Category Archives: Research Papers

EENG 2710.003 – Digital Logic Design

EENG 2710.003 Digital Logic Design Work


20200918071225hw2_20_1___2_ 2020091819003620200918182430eeng2710

What are the privacy issues with data mining? Do you think they are substantiated?.

What are the privacy issues with data mining? Do you think they are substantiated?.
Your response should be 250-300 words.

Visit Identify case studies and white papers about data mining. Describe recent developments in the field of data mining and predictive modeling. (Please limit to 1 page)




Advertising Assignment

Link to read for free: (Links to an external site.)

In a 2+ paged single-spaced “book report,” address the important takeaways from each of the stories you read.  What is the biggest creative lesson that you identified?  Did you find any relatable elements in any of the stories?  Which story resonated the most with you?



Investment and portfolio management

An investor recently opened a brokerage account with $400,000 of cash. They decide to purchase shares of NewCorp (NEWC). Prescribing to the philosophy of “go big or go home,” the investor decides to utilize the full margin borrowing capacity available through their broker. The investor may borrow from their broker at 8% per year and must have an initial margin of at least 50%. The maintenance margin is 25%. The current market price of NEWC is $160.00.
a. [4] Assume the investor utilizes their maximum margin potential. How many shares of NEWC can the investor purchase?
b. [4] Below what stock price will the investor receive a margin call?
c. [4] If the investor holds this position for 3 months and then sells the shares and repays the loan, what is the percentage profit (loss) if the market price of NEWC is $210.00 after 3 months?
d. [4] If the investor holds this position for 3 months and then sells the shares and repays the loan, what is the percentage profit (loss) if the market price of NEWC is $110 after 3 months?
e. [4] Compare your answers in C. and D. to the profit (loss) if the investor did not use the margin account and instead only purchased $400,000 worth of NEWC shares. Discuss the effect of leverage on returns.



Alkynes and Aromatics Hydro Carbons.

Complete the worksheets over Alkynes and Aromatics Hydro Carbons.

see the attachment



Investment paper

In this project paper, compare Walmart with Tiffany’s. Both are Large Cap companies in the retail sector but Walmart is a consumer staple name while Tiffany’s is a consumer discretionary name. Both companies have very different strategies for growth as they compete in very different markets. All the information can very easily be found on the internet as both of theses firms are public companies.

See the attached file for more details on this paper.



CS 4301 Problem Set 1

Gradients and Line Search: For each of the following functions: (1) Prove that they are convex, compute gradients/subgradients, and write the updates for (sub)gradient descent with a fixed step size.



In 1905, teachers of special classes for students with exceptionalities had the first opportunity to be trained in a six week course. The tuition was $25.00. The training occurred at

  1. In 1905, teachers of special classes for students with exceptionalities had the first opportunity to be trained in a six week course. The tuition was $25.00. The training occurred at


  1. the Cleveland Clinic for the Insane.

  2. the New Hampshire School for the Mentally Retarded.

  3. the New Jersey Training School for Feebleminded Boys and Girls.

  4. the Jackson Institute for the Criminally Insane.


  1. The 1800s was an era of growth of institutions that served individuals with special needs/disabilities. This period is often referred to as the Benevolent Shelter Model. The idea behind this concept is most related to

  2. persons with disabilities and other anti-social behaviors were the cause of many of society’s problems.

  3. persons with disabilities and other anti-social behaviors were too ill to function in society.

  4. persons with disabilities and other anti-social behaviors were seen as God’s gift to society.

  5. persons with disabilities and other anti-social behaviors needed to be protected from society.


  1. The individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a document that is required for which of the following groups of children with special needs?

  2. Children in age groups 3-21

  3. Children in age groups 0-2

  4. Students in age groups 14-18

  5. Students in age groups 18-21


  1. In the revised legislation of 2004, IDEA requires that under special circumstances (student brings a weapon to school, possess, uses, or sells illegal drugs at school, inflicts injury upon someone at school) school personnel have the authority to remove a student with a disability to an interim and alternative placement for how many days?

  2. 10 c.             30

  3. 15 d.            45

  1. I am the piece of legislation that governs the education of Gifted and Talented children. While this population is not covered under special education law, I make sure that when there are federal funds available, school district can compete for dollars via grants to serve the needs of this population of students.

  2. No Child Left Behind

  3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  4. American with Disabilities Act

  5. The Jacob Javits Act

  1. Due process is a set of legal procedures that guarantees rights of students with disabilities and their parents. Which of the following scenarios closely reflect the practical application of due process in special education?

  2. A child can be placed in special education without the consent of parents.

  3. A parent does not have to give consent to schools in order for a child with a disability to be evaluated.

  4. Parental consent must be obtained for initial and subsequent evaluations and placement decisions.

  5. Parents do not have a right to receive IEP information about children who may possess a disability.

  1. In making placement decision for students with disabilities, schools have to ensure that they spend time with students without disabilities. Which one of the following examples demonstrates the most restrictive placement for a child with a disability?

  1. Separate classroom that is specific to a child’s disability

  2. Regular classroom with resources to support a child’s educational needs

  3. Separate school that has a diverse student population

  4. Home school that is designed to support a child’s educational needs by having a parent or professional provide instruction.



MAN551 International Business

Introduction: Ethics in business is critical for trust, however, there are many grey areas of what is, and is not, ethical. The business world has always relied heavily on contractual agreements while conducting business. These contracts while written in ink are set in stone. Many multinationals have been charged with unethical behaviors.

Choose an International or multinational company (example: NIKE, Nestles, Wal-Mart, BP, Siemens, etc.) that was accused of unethical practices and write 4 – 5 pages of TEXT on what led up to the accusation and recommendations to the company. You may go over a few lines but not under. Plus the cover page or references. Grade 10%




After reading Chapter 3 – Part 2 Case: Caesars Entertainment (Wk3_Caesars.pdf located in this week’s module), create your initial post on the DQ 4 Discussion Board in response to the following questions (answer each question in 1-2 sentences unless otherwise specified):

  1. Where does the firm’s major revenue come from?

  2. Who are the firm’s most valuable customers?

  3. What types of customer data does Caesars gather?

  4. What does Caesars learn from the data that it collects via IT?

  5. Based on your answer to question 4 above, discuss what Caesars learns from the data impact its operation. Explain in 3-4 sentences (this question is worth 4 points).


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