Category Archives: Research Papers

Writing assignment

Choose one (1) fruit crop from this list: bananas, avocados, grapes, oranges, or pineapples. Create a minimum of 8 posts related to the crop of your choice (no more than 10 posts), each posts is 150 words long, as follows: 2 posts on the history of the fruits crop you chose, 2 posts on how the crop is grown (land usage, water usage, inputs, etc), 2 posts on labor, transportation, packaging, markets, etc, 2 posts on how climate change is affecting and will affect this crop in the future. If you choose to write 10 posts use the extra 2 posts for information you find interesting, very important or maybe just fun (ex: why are banana peels slippery?).

In addition, after each post, use a visual, such as a picture, to emphasis what your post is about. Give the source of your picture as URL or if you are using a picture you too, give yourself the credit.

Also, don’t forget about sources, include sources after each post. To create your posts/thread, use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point or Google slides. Upload your file in Canvas.

*Note 1: There are lots of Twitter templates available online. Most require opening an account or buy the template. Do not purchase anything for this class. The simplest way is to use Microsoft Word and just created one post after another and embed the visual on the page. Click on Tools and then Word Count to make sure you are reaching the 150 words/staying in the limit for each post. To insert visuals in Microsoft Word click Insert, and then chose the visual you want. Pictures or graphs must be saved in your computer first (before you embed them on the page).



Provide an example of one SQL dialect as part of your write-up.

SQL is a pervasive querying language. While there is one primary SQL dialect that all SQL RDBMS implementations must support, and that’s ANSI SQL, each database platform comes out with its own context. Each of these dialects has its own DDL (Data Definition Language). DML (Data Manipulation Language). and DQL (Data Query Language). Other than for marketing purposes (to sell the product as unique), what is the value of creating a new variation of a SQL dialect.

Provide an example of one SQL dialect as part of your write-up.



ACCT422 Tax and zakat Accounting

ACCT422 Tax and zakat Accounting 

Q1. Depreciation rates used in financial accounting shall not be used in tax accounting whereas tax law gives tax credits to tax payers by using accelerated depreciation rates for some groups of assets (1.5 Marks).


Required: State depreciation rates under the Article 17 of the Saudi Income.

Q2. The paragraph (e) in the article 17 of the Saudi income tax explained how depreciation expense is calculated for any group of assets. (2.0 Marks).


  1. Discuss In Detail This Article

  2. Give a numerical example explaining the applicability of the paragraph (e) in the article 17 of the Saudi income tax.


(Answer in your own words DO NOT copy from the Law).

Q3. Resident Bank fully owned by Sweden investors has the following selected items drawn from its accounting books (Amounts in Saudi Riyal) (1.5 Marks).



STAT2103 Business statistics

P1: A game has the following probabilities of winning certain dollar amounts. There is a 10% chance you will win $5 and a 40% chance you will win $7 and 50% chance that you will win only $3. However, to play a game, you must pay $5 for each play. Answer the following questions:

  1. Write the probability model for the total net winnings.

Answer: Net winnings (X) = winnings – payment









  1. What type of random variable net winnings is? Answer: Discrete

  1. What are the mean and standard deviation of total net winnings?

Answer: Mean__-.2_ and Stdev._1.8868_.

You play the above game twice. Assume both plays are independent.

  1. What is the mean of your total winnings?

Answer: Mean _2*(-.2) = -.4___


P2: A multiple choice test has 50 independent questions. Suppose you have 70% chance of getting each question right. Let X be the # of right answers. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is P(X 30)? Answer:_.08480____

  1. What is P(X40)? Answer:__.0788______

  1. What is P( 30 X 40)? Answer:__.9120__

  1. What are the mean and standard deviation of X? Answer: Mean_35_ and Stdev. 3.24.

P3: The rate of return (ROR) from a mutual fund is normally distributed with mean 6% and standard deviation 1.2%. Answer the following:

  1. What is P(ROR4.5%)? Answer:_.1056____

  1. What is P(ROR7.5%)? Answer:__.1056___

  1. What is P(4.5% ROR 7.5%)? Answer:__.7887___

  1. Calculate the lower 5 percentile of ROR. Answer:__4.026___

  1. Calculate the upper 5 percentile of ROR. Answer:__7.973__

P4: CO emissions for a certain car vary with mean 3 g/mi and standard deviation 0.5g/mi. A company has 80 of these cars in its fleet. Let represent the mean CO level for the company fleet.

  1. What is the name of the approximate probability distribution of ? Hint: Check the CLT definition. Answer:­­­­­­­­­ is approximately N(3, .0559)

  1. What is P(< 3.1 g/mi)? Answer:_0.963___

  1. If the number cars in the fleet increase to 320, what happens to the answer in question 14?

  2. Answer:­­­­­­­­­  is approximately N(3, .0279) => standard deviation of the  decreases ½ of the answer in 14 and the normal approximation gets better!

    P5:  How much money do winners go home with from the TV show Jeopardy? A random sample of 15 winners was drawn and their total dollar winnings were given below:
















    Answer the following questions:

    Note: n=15, =24050.67 and s =17386.13

    1. The margin error of 95% confidence interval of mean winnings? Answer:_9628__

    1. The L and U of 95% confidence interval of mean winnings?

    Answer: L = 14423 and U = 33679

    1. Explain the meaning of above 95% CI in plain English.

    Answer: 95% confident that the unknown mean winnings falls in between 14423 and 33679. Formally it says “ 95% of samples of this size (n=15) will produce confidence intervals that capture the true mean”.



