Category Archives: Research Papers

How do you configure the Security Groups to ensure that the entire application flow works per the requirements? Which Security Groups do you edit, and what rules do you create within them? 

 How do you configure the Security Groups to ensure that the entire application flow works per the requirements? Which Security Groups do you edit, and what rules do you create within them? 

As you are probably aware by now, Security Groups are AWS’s built-in firewalls for cloud resources. By default, all outbound traffic is allowed, but no inbound traffic is permitted; you must specify all ingress traffic based on IP addresses, IP ranges, or other Security Groups, and ports for specific services, to allow that traffic to reach a resource within the target Security Group.

For this discussion, assume you have the following resources deployed in AWS:

  1. Three (3) EC2 instances, each running Red Hat Enterprise Linux with an Apache web server, hosting web interfaces for the Virginia DMV’s online vehicle registration portal, all part of a Security Group entitled “web-server-security-group.”
  2. Three (3) EC2 instances, each running Red Hat Enterprise Linux with several Java Virtual Machines, which host the application servers to process the aforementioned vehicle registrations. These instances all fall under a Security Group entitled “app-server-security-group.”
  3. Two (2) Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) sit in their own VPC above these six (6) instances:
    1. The ELB for the app servers is called “app-server-load-balancer” with its own Security Group “app-server-load-balancer-security-group;”
    2. The ELB for the web servers is called “web-server-load-balancer” with its own Security Group “web-server-load-balancer-security-group.”

For the purposes of the discussion, we won’t expand the architecture include any database servers.

Also assume the following requirements:

  1. Website traffic from end users renewing their vehicle registrations will enter the architecture on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
  2. App server traffic will be received exclusively from the internal web servers on a range of ports between 25500-25700.
  3. The app servers must be able to send responses back to the web servers, and the web servers must be able to respond to the end users.



Informational Interviews Making meaningful connections for the future of your professional career

2. What are you doing on a regular basis to set yourself apart? To network? Perhaps learn a new skill?

For this assignment, you will be required to, for 45 minutes a month, engage in a professional development activity – maybe it’s a zoom panel full of professionals in your field, or a training on; whatever it is, you will then write a 1-page, double spaced reflection on the activity.



MIS 201 Assignment

The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally

The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews.



The use of CBT in families compares to CBT in individual settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences. Then, explain challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the family setting. Support your position with specific examples from this week’s media.

Post an explanation of how the use of CBT in families compares to CBT in individual settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences. Then, explain challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the family setting. Support your position with specific examples from this week’s media.



Contracting for Success: Scoping Large Organizational Change Efforts

  • This Assignment comprises a Case study.

  • Q.1 In considering the case, provide a detailed description of the strengths and challenges of Valley Medical Center. (1 Mark) (Lo 1.2)

  • Q.2 Based on your understanding of the above case, name and discuss the critical success factors for Valley Medical Center. (1 Mark) (Lo 1.2)

  • Q.3 As an OD practitioner, what are the steps you would take as you begin the entry and contracting phase? (1.5 Marks). (Lo 2.5)

  • Q.4 Valley Medical Center is experiencing a great deal of change. What recommendations would you make to help them more effectively handle the change they are experiencing? (1.5 Marks) (Lo 2.5)

Assignment Workload:


  • Please read the case study entitled as “Contracting for Success: Scoping Large Organizational Change Efforts.” available in the textbook “Cases and Exercises in Organization Development & Change” 12th edition by D. Anderson and answer the following questions



Reflection on structural engineering

  • For a simple supported beam, with a load M in the middle, the vertical reaction forces on both supports would be equal to M/2.

Ex: For the given beam below, for M = 200 kips, both vertical reactions in the support would be equal to Ay = By = 100 kips.

