Category Archives: Research Papers

What are the key differences/characteristics among the main budgeting systems that were implemented by the American government over the past century?

How were these budgeting systems created, adopted, and evolved? Why and how did they fail or were abandoned by the federal, state or local governments?Select a state or local government to examine how these budgeting systems and concepts have impacted its current practice of budgeting.

John Mikesell. 2018. Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector.



Case report

1.Was it a good time for Sun Life Financial to pursue China market? Why? (Note you could analyze the question using PEST and Porter’s Industry Analysis Framework as guidelines. A good analysis should answer the following three sub-questions: (1) Is China a strategically important market and why? What are the potential opportunities and threats/costs? (2) Does Sun Life Financial has internal capability to exploit the opportunities and overcome the threats/entry barriers? Why? (3) Overall, what are the pros and cons of entering China?)

2.Why did Sun Life Financial choose Everbright Group to be their partner?

3.If you were Ohannessian, which city would you choose? Why? Specify your criteria to evaluate which city to choose?




Find an event that occurred this week that moves you. You must be able to relate it to the
current chapter in some way – creativity is welcome. For instance, let’s say you read about the
war in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. After reading the article, you check a world map and
find that some remote parts of Pakistan are near the Himalayan Mountain Range. You will
discover in Chapter 12 that the Himalayas were formed by a convergence of two continental
plates, the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate, which causes a convergence zone that resulted
in mountain uplift. And, voila!, the Himalayans are formed.
Remember, geography is all about connections. The physical environment always sets the
context for human events, and, often, they have a more direct influence than you may initially
imagine. For example, you’re not worried about a tsunami if you live in South Dakota, but you
are much more aware of the Holocene glaciations than you would be if you lived in Arizona
(that’s in chapter 17).
You may use an article from the following sources:
 Reuters
 National Public Radio
 Another news outlet if you include a paragraph telling me why you chose it.



Protein shape is critical for the function of proteins. Explain this statement.

1. What are some functions of proteins?
2. Protein shape is critical for the function of proteins. Explain this statement.
3. What is the monomer (building block) of proteins? Describe /draw the general structure.
4. What is the same in the structure of the amino acids and what is different?
5. How many different kinds of amino acids are there?
6. What portion of the structure of the amino acids is important in determining the function of that
particular amino acid?
7. What type of bond is used to attach amino acids together? Describe this bond. (what type of
reaction is used?)
8. What are the four levels of protein structure? Refer to figure 2.21 and describe/draw the general
structure of these levels.
9. What can happen to a protein if it is subject to changes in temperature, pH etc.?
10. Explain denaturation. Is this reversible? Or irreversible? When might this be the case?
11. How does an egg represent denaturation?



SAS Critical Thinking Project

Primary work on SAS Project – Due next week

1. As described above, you must upload the Real Estate Database into SAS.

2. You must perform the described analysis in Excel and submit the Spreadsheet.

3. You must perform the described analysis in SAS and submit a PDF.

4. You must complete the Word document (answers from 2 and 3 above) and submit.

For the SAS (Critical Thinking) project, I always want to add clarity regarding the output from Excel Regression (see below). The Output gives you what you need to complete the Critical Thinking Project form for the Excel part. You will see below that I highlighted “R” (called Multiple R here and Correlation Coefficient in my slides) in Yellow. R2 is highlighted in Blue (that is the Coefficient of Determination). Remember, if you multiply it by 100, you get the percentage of the change in the Dependent Variable that is explained by the Independent Variable(s) – in this case 92.6%.

Finally, you need to know how to build your Regression model from the output below. The formula coefficients are highlighted below in Green. This is the output from the Nodel Construction example you find in the PowerPoint slides for Chapter 4. If Sales is “Y,” Payroll is X1, and Interest Rate is X2, then your Regression model would read as follows:

Y = 5.214 – 0.017(X1) – 30.155(X2)

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.96207063
R Square 0.925579897
Adjusted R Square 0.875966495
Standard Error 0.222740661
Observations 6
Regression 2
Residual 3
Total 5
Intercept 5.213917526
Payroll -0.016752577
Interest Rate -30.15463918



Econ 444 The economic of households

  1. Suppose a household consists of two agents, indexed by i=1,2. Let each agent i have a utility function given by

U_i(l_i, c) = α ln(c) + (1-α)ln(l­_i), i = 1, 2,

where α is the preference parameter of each agent, l_i is i’s leisure consumption, and c is the household consumption (as public good). The total amount of time available to each agent is 1, so the time constraint is given by 1 = l_i + h_i, where h_i is work hours for i. The wage rate of agent i is given by w_i. Non-labor income is Y = y1 +y2, with y_i denoting the non-labor income of agent i. Suppose also each agent behaves non-cooperatively.

In class, we derive agent 1’s optimal work hour, and assert agent 2’s optimal work hour to mirror agent 1’s.