QDA LDA statistic question

In the production of new microchips, 4% of parts appear defective. So, any part has a prior probability of 0.04 to be defective. A certain voltage measurement is used to identify the defects. For good parts, these measurements are normally distributed with a mean of 4.5 V and a standard deviation of 0.2 V. For defective parts, these measurements are normally distributed with a mean of 4.2 V and a standard deviation of 0.2 V. A new part is tested, and the measured voltage is 4.3 V on it.

(a) Use discriminant analysis to classify this new part as either good or defective, if the penalty of any misclassification is the same.

(b) Suppose that it is ten times as harmful to label a defective part as a good part than vice versa. That is, L(good | defective) = 10 L(defective | good). How will you classify the new part now?


Probability, Hypothesis Testing

DQ 1: This question is about two part. Part A and Part B. I solve part A and please solve part B.

Part A: Roll a single die 50 times and record the results. Now use that data set to compute the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation of the set.

Part B: Then Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean.

DQ 2: Explain the difference between statistical significance and practical significance.



Concepts Assignment Segment – Discrete Random Variables & Probability Distributions

While the primary purpose of this assignment is for you to think about and work with statistical concepts, it is important after you complete your writing that you take the time to review and edit it for coherence, completeness, and grammar.  Using a grammar and spelling program such as Grammarly is highly recommended, as excessive grammar errors and incoherent writing will lower your grade. Download and use the CA 2.3 Template to answer the questions for this assignment.  Use ONLY words (no formulas, no equations, and no symbols) to answer the following questions:

  1. Define in your own words what a random variable is and what makes it discrete?

  2. What limitations are there in using this approach to probability prediction?

  3. What type of data do you need?

  4. Define Expected Value in words only.

For the following 3 types of distributions explain in words (no formulas, no equations, and no symbols) a)what they model and b) what the given elements are for each (i.e. event, sample, conditional/independent). c) Then provide one example from your field *of how they could be applied (you may use sources but must have more than one, you may not quote them, and you must cite them):

  1. Binomial

  2. Hypergeometric

  3. Negative Binomial

  4. How does the Bernoulli random variable relate to the binomial and negative binomial distributions?



CSC 600 Procedural programming

CSC 600 Procedural programming

1. Plateau program (max sequence length) (a combinatorial algorithm)
The array a(1..n) contains sorted integers. Write a function maxlen(a,n) that returns the
length of the longest sequence of identical numbers (for example, if
a=(1,1,1,2,3,3,5,6,6,6,6,7,9) then maxlen returns 4 because the longest sequence 6,6,6,6
contains 4 numbers. Write a demo main program for testing the work of maxlen. Explain
your solution, and insert comments in your program. The solution should have the time
complexity O(n).
2. Integer plot function (find a smart way to code big integers)
Write a program BigInt(n) that displays an arbitrary positive integer n using big
characters of size 7×7, as in the following example for BigInt(170):

Write a demo main program that illustrates the work of BigInt(n) and prints the following
sequence of big numbers 1, 12, 123, 1234, …, 1234567890, one below the other.
3. Array processing (elimination of three largest values) (one of many array reduction

The array a(1..n) contains arbitrary integers. Write a function reduce(a,n) that reduces
the array a(1..n) by eliminating from it all values that are equal to three largest different
integers. For example, if a=(9,1,1,6,7,1,2,3,3,5,6,6,6,6,7,9) then three largest different
integers are 6,7,9 and after reduction the reduced array will be a=(1,1,1,2,3,3,5), n=7. The
solution should have the time complexity O(n).
4. Iteration versus recursion (an opportunity for performance measurement)
Make a sorted integer array a[i]=i, i=0,…,n-1. Let bs(a,n,x) be a binary search
program that returns the index i of array a[0..n-1] where a[i]=x. Obviously, the result is
bs(a,n,x)=x, and the binary search function can be tested using the loop



Create a 217 mm x 340 mm black and white poster

Create a 217 mm x 340 mm black and white poster which represents the music (emotion, rhythm,etc.) only by using type (avoid using recognizable word) and Illustrator. Consider Gestalt Design Principles (proximity, continuity, symmetry, similarity, closure, good figure), foreground, background, positive and negative space in your design.

I want abstract

Can’t have any graphics, unless it’s a letter change



Operating Sytem Write C unflake program

Write an unflake program that will rerun a test if it fails the first time (or the 2nd time or 3rd time …). you also need to keep track of stdout and stderr in a single file from the tests, so you need to log them to a file. once the program completes, you need to print how many times the program ran, the exit code or signal that killed the program, and print the program output. the exit code of unflake must match the exit code of the last run. if the last run will killed with a signal, unflake should have an exit code of 255.

the flaky tests sometimes hang, so if a timeout is exceeded, you need to force the running test to stop.


unflake max_tries max_timeout test_command args…

max_tries – is the maximum amount of times you will try rerunning the test before giving up.

max_timeout – the maximum allowed time for a test to run

test_command – the command you will be running for the test

args – any arguments the test may take

when unflake finishes the current directory will contain files of the form: test_output.X where X is the try number (starting at 1). this file will contain both the stdout and stderr of the test run.

when unflake finishes, it will dump the information about the run and contents of the last run to the screen and exit with a return code of the last run.

make sure you match the format exactly. extra spaces or incorrect capitalization will cause you to lose points. make sure you don’t have any extra print statements and that each line ends in a linefeed (‘\n’). make sure your files are also named correctly with lower case letters.



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