Category Archives: Research Papers

About Economics of Innovation, reading some article,and answer the quesiton!

Respond to ALL of the following questions, in an essay that addresses the topics covered in the readings. Remember, from the syllabus, you must use at least one source in addition to the readings; bibliographies are not required; cite readings in footnotes or in the text.

Prepare a 1.5-page double-spaced response with a short introductory paragraph outlining the topics and purpose of your brief, the body of which responds to the questions (address all of them), and a conclusion which states your own thoughts on the topic and its relevance, in the context of the economy.



Introduction to Infographics

Find 3 Good Examples of:

1. Instructions that uses infographics well (ie. lego instructions)

2. Data that is shown with infographics (ie. corona stats)

3. An Infographic that we see everyday and use (ie. washroom signs)

Find 1 “needs improvement” example of: 1. Find an infographic that doesn’t work well

For each example explain: 1. The instruction, data, or information the infographic is trying to explain

2. Why you think the infographic works well or doesn’t work well and how you would improve it



What factors affect the height of a shadow cast on a screen when an opaque object (whose size is constant) is illuminated by a single light source?

What factors affect the height of a shadow cast on a screen when an opaque object (whose size is constant)
is illuminated by a single light source?

● How does the height of the light source off the “floor” affect the height of the shadow?
● How will the addition of another light source to the experimental set-up described above affect the nature of the shadow
(address various possible locations of the light sources).
● How can you create a colored shadow?



Write a function, R(m), to represent the cost to buy the reptiles and purchase food and supplies in terms of the number of months (m) that Jalen owns the reptiles.

Josh finds an old tank and decides to fill it with reptiles from a local pet store for $60.  He needs to spend $40 per month on food and supplies to feed the reptiles

  1. Write a function, R(m), to represent the cost to buy the reptiles and purchase food and supplies in terms of the number of months (m) that Jalen owns the reptiles.

  1. Graph the function R(m).

  1. Find the Domain and Range of the function, R(m), in the context of this situation.

  1. Suppose Josh keeps the reptiles for 18 months. Find the total amount of money will he have spent.  Show the mathematics used to calculate your answer.



Let Tφ: R2 → R2 be the transformation which rotates the plane by an angle φ Determine the angle between the green arrows and prove that Tφ is a linear transformation.

1) Let Tφ: R2 → R2 be the transformation which rotates the plane by an angle φ Determine the angle between the green arrows and prove that Tφ is a linear transformation.

2) Let T be a linear transformation. Prove that if {T(¯v1), . . . , T(¯vn)} are linearly independent then {v¯1, . . . , v¯n} are linearly independent.

3) Find the standard matrix for the linear transformation Tθ, φ: R 3 → R 3 which rotates a vector by the angle θ in the x1x2-plane and by the angle φ in the x1x3-plane

4) Let A be a m × n matrix and B a n × p matrix. Prove that (AB) T = BT AT

5) Prove that the statement AB = O implies B = O is equivalent to A being invertible. (Hint: look at the columns)



What is the probability that an automobile travels slower than 75 miles/hour?

Question 1. [20 points] The distribution of automobile speeds on a certain highway is normally distributed with a mean of 71.6 miles/hour, and a standard deviation of 4.53 miles/hour.

(a) What is the probability that an automobile travels slower than 75 miles/hour?

(b) What is the probability that an automobile travels faster than 65 miles/hour?

(c) What is the probability that an automobile travels between 65 and 75 miles/hour?

(d) What is the 90th percentile for the speeds of automobiles on this highway?

2 Question 2. [10 points] Let X1, X2, · · · , X100 be a random sample of size n = 100 from a population with mean µ = 20 and σ = 15. Let X¯ = 1 100 P100 i=1 Xi . (a) What is E(X¯) and SD(X¯) (i.e., the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution for X¯)? (b) What distribution does the sample mean X¯ follow? Explain. (c) Calculate P(X >¯ 23)

Question 3. [10 points] From past experience, it is known that the number of tickets purchased by each customer standing in line at the ticket window at a certain movie theater follows a distribution with mean µ = 1.5 and standard deviation σ = 0.6. Suppose that there are 40 customers waiting in line to get tickets before the start of a movie. If only 55 tickets remain, what is the probability that all 40 customers will be able to purchase the tickets they desire?

Question 4.[10 points] Mark the following as either True or False.

(a) The mean and median are usually approximately equal when the distribution of data in a histogram is skewed right.

(b) The daily commute for an employee takes an average of 1.3 hours with a standard deviation of 0.45 hours. When converting from hours to minutes, the average commute time is 78 minutes with a standard deviation of 27 minutes.

(c) The following scenario is an example of stratified random sampling: A polling agency is interested in determining how concerned adult Americans are about the coronavirus’s effect on the economy. The agency decides to interview a simple random sample of adults from each state. The number of adults sampled in each state is proportional to the population size of each state.