  1. Derive the optimal hour choice for agent 2.

  2. If agent 2 works and agent 1 does not, what is the optimal labor hour for each agent?

  3. What is the threshold wage that induces each agent’s work decision in part (b), respectively?

Suppose wage has a cumulative distribution F(w).

  1. What is the probability that this event — with agent 1 not work and agent 2 work — occurs? Express it in terms of F(w).

Suppose wage ranges between 0 and 1, and has a uniform distribution so that the cumulative distribution function is F(w)=w. Further, suppose Y=0.1 and from the data Pr(h1= 0, h2 > 0) = 0.2.

  1. What is the value of α?

  2. Use the value of α obtained in part f, calculate the probability that agent 2 works.

  1. For this question, you must write a minimum two to three responses for each sub-question. The questions are meant to guide you to think about the central point(s) of the articles (or chapters) and to evaluate the methods, theory, and empirical investigation in each of them. You can add further details about the paper and the subject matter if it is relevant to a critical analysis of the article or chapter.

This question uses a posted reading called ‘A century of leisure and work’, you can find it under the folder ‘Content’ in MyCourse.

  1. What are the objectives of the paper?

  2. Briefly describe the authors finding.

  3. Offer some explanations to the finding by the authors. It could be materials that we went through in class.



Journalism interview discussion and Analysis

1. After reading the Good Interview Tips, pick the tip you feel is the most valuable and talk about why. Please use complete sentences for your answers. There is no length requirement, as long as you get your point across, that is fine.

Please create a short essay answering the following questions. This does not have to be more than half a page. As long as you communicate your ideas using terms from this week and examples from the interview. Upload your work as a Word document.

What was your impression of how Tom Snyder handled interviewing Charles Manson?

What sorts of questions did Tom Snyder use? (Give different examples and note if he changed styles.)

Did Snyder use interview scheduling? If so, what was his style?

Do you think you would have handled Manson’s agitation and hostility differently than Snyder?

What was one question you would have asked Manson that Snyder did not?


Please create a short essay answering the following questions. This does not have to be more than half a page. As long as you communicate your ideas using terms from this week and examples from the interview. Upload your work as a Word document.

What type of questions did you hear James Corden use most with Paul McCartney?

What kind of interview subject do you think Paul McCartney was – open, or needing to be opened up?

What were some of the ways Corden worked to build rapport with McCartney?

What would you have asked McCartney that Corden did not?

Would this type of interview work with any subject? Why?



Lab exercise 4 Vertebrate complete

Question 1. Place the letter A for analogous or the letter H for homologous next to the pairs of structures below.

Homologous/ Analogous?

human arm

cat forelimb

bat wing

frog forelimb

bird wing

butterfly wing

horse forelimb

bird wing

paired whale flippers

paired fish fins

Question 2. List some general similarities in the skulls of the cat, horse, and man.

Question 3. Examine the sutures joining the several bones of the skulls. How are the skulls generally comparable in terms of the number and types of bones?

Question 7. Generally, bones provide structure to the organism, acting as points of attachment for soft tissues. What do you suppose to be the specific function of the zygomatic arch?

Question 8. Locate and count the above tooth types in your own mouth. Which ones are you missing, compared to the formula?

Question 9. How are the canines of a cat different from those of the human?

Question 10. Compare the shapes and numbers of premolars and molars between the cat and the human:



Premolars: Number

Premolars: Shape

Molars: Number

Molars: Shape

Question 11. Do any of the teeth (cat or human) appear to be specialized? If so, which ones and for what?





Cat: Description:



Human: Description:



Question 12. On the basis of your observations and on your knowledge of the diet of a cat, write a general statement summing up the adaptive features observed in the teeth of the cat.

Question 13. How do the teeth of the rodent (e.g., beaver) differ from those of the cat? Consider both number and type of teeth.

Question 14. Do the differences between the rodent (beaver) teeth and cat teeth represent a specialized or generalized feature? Explain your answer.

Question 15. How do the teeth of the horse differ in number and form from the cat?

Question 16. How are the teeth of the horse adapted to its particular environment and way of life?

Question 17. Which basic tooth type is exaggerated in the dentition of the pig?

Question 18. Of what adaptive significance are tusks as illustrated in the pig?

Question 19. In a sentence, indicate the type of teeth you might expect to find in an animal which swallows its prey whole?

Question 20. What common animal employs the type of teeth described in Question 19?

Question 21. List some similarities between the bones in the human arm and leg.

Question 22. List some differences between the bones in the human arm and leg.

Question 23. The human skeleton consists of 206 bones. There are 106 bones in the wrists, hands, ankles and feet. What is the advantage of having this many bones? Explain.

Question 24. Observe the diagrams of the forelimbs. On the list of the six kinds of bones below, place the respective numbers indicating a specific bone type in the blanks below after the named skeletal bone. As an example, this has been done for the humerus. (See also Figure 2.)


