Category Archives: Research Papers

Risk management: swot analysis

Risk management: swot analysis

This week’s assignment will focus on beginning the process of establishing a Risk Treatment and Response Plan (attached). As you know, we first need to understand the business problem and the data that must be accessed before selecting and building our models. The modeling techniques and the process for evaluation and deployment to the decision environment will be the subject of future lectures, discussions, and assignments. The CRISP-DM model, presented in my Week 1 lecture is provided as an attachment and should be used as a guide and template for this assignment and for the remainder of the term. For this week’s assignment I would like you to select three fictitious competitive risks that you believe would be of concern in the acquisition of a new product. You may want to use the threats you identified from the week 1 S.W.O.T assignment but that is not necessary. You should provide a paragraph for each risk, establishing what the threat or risk is, or could be that would cause the real or potential risk to occur. You should also explain where you would look for the data to perform the analytics-based assessment of the risk. You should then provide your early views on the risk impact and the likelihood that it could occur. This should be followed by a few paragraphs describing how you will interact with your team and senior managers to complete the risk assessment. The total written assignment should be no more than two double spaced pages to be submitted in Word. Lastly I would ask you to record the risk in the attached Risk Treatment and Response Plan along with the name of your fictitious company (replace XYZ company). You will update and submit the Risk Treatment and Response Plan each week with information that you gather during the remainder of the term, culminating in the final product which will be the Signature Assessment assignment. In Week’s 3 and 4 we will look at qualitative and quantitative risk assessment techniques as they apply to your identified risks so please make sure that you give ample thought to identifying competitive risks in this assignment.



Anthropology Writing

In this assignment you will evaluate the pros and cons of using CRISPR to edit human DNA, and propose a set of guidelines or regulations to address the potential risks this technology poses. This will help you apply your knowledge of genetics to real-world contexts, and think creatively to address some of the challenges our society will face as CRISPR technology continues to advance.



History discussion video and summarize your points in the regular discussions thread here. at least 100 words

2.Run a few intriguing keyword searches of your own at the site (Links to an external site.), and share here an example or two of what you find. How might historians, Missouri legislator, or students in a a course such as this, use this site to gather evidence about the original intent of the framers of the current Missouri Constitution? you may pick your own two words.



Calculus Probems

Calculus Probems

Calculus Probems

Calculus Probems

Calculus Probems



MK 222: Brand Concept Executive Summary Assignment

Assignment Overview:
Pick a relevant example that links to class concepts studied, or the marketing topic of the week noted
below and in Canvas. Your example can be a news story, article, trend, ad, video, e-mail, company,
product, organizational change, societal trend or any trends in the contextual environment (PESTLE).
Whatever topic you select make sure you can link it back to class concepts of your choice or the topic of
the week.



FSM3075 Food Service and Hospitality Strategic Marketing Assignment, Strategy – Fast Casual is Killing Casual Dining


Food Service and Hospitality Strategic Marketing

Assignment, Strategy – Fast Casual is Killing Casual Dining

  1. Conduct internet research.  Find at least one article that discusses the strategic choices that your selected chain has made that might explain their exceptional recent success.  Summarize the article.  Provide a link to the article. (one page)

  2. In your opinion, why has the strategic choice identified in the article been successful? Pay particular attention to how this strategy is in contrast to casual dining’s current offerings. (one page)

  3. Is the company you selected likely to be successful in the future?  Provide your thoughts, but be sure to support your opinion by referencing their current offerings, the current market environment and current consumer preferences.



What subtopic did you find the most interesting in terms of class concepts, and why?

  • What subtopic did you find the most interesting in terms of class concepts, and why?

  • How does that subtopic conceptually relate to the second subtopic you read?

  • How do both subtopics relate to issues currently relevant to the sociology of religion? What similarities do they share? What differences?

  • Why are each of the subtopics you chose significant to the past, present, or future of religion in America and/or the world today?



Experiment and data entry file; Crystals are made when a substance has atoms or molecules that form in a very organized, repeating, what number dimensional pattern?

Crystals are made when a substance has atoms or molecules that form in a very organized, repeating, what number dimensional pattern?

Is boiling water a physical or chemical change?

Select the pure substances in this lab. (Read through the procedure.)

Select the pure substances and mixtures in this lab. (Read through the procedure.)

How many liquid ounces are in a single pint?

How many gallons is 1 pint?

How many milliliters are in 1 pint?

Select the original postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory (select all that apply)

Regarding the beverage lemonade, what is the solute and the solvent for this solution?

Google search how to make “Sweet tea”

Why is solution considered to be supersaturated?

Please match the appropriate definition with the term on the left.

Regarding solubility of solids in liquid, please check all the apply that will increase the solubility of a solid in liquids.



What’s the role of enterprise in the modern economy?

What’s the role of enterprise in the modern economy?

What’s the role of enterprise in the modern economy?

What’s the role of enterprise in the modern economy?



Your E-Business Marketing Plan

As an additional part of planning your e-business, you must look at who your particular consumer base is and make decisions on how to market to them online.


  • What is your consumers’ profile? Discuss their demographics, what devices and technology they probably use, what social media they use, what their interests are, and what fears or hesitations they have.

  • How will you market during the consumer decision process? Looking at the Consumer Decision Process in Figure 6.2 (p. 344) discuss the supporting communications that you should implement for each phase of the decision process. Why did you choose these particular communications?

  • How will you develop a relationship with your consumers? How will you develop trust between yourself and the consumer? Can you use communication strategies that you listed in the previous question to help with this? Are there other ways to develop the relationship?

  • Do you want to invest in paid SEM and/or social media advertising? Why do you want to invest in this for your particular e-business? Specifically what types of online advertising would work best for your e-business?

  • What can you do to optimize SEO for your e-business? Provide particular examples of ways to improve your e-business’ SEO, and list some ways that SEO could be negatively impacted if you aren’t careful.

  • What will be your pricing strategy?



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