(d) The following scenario is an example of simple random sampling: An administrator at a University is interested in conducting a survey to investigate how students are adapting to online instruction. The administrator decides to sample every 10th student from an alphabetical listing of all students that attend the University.

(e) Observational studies can be used to infer cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

Question) Let X1, X2, · · · , Xn be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. Let E(Xi) = µ and V ar(Xi) = σ 2 . Let T = Pn i=1 Xi . Show that E(T) = nµ and V ar(T) = nσ2 .



Global Gender Issues: impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic onyoung women in Kenya and on adult men in Uganda.

The first unit of Global Gender Issues examines the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on young women in
Kenya and on adult men in Uganda. As expected, significant gender and age-related differences
characterize the experiences of these two groups. At the same time, these different experiences are often
the result of common sociocultural factors such as transactional sex relationships, masculine sexual
privilege, and desire for a modern lifestyle. This essay asks you to compare and contrast the way these
factors play out in the lives of young Kenyan women and adult Ugandan men.
Sociocultural factors have played a central role in putting young women and adult men at risk for
HIV/AIDS in Kenya and Uganda:
First: explain the importance of accounting for sociocultural factors in assessing populations at
risk for HIV/AIDS.
Second: compare and contrast the way that transactional sex relationships put young
Kenyan women and adult Ugandan men at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Third: compare and contrast the way masculine sexual privilege puts young Kenyan women
and adult Ugandan men at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Fourth: compare and contrast the way desire for a ‘modern’ lifestyle puts young Kenyan
women and adult Ugandan men at risk for HIV/AIDS (Be sure to discuss changing ideas
about both consumption and interpersonal relationships).



What is “anthropology” and what are its four fields? Define each field and give an example of a career in each.

  1. “What is Anthropology?” (American Anthropological Association 2020). Link: (Links to an external site.)
  2. “Principles of Professional Responsibility” (American Anthropological Association 2020). Link: (Links to an external site.)
  3. Chapter 1: “Introduction to Biological Anthropology?” in Explorations (Nelson 2019) * Link: (Links to an external site.)
  4. Chapter 2: “Evolution” in Explorations (Marks 2019)* Link: (Links to an external site.)
  5. Chapter 7 “Understanding the Fossil Context” in Explorations (King 2019)* Link:


  1. What is “anthropology” and what are its four fields? Define each field and give an example of a career in each.

    (Location of the answer: Ch. 1 of Explorations free online textbook, “What is Anthropology?” on American Anthropological Association website, and/or lecture).
    Directions: Use and define a min. of 3 key terms from Ch. 1 in your answer and/or this web page: (Links to an external site.) Please include the following key terms in your answer for it to be correct: Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, Archaeology, Physical (or Biological) Anthropology.

  1. How do physical anthropologists know what they know? What are a few steps in the scientific method?

    (Location of the answer: Ch. 1 of Explorations free online textbook, website link, lecture, and/or lecture).
    Use and define a min. of 3 key terms from Ch. 1 “What is Anthropology? in your answer : scientific method, data, hypothesis, empirical, theory, anatomical, arboreal, terrestrial, and morphology. Example topic sentence: “Like all scientists, physical anthropologists know what they know by using the scientific method….”

  2. What is an example of a relative dating method and how was it used to date something?

    (Location of the answer: Chapter 7, lecture, and/or lecture).
    Directions: Use and define a min. of 3 key terms from Ch. 7: fossils and Steno’s Law of Superposition, Stratigraphic correlation, biostratigraphic (faunal) dating, Florine dating, cultural dating (See “Concept Check!” p. 243).

  3. What is an example of an absolute (chronometric) dating method and how it was used to date something?

    (Location of the answer: Chapter 7, lecture, and/or lecture).
    Directions: Use and define a min. of 3 key terms from Ch. 7: Fossils, radiocarbon dating (aka “carbon-14” or C14 dating), half-life, isotopes, igneous, radiopotassiom dating, fission-track dating, amino acid dating, polarized light, racemization, paleomagnetic, electron spin resonance dating, thermoluminesence dating, and Foraminifera (See “Concept Check!” p. 243).

  1. What is the first ethical practice that guides anthropologists in their research and writings? What is informed consent?

    (“Principles of Professional Responsibility” in American Anthropological Association 2020 and/or lecture). Directions: Use and define a min. of 3 key terms from the article online “principles of Professional Responsibility.” Key Terms: Anthropology, do no harm, biological anthropology, informed consent, institutional review boards, and anonymity.

  1. What is the scientific method? What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? Empirical data consists of what kinds of evidence?

  • Key Terms: Scientific method, data, datum, hypothesis, empirical evidence or data, testable, scholarly peer review, independent variable, sample, bias, theory, and law.