11, 17, 5, 1






Question 25. Compare the size and shape of the three brain divisions as you observe the models: for each part, estimate the percent of the total brain mass it occupies.

(Note: The human model is not color-coded the same as the rest.

Use the chart provided to locate the parts of the human brain.)

Estimated Percent of Total Brain Mass


Optic Lobes



Trout (Salmo)

Frog (Rana)

Pigeon (Columba)

Dog (Canis)

Human (Homo)


The ratio between the weight of the brain and spinal cord can serve as a general criterion for an animal’s relative intelligence. Fish and amphibian brains have a ratio of 1:1, while the human brain has a ratio of 55:1 (or 55 times heavier than the spinal cord).

*Not found in human brain—optic lobe function taken over by occipital lobes of cerebrum.

Question 26. Do all of the following organisms have teeth to grind up their food? If not, attempt to explain why they don’t need teeth.

  1. frog:

  1. turtle:

  1. seed-eating birds:

  1. pig:

Question 27. With what structure does the frog capture its food?

Question 28. Some food types are more difficult to digest and therefore require more time in the digestive tract. Suggest an anatomical adaptation that would increase the length of time the food remains in the digestive tract, as well the surface area available for absorption of food molecules.

Question 29. Do the liver and pancreas appear in all of our study animals?

What are some important functions of these organs (related to digestion)?

Question 30. In an animal such as the fish, oxygen enters the blood through the tissues of the gills with their rich capillary supply by diffusion from the oxygen in the water. How many chambers are present in the heart of the perch?

One of the chambers of the fish heart (atrium) receives blood and the other (ventricle) pumps it to the gills and then on to the rest of the body.

Question 31. How many chambers are seen in the heart of the frog?

How many chambers are seen in the heart of the turtle?

How many chambers are seen in the hearts of the mammals?

Question 32. Observe the lungs of the frog and turtle and compare with those of the fetal pig, bird, and cat. Do you suppose that frogs and turtles require as much oxygen (per gram body weight) as pigs, birds and cats?

Can you also relate this to the presence or absence of thermoregulation in these animals?

Question 33. The four-chambered heart, as seen in mammals, is regarded by biologists as more efficient than the three-chambered heart. With respect to the role of circulation in helping the respiratory system, explain why the four-chambered heart might be more efficient than the three-chambered heart.



Transfer speech

Please follow the outline write 2 full pages speech paper, need write as normal speech. Due US pacific time, 9/23

1) Submit unedited video via YouTube or Canvas recording.

2) Submit FULL Sentence Speech Outline with Bibliography (APA or MLA Format) You can either attach the file or enter it into the text box.

3) Did you cite ELAC Transfer WEBSITE DURING SPEECH at least ONCE?

4) Is your speech length between 2:45 and 3:15?

5) Are you dressed appropriately?



s suicide really a sociological phenomenon that Durkheim’s theory can explain? Even if the theory might have worked in his time—does his theory still apply today?

  1. Introduction. Write a brief introduction for your essay where you simply outline what the essay argues (remember that while the introduction is the first thing that shows in an essay, it is better to write it after the main text and conclusion are completed).

  2. Elaboration of argument. This is the main body of your essay—you can divided into sub-sections with headings if you find that useful. Here you need to do a couple of things. a. First, you should explain—very briefly—why suicide should be considered as asocial problem or sociological phenomenon (of course, here you should followDurkheim’s own reasoning).

    b. Secondly, using quotes and/or examples from Durkheim’s Rules of theSociological Method and his Suicide,explain to the reader (in this case, the instructor) how Durkheim’s study of suicide is an application of Durkheim’s

methodological rules. To show the connection between the two works, think of the following questions:

  1. How does Durkhiem’s discussion of sucide in the Introduction to his book compare to (or resembles) his discussion of what is a social fact?

  2. How does Durkehim use data and other evidence to “discard preconceptions”? Look, for example, at how Durkheim examines the relationship between suicide rates and what he calls “cosmic factors” (basically, the seasons of the year). How is he using the data here? Is it to prove or to challenge an idea?

  3. Lastly, at what level does he establish a connection between his typology of suicides and actual suicice rates? What are the “variables” he uses to explain the connection?

3. Conclusion. After explaining why suicide should be considered a sociological phenomenon and showing how Durkheim addresses it via his own methodological rules, by way of conclusion, you will briefly evaluate whether Durkheim’s theory is relevant today. Can we use his concepts of anomic, egoistic, fatalistic or altruistic suicide to understand today’s suicide trends? In what ways is his theory still useful? In what ways is it too limited for our contemporary moment? Of couse, my own questions here hint at what I consider the best approach: rather than a blanket rejection or uncritical embrace of Durkheim’s theory, it is probably better to argue that Durkheim’s theory of suicide has some contemporary relevance but that it also has some limitations. The important thing to know is: where is the relevance and where are the limits?



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