer experience for me and helped me better, and in a more qualitative way than IRS ever did.



Leadership roles and management functions in nursing

1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team.

2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions?

3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication.

4. There are many pitfalls to electronic communication. Identify a situation in which an electronic form of communication may result in a miscommunication. What other method of communication would have been more effective?

5. How have you seen ISBAR used during your clinical experiences?

6- Develop a hand-off report for yourself. Include items that you believe are pertinent for safe and effective nursing care. Refer to the information in the chapter for creating this report form. Using the information from the chapter, determine the effectiveness of the system currently in use on your unit for communicating shift-to-shift reports.

7-Dr. Roberts comes into the nurses’ station demanding, “Where are Mr. Adams’s lab reports? I ordered these stat, and they’re not here! Who’s responsible for this patient?” How would you, as the nurse, respond?

8-Explain the concept of accountability in delegation. What are the legal ramifications of accountability in delegation?

9. Dennie and Elias arrive in the unit for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. Both nurses completed orientation 4 weeks ago. They find that they will be the only two RNs on the floor that night. There is a census of 48 clients. The remaining staff consists of two NAPs/UAPs and one LPN. What are the responsibilities of the RN, NAP/UAP, and LPN? Can Dennie and Elias effectively delegate client care tasks and care safely for all 48 clients? Use the Delegation Tree to make your decisions.

10. Discuss the differences between direct delegation and indirect delegation.



A bank’s estimate of next year profit (as a percentage of assets) is a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation of 1% and 2%, respectively. How much equity (as a percentage of assets) does the company need to be

  1. A bank’s estimate of next year profit (as a percentage of assets) is a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation of 1% and 2%, respectively. How much equity (as a percentage of assets) does the company need to be

(a) 95% sure that it will have a positive equity at the end of the year

(b) 99% sure that it will have a positive equity at the end of the year

(b) 99.9% sure that it will have a positive equity at the end of the year

(d) Assume the bank’s capital is 4% of assets. How much equity capital in addition to that should regulators require for there to be a 99.95% chance of the capital not being wiped out by losses?

  1. In a defined benefit pension plan for public employees of Illinois:

(a) Employees work for 30 years earning wages that increase at a real rate of 1.5% per year.

(b) They retire with a pension equal to 70% of their final salary. This pension decreases at the real of rate of 1% per year.

(c) The pension is received for 20 years.

(d) The pension fund assets earn a real rate of 3%.

Find the percentage of an employee’s salary that must be contributed to the pension plan if it is to remain solvent.

  1. A financial institution has the following portfolio of options a stock:



Delta of Option

Gamma of Option

Vega of Option





















An option is available with a delta of 0.5, a gamma of 2, and a vega of 1.5.

(a) What position in the traded option and in the stock would make the portfolio both gamma neutral and delta neutral?

(b) What position in the traded option and in the stock would make the portfolio both vega neutral and delta neutral?

(c) Another option with a delta of 0.2, a gamma of 0.5, and a vega of 1 is available. How could the portfolio become delta, gamma, and vega neutral?

  1. The bidders in a Dutch auction are as follows:


Number of Shares


























The number of shares being auctioned is 250,000. What is the price paid by investors? How many shares does each investor receive?

  1. A fund of funds invests across many hedge funds with an expected return of 7% before fees in a particular year. Hedge funds charge 2% 20% for management and incentives fee, respectively. Fund of fund investors require an expected return of 3%. What type of fee structure (incentive fees and management fees) for the fund of fund delivers an expected return of 3%? Plot a graph (incentive fees as a function of management fees) that displays the plausible combinations.

  1. An oil-linked bond issue works as follows. The holder receives no interest. At maturity, the company pays $1,000 plus a premium based on the price of oil at that time. The premium is the product of 100 and the lack (if any) of the price of a barrel of oil at maturity under $60. The premium is capped at $2,000. Plot the bond’s payoff as a function of price of oil. Decompose the payoff of this bond using a combination of long and short positions in a simple bond and options.

  1. A company’s investments earn LIBOR minus 0.5%. Show how it can use the quotes in the following Table to convert the investments into 1 through 10-year fixed-rate investments.


Swap Rates (%)























Simple Hex calculator using swift for ios

Simple Hex calculator using swift for ios

Build a simple hex calculator using swift in xcode for ios. Details are in the pdf file. please submit a whole project file containing viewController.swift file.

Build a simple hex calculator using swift in xcode for ios. Details are in the pdf file. please submit a whole project file containing viewController.swift file.

Build a simple hex calculator using swift in xcode for ios. Details are in the pdf file. please submit a whole project file containing viewController.swift file.



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