An easy way to begin your short-essay answer is to re-phrase the question as a statement. Example topic or first sentence: “The scientific method is………”

 The answer to this question can be found in Ch. 1 of the free online textbook Explorations and its key term definitions on pages 23-24 (Nelson 2019). Also listen/and or review my lecture “What is Anthropology?” (PDF files and recorded lectures on Canvas).

  1. What is “anthropology” and what are its four subdisciplines? Define each subdiscipline in a separate sentence.

  • Key Terms: Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology (or “Linguistics”), Archaeology, and Biological Anthropology.

 The answer to this question can be found in Ch. 1 in Explorations and key term definitions on pages 23-24 and in my lecture “What is Anthropology?” (Nelson 2019). and on the Quiz #1 Reading Assignment PDF file on Canvas)

  1. Scientists determine the dates of the remains of once living things in various ways. Answer the following:
    • Describe one kind of a relative dating method and give an example of how it can be used (or was used) to date a certain kind of material.
    • Describe one kind of an absolute (chronometric) dating method and give an example of how it can be used (or was used) to date a certain kind of material.
  • Key terms: Radiocarbon dating (aka “carbon-14 dating”), biostratiographic (faunal) dating, cultural dating, thermoluminescence dating, fission-track dating, Potassium-Argon (aka “Radiopotassium” dating (40K-40Ar), Argon-Argon dating (40Ar-39Ar), Uranium-238 to Lead-206 dating, and Dendrochronology, sedimentary rock, igneous rock, strata, Steno’s Law of Superposition, Steno’s Law of Association, index fossil, taphonomy.

 The answer to this question can be found in Ch. 7 “Understanding the Fossil Context” in Explorations (link on Canvas); my lectures (recorded videos and slides’ links on Canvas); and the links to resources below may also be helpful (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.)and (Links to an external site.)

  1. The beginning of our planet Earth, according to geological evidence, was about 4.6 ____________. (Ka, Ma, or Ga?)
  1. The three eras of geologic time based on the earliest fossil evidence of life forms are

(Hint: (1) first life on land era, (2) giant reptiles era, and (3) mammals/current era)

  1. The last current epoch of geologic time that began around 11.6 Ka is _________
  1. Which geologic epoch occurred just before the Holocene (the current epoch)?
  1. The genetic makeup of an organism is its _____________ (Hint: Genotype or Phenotype?)
  2. The physical expression of an organism’s genotype influenced by the environment is its ____________ (Hint: Genotype or Phenotype?)
  3. Which subdiscipline of anthropology would include primatology, forensic anthropology, and the study of human evolution?
  1. Which subdiscpline of anthropology is the study of past cultures based on the material remains that people left behind?
  1. What are anthropology’s three ethical guidelines for research that involves human subjects?
  1. The study of humanity from its earliest origins millions of years ago to its present worldwide diversity is the definition of
  1. Jane Goodall, DBE, a British primatologist, practices which subdiscipline of anthropology? (Cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistics or biological anthropology?)
  1. The person known as the “Father of Anthropology” who scientifically disproved racist theories of eugenics and laid the foundation of scientific anthropology, and practiced all four branches of anthropology is
  1. The study of human bones (biological anthropology) combined with forensic science to assist in the detection of a crime is called
  1. A testable statement that potentially explains specific phenomena observed in the natural world, or in other words, a prediction of the answer for a research question is called
  1. An upper canine that is not projecting, and it is part of a nonhoning chewing mechanism (meaning that it is not sharpened against the lower third premolar), is called
  1. The specific area of the natural environment in which an organism lives is its
  2. A group of related organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring, or, in other words, a group of organisms that are reproductively isolated from other groups due to habitat isolation, behavioral isolation, or reduced hybrid viability or fertility is called a (type, family, order, species or genus?)
  1. The paintings of now extinct European lions (Panthera leo spelaea) in Chauvet Cave were painted about 32Ka, which means that they were painted _______________ years ago. (Hint: 32 years ago, 32 thousand years ago, 32 million years ago, or 32 billion years ago?)
  1. The oldest human bones discovered in North America are those of Arlington Man, found on Santa Rosa Island, which date to about 13,000 Ka (Hint: ________ years ago).
  1. Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola in the Americas in the year (B.C.E. or C.E.?) 1492 (Hint: B.C.E = B.C. and C.E. = A.D. )
  1. Evolutionary synthesis can best be described as Darwin’s theory of ________ combined with genetics.
  1. The English scientist who independently co-discovered the theory of evolution by natural selection at the same time as Charles Darwin was:
  1. Changes in physical structure, function, or behavior that allow an organism or species to survive and reproduce in a given environment are called ___________
  1. The “Father of Genetics” who discovered the mechanism of inheritance is
  1. The diversification of an ancestral group of organisms into new forms that are adapted to specific environment niches is called _______________(Hint: Darwin noticed that the different species of Galapagos finches experienced this from a single ancestral finch species who lived in Ecuador.)
  1. The study of fossils is called ____________ (Hint: paleontology, geology, fossiology, archaeology, or biological archaeology?)
  1. The current and correct scientific word for humans and humanlike ancestors who habitually walked on two feet is ___________ (Hint: Hominid or hominin?)
  1. The four forces of evolution are:
  1. “C-3” plants live in temperate regions and include ….
  2. The belief that one’s own culture is better than yothers, which was used to justify the subjugation of non-European societies until the end of the 20th Century, is called (Nelson 2019, 5).
  1. The physical appearance of an organism due to its genotype and environmental factors is _______________ (Marks 2019, 35).
  1. _____________ can be defined as individuals with preferential characteristics in a particular environment will survive and reproduce at a higher rate in comparison to individuals that do not possess these traits describes. (Kirwin’s “Evolution” lecture)
  1. The synthetic theory of evolution combines Darwin and Wallace’s theory of “natural selection” with Mendel’s theory of ____________. (Kirwin’s “Evolution” lecture)
  1. The principle that the lower the stratum or layer (of rock),
    the older its age; the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest are at the top is known as (Steno’s Law of Superposition or Steno’s Law of Association?)
  1. The study of the Earth, especially with regard to is composition, activity, and history is (Hint: Paleontology, geology, anthropology, paleoanthropology, or geography?)
  1. The acronym DNA stands for _____________
  1. A gene is a …
  1. Atoms of a given element (like carbon or potassium) that have different numbers of neutrons are called __________, which is the basis of radioisotopic dating methods like radiocarbon dating (aka “carbon-14 dating”).

