Category Archives: Research Papers

PHIL202 2 Discussion Questions


Kant’s duty-based ethics implies that stealing is always wrong. Using either the universal rules or respect for persons version of the categorical imperative, explain why stealing is always wrong. Do you think stealing is always wrong? Is there any situation where taking something that doesn’t belong to you without permission would be ethically okay to do? Explain.


Kant believes that human beings have a kind of value that is incomparably greater than the sort of value that inanimate objects, plants, and non-human animals have. In other words, people, just because they are people, are more valuable than anything else. Using this idea, explain how a Kantian might think about one of the following: exploiting people for money or experimental research on animals. Do you agree with the Kantian view? Explain.



Discussion post based on a video

In this discussion board graded assignment, you will view a video depicting a “traditional society” such as hunter-gatherers or horticulturalists, and then discuss what kinds of archaeological signatures would result in the activities being depicted.


    1. What tools were being used during an activity?

    2. Which of these tools would we likely find in an archaeological site? For example, if people are using tools made of wood and wood does not typically preserve, then we would not likely find it at a site. Stone and metal don’t degrade easily, and bone preserves well in most cases.

    3. What kind of “features” did you see? Remember, archaeological features, unlike artifacts, are non-portable like fire pits, walls, and structures. As with artifacts, which ones do you think would we find in an archaeological site?

    4. What kind of spatial patterning did you observe during the activity? For example, where were people in relation to each other? How might this affect where artifacts and features are found in relation to one another?

    5. After considering the above questions, how confident are you that you could work backwards from the archaeological record to the behaviors that produced them? In other words, if you found the artifacts and features in a specific spatial configuration as you observe above, do you think they would have been produced by the same activity?


    • First, provide the title and a very brief synopsis (1 paragraph of a few sentences).
    • Using Questions 1-4 for an activity observed in the video, present a minimum of three hypotheses about what you would find at an archaeological site based on the ethnographic observations. Provide explanation as justification for how you formed your hypothesis. Hypotheses should be stated as an “If…then…” statement (or a similar variant). (1 paragraph)
    • Respond to Question 5. (1 paragraph)


    • Respond to at least one other student’s post in your group. In your response, be sure to offer both compliments and constructive criticism.


Here is list a set of videos that are available online. Some may require login using your Sac State username. You are not limited to this list, but you should contact the instructor for permission to use an alternative video.



Answering an essay

Throughout the semester, each student will be responsible to post a meaningful reflection in Canvas after reading and discussing key texts within 6 areas of inquiry around 1) Indigenous religion, 2) Indian religion, 3) Chinese religion, 4) Pre-Christian Monotheist religion, 5) Christianity, 6) Islam and 7) Modern Religions.

[Student Learning Outcomes 1, 4, 5]

Using Chapter 2, 3 or one online option (Greco-Roman or Egyptian), submit a 2-page MLA formatted essay to address all 5 points below. Quote and cite 2 passages from the textbook or online readings to support your perspective. I recommend writing five paragraphs over 2 double-spaced pages to address each of these questions in turn.

  1. How does your chosen Indigenous religion define Deities / Deity / or Reality?

  2. What stories, myths or teachings reveal consequences or rewards of actions by members of this community?

  3. What role do leaders have in the Indigenous community?

  4. What rituals, practices, ceremonies or holidays do they consider most important?

  5. How does this tradition handle sickness, aging, death and the afterlife?



ECON 502 The econometric

1. Consider again a joint probability distribution, this time of random variables x and y:
y\x 0 1 2 3 4
0 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.01
1 0.06 0.10 0.12 0.05 0.02
2 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.03
3 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.04
a. Obtain E(y|x) and plot it against x. (So, repeat what you did in Problem 1 in
HW 1)
b. Are x and y statistically independent? How do you know?
c. Obtain E(E(y|x)). Show that the law of iterated expectation (i.e., E(E(y|x))=E(y)) indeed holds
in this numerical example.



Seedless Vascularized Lab

Seedless Vascularized Lab

● Be able to define alternation of generations, antheridium, archegonium, sporophyte, sporangium, gametophyte
● Diagram the plant life cycle to show alternation of generations in Pteridophytes
● Recognize horsetails, ferns, and club mosses
● Identify and describe the function of sporophyte and gametophyte generation in ferns
● Distinguish and describe the functions of fern archegonia and antheridia



Post lab questions.

Complete the following five post lab questions.

Here are some mechanisms provided during the experiment.