Question: If we have a load M = 500 kips, calculate the vertical reactions on both supports knowing that the load M is in the middle as shown in the picture below. Express your answer in both kips and kN. 1kip = 4.45kN=1000lbf



Health economics short answer questions

  1. Assume that you are asked to evaluate whether health insurance reduces the out-of-pocket health expenditures (i.e., how much money you spend). Explain why comparing out-of-pocket expenditures between insured and uninsured people may not be an accurate evaluation of health insurance. Be detailed, specific, and fully explain your answer.
  2. Assume that you are asked to evaluate whether health insurance reduces the out-of-pocket health expenditures (i.e., how much money you spend). Explain why a randomized trial is a better way to evaluate whether this intervention will work than a non-randomized design. Be detailed, specific, and fully explain your answer.
  3. How long (in months) did the King et al., (2009) study wait before they evaluated the effects of health insurance?
  4. Do you think that the results of the King et al., (2009) study would be different if the Treatment group would have had health insurance for a longer period of time? Why or why not?
  5. Which of the following is a result of the King et al., (2009) paper?(MC)
  6. Which of the following is NOT a result of the King et al., (2009) paper? (MC)
  7. What is adverse selection?
  8. What is an encouragement design?
  9. What does ITT stand for?
  10. What does TOT stand for?
  11. You conduct a randomized trial where you offer health insurance to the Treatment group; the Control group receives nothing. One-quarter (25%) of the group is in the Treatment group. You find that mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Control group are $500, but mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Treatment group are $250. Calculate the ITT (in $).
  12. You conduct a randomized trial where you offer health insurance to the Treatment group; the Control group receives nothing. One-half (50% of the sample) is assigned Treatment group. Only half of the Treatment group enrolls in health insurance. You find that mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Control group are $500, but mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Treatment group are $300. Calculate the ITT (in $).
  13. You conduct a randomized trial where you offer health insurance to the Treatment group; the Control group receives nothing. One-half (50% of the sample) is assigned Treatment group. Within the Treatment group, only half of them enroll in health insurance; nobody in the Control group enrolls. You find that mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Control group are $500, but mean out-of-pocket expenditures in the Treatment group are $300. Calculate the TOT (in $).



Flowchart for a chatbot

I need to make a chatbot for a hotel website. I’m as a manager then I need to make it to minimize the number of calls from customers.

I need you to do:

A flowchart for the chatbot.

For example, Rooms”one room, two rooms, three rooms” then Bed”one bed, two beds, three beds”. and go in that way until the end. I don’t want the chatbot to fallback with any question from the customers. I need the chatbot to recognize all words. Even restaurants, nearby areas and others.

I need the flowchat to be recognized very well and EASY to be understood



My Assignment 1 Title (.) SS1234

My Assignment 1 Title (.) SS1234

I. Introduction
The aim of this assignment is to find out a regression equation that could
calculate the height of a person precisely and reproducibly from forearm length.
Collection of sample data
During the course live section, students were randomly assigned to groups.The data was
collected within the groups #2,10 students self-reported their height and forearm length
within the group.
Variables in this Assignment:
Dependent variable: Height(cm)
Independent variable: Forearm Length(cm) (The distance between the crease of your
elbow and the crease of your wrist on your dominant hand)
The reason that forearm length was choosen to be the independent variable is that
individual’s forearm length is better to measure compare to height, most people can
measure their forearm length without other’s help.



Dentistry in Haiti

Focus on Haiti culture,value,etc.. the healthcare system more toward dental care

.Talk about the only dental school they have in Haiti. What kind of medicine they focus on for treatment for teeth(natural medicine, etc.

Few articles are listed below

Katz, R. V., Prophete, S. E., Lafontant, C., Gebrian, B., Bourdeau, L. C., Joseph, J. E., Lafontant, G. J., St Jean, H. L., & Rundberg, P. E. (2018). Oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in rural Haiti: a 40-year follow-up study. Journal of public health dentistry78(3), 192–196.

An Oral Health Education Training Intervention: A pilot study with Haitian schoolteachers



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