     See page 251 of Explorations (King 2019, 251) or my lecture. Elements are classified based on the number of protons (which is always the same for each different element) but their neutrons may vary and decay at a regular rate over time.

  1. The number one principle of professional responsibility for anthropologists researching humans is (American Anthropological Association 2020)*
  1. Empirical data consists of …
  1. 41. A relative dating method that uses the associations of fossils in strata to determine each layer’s approximate age (Steno’s Law of Association) is called
  1. radiocarbon dating (14Carbon) b. biostrarigraphic (faunal) dating.
  2. Tinder dating. d. cultural dating.
  1. An absolute (radiometric) dating method that can used to date organic material that is younger than 50,000 years (and that died before 1950) is
  1. Radiopotassium dating (40K-40Ar)
  2. Radiocarbon (“Carbon-14”) dating (14C)
  3. Argon-Argon dating (40Ar-39Ar)
  4. Thermoluminescence dating
  1. According to the recent re-dating of earliest human remains discovered at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, how long ago did the earliest anatomically modern humans live? (Lecture only, you can find it on the Internet with a key word search)
  1. Which absolute dating method was used to date the burnt flint blades, which were found in context with the earliest human remains found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco?
  1. Radiopotassium dating (40K-40Ar)
  2. Radiocarbon dating (14C)
  3. Argon-Argon dating (40Ar-39Ar)
  4. Thermoluminescence dating
  1. Thermoluminescence dating can be used to date materials like ___________, which are older than 50,000 years or when organic material is not available.
  1. Radiocarbon (aka “carbon-14”) dating can be used to date materials like _____________, that are less than 50,000 years old to C.E. 1950.
  1. Radiopotassium and Argon-Argon dating can be used to date materials like ___________________, which are older than 200,000 years old.
  1. A supercontinent that existed during the Paleozoic era about 200 Ma is __________
  1. ____________________ is the current evolutionary idea that species are stable through time and are formed very rapidly relative to their duration. The opposite and disproved idea about evolution was believed by Charles Darwin and is called “gradualism.”
  1. _________________ was Darwin’s term for what we now call “evolution,” in which living organisms evolve to look different from their ancestors.



How much can you withdraw monthly if you want to deplete your account over 30 years?

Assume you are 25 and earn $35,000 per year, never expect to receive a raise, and plan to retire at age 55. If you invest 5 percent of your salary in a 401(k) plan returning 10 percent annually, and the company provides a $0.50 per $1.00 match on your contributions up to 3% of your salary, (1) what is the estimated future value of your 401(k) account? (4 points)

(2) Once you retire, how much can you withdraw monthly if you want to deplete your account over 30 years? (6 points)



Dynamic Business Law

  1. For each assigned case, analyze the issue based on the following criteria:

    • Identify the parties involved in the case dispute (who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant).

    • Identify the facts associated with the case and fact patterns.

    • Develop the appropriate legal issue(s) in question (i.e., the specific legal issue between the two parties).Provide a judgment on who should win the case – be clear.

    • Support your decision with an appropriate rule of law.

  2. Be prepared to defend your decision and to objectively evaluate the other points of view.



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