C6H8O6 + I2 → C6H6O6 + 2 I + 2 H+

KIO3 + 5 KI + 6 H+ → 3 I2 + 6 K+ + 3 H2O


1 The titration reaction in this experiment is between ascorbic acid and iodine, can we directly use iodine to prepare an iodine standard solution, then do the titration with the iodine solution? Why or why not?

2 Why is NaHCO3 added when preparing the KI solution.

3 Suppose a sample needs to consume 0.02m mol KIO3 to reach the endpoint, theoretically, the solution must have at least how much grams of KI?

4 A student is supposed to add 5 mL KI solution into the sample, but, due to a mistake, the student added 5.1 mL KI solution. Will the mistake affect the calculated concentration of ascorbic acid? If yes, higher or lower? Explain.

5 Describe in detail the steps of a quantitative transfer. In this experiment, you are required to weight your sample in a 50 mL beaker and quantitatively transfer and dilute it in a 10.00 mL volumetric flask. Be specific when describing the quantity of water used and the tools you will need.



ACAPS—How to read History (Document Based Questions)

pick any document from link…

discuss and ACAPS handout critique from the PRIMARY DOCUMENTS section of the Textbook. Be sure you are using information from the READER!

An ACAPS worksheet helps you convey concepts and information concisely and accurately through a close reading of the text.  It requires you to think about the document’s purpose and significance in historical context.  Therefore, it will help you gather the necessary material to write your short essays about the importance of any given topic and its related source material—complete with the relevant citations to prove your interpretation.


Instructions:  In order to more effectively analyze a source, develop the habit of considering the following questions when reading any source material. If it, helps, remember the acronym ACAPSAuthor, Context, Audience, Purpose, Significance.[1]

[1] Adapted from AVID Postsecondary Strategies for Success (AVID Press, 2011), pp. 119-121.



Describe what you feel are best practices for implementing an AppSec SETA program.

During this module, you explored topics relating to the development and implementation of a SETA program within an organization. Based on your understanding of SETA programs and how they relate to the secure software development process discuss the following:

  • Describe what you feel are best practices for implementing an AppSec SETA program.

  • Provide support for those choices using sources from your textbook or the Saudi Digital Library to support your viewpoint.

In preparing your response, include at least one source from professional or academic literature—such as articles from peer-reviewed journals and relevant textbooks. For this course, Wikipedia is not considered an academic or professional reference. Also, proofread and spell check your responses. All sources should be formatted using APA guidelines.



ENC1101 Literacy Narrative project 1

ENC1101 Literacy Narrative project 1

Your thesis will make a clear statement about your relationship with literacy, and your narrative will share the experiences that explain the statement.

You are the main character in your Literacy Narrative, and your readers want to see how the main character developed as a result of interaction with people and texts and contexts. Your development is the real moral of your story, and textual engagement is one of the motivating factors that contributed to your development.



NACLA current news article.

For this assignment, you are to read current news articles about Latin America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit three short reviews during the semester. Please submit one review per due date. Each review is to be at least 3-4 pages and each due date corresponds to a regional topic in Latin America. The due dates for these reports are September 25 and October 23.

Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text).

In your works cited page, compose your article entry in a format like this:

Nidia Bautista, “Justice for Lesvy: Indifference and Outrage in Response to Gender Violence in Mexico City,” NACLA Report on the Americas website (July 31, 2017).

In terms of the content of each report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points in the article that you selected. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the main issue being discussed? (i.e. immigration, elections, education, environment, women’s issues, crime, etc.) Who are the main personalities mentioned in the article? (i.e. Enrique Peña Nieto, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President Trump, etc.) How does the issue affect the people of the country mentioned in the article? Does the issue have any connection with United States interests? What do you think could be the best solution to resolve this problem?

And for the second point of discussion, please analyze the article that you selected and present your point of view on the story. For example, how do you feel about the story? How did this article contribute to your understanding about modern Latin America? And what do you think about the author’s perspective on the article? How does this topic relate to contemporary political, economic or cultural themes in the United States today?

Here is a list of articles from the NACLA website pertaining to regions for the September 25 due date. Everybody, just pick any one article from this list for your September 25 review. You will repeat the same process for your review on a South American nation. These articles range in date from February 2019 to August 2020. For this list, I’m going in alphabetical order by nation:

Here are the regional topics corresponding to each due date:

ONLY CHOOSE FROM SEP 25 ignore october 23.

September 25: Mexico, the Caribbean (Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, etc.), Border issues and Latinx communities, and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, and Belize).

October 23: South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Venezuela)

















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