Category Archives: Research Papers

ECON-401: Intermediate Macroeconomics with Calculus

Problem 1. Per Capita GDP in Six Countries. The le pwt90.xlsx posted on Blackboard
contains version 9.0 of the \Penn World Table” database. Use the le to extract the data
for the following six countries: United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Brazil, China, and
Ethiopia. Speci cally, we are interested in two series: \rgdpe” for PPP-adjusted chain-
weighted GDP (in millions of 2011 dollars) and \pop” for population size (in millions). Use
the template le problem1.xlsx provided on Blackboard to place the relevant data and
generate per capita real GDP series for our six countries of interest.

1. Plot the resulting per capita real GDP series for the six countries over the time period
1960{2014 (on the same graph) on the standard scale and, separately, on a ratio scale
of your choice. Hint: to make a plot on a ratio scale in Excel rst use the standard
scale, then right-click on the vertical axis, choose \Format Axis” and under the axis
options tab select logarithmic scale indicating a base of your choice (say, 3). To plot
all six trajectories on the same graph, select the six series and insert the line graph
based on your selection. Feel free to play around with the graph options to make them
look nice.
2. For each country, compute the average annual growth rate of real per capita GDP over
the time period 1960{2014.

Problem 2. (Midterm exam, Spring 2014). At the beginning of 2003, Mr. Pu, the president
of country Ru, set an ambitious goal: Ru’s real GDP must be doubled in 10 years, by 2013.
In 2003, Ru’s real GDP was equal to 20.

1. At what rate (let’s call it the \target” rate) did the economy of Ru have to grow in
order to achieve Mr. Pu’s goal? How long would it take for the economy of Ru to
double if it grew at 5% per year? Hint: use the rule of 70.
2. The economy of Ru was o to a good start and was growing at the target rate for 5
years, from 2003 until 2008, when the world economic crisis arrived. As a result of
the crisis, in 2008 and 2009 real GDP was growing at just 1% per year. Furthermore,
following the two crisis years the economy could only sustain the annual growth rate
of 2%. Write down the formula to calculate the level of Ru’s real GDP in 2013. Hint:
use the constant growth rule repeatedly. In case you are curious, if you evaluate that
formula, the answer will be roughly 30.



PBHL-B301 Homework #2

PBHL-B301 Homework #2

  1. People with diabetes must monitor and control their blood glucose level. The goal is to maintain “fasting plasma glucose” between about 90 and 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Ten (10) diabetics enrolled in a diabetes control class. Their fasting plasma glucose levels at 5 months after the end of the class are shown below:


141         158         112         153         136         95           96           78           148         172


Manually (show your work) calculate the mean, median, variance, and standard deviation of this sample of 10 diabetic glucose levels.


  1. C-reactive protein (CRP) can be measured in the blood. Values increase substantially within 6 hours of an infection and reach a peak within 24 to 48 hours after. In adults, chronically high values have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In a study of apparently healthy children aged 6 to 60 months in Papua New Guinea, CRP was measured in 90 children. The units are milligrams per liter (mg/l). Here are the data from a random sample of 44 of these children.


0.00        3.90        5.64        8.22        0.00        5.62        3.92        6.81        30.61     0.00       6.65

73.20     0.00        46.70     0.00        0.00        26.41     22.82     0.00        0.00        3.49     45.69

0.00        0.00        4.81        9.37        5.36        0.00        5.66        0.00        59.76     12.38     5.82

15.74     0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        9.37        20.78     7.10        7.89        4.93       0.00


Enter these data into R (creating a variable named “crp”) using the following command:

>  crp= c(enter the 44 raw data values, all separated by commas)


  • Using R, find the Q1, median, Q3, and mean for the crp
  • Calculate the IQR
  • Using the Q1, Q3, and IQR, determine which of the 40 values are outliers
  • Make a boxplot using R
  • Using R, find the variance and standard deviation for the crp
  • Make a histogram using R
  • Refer to the histogram to describe the shape of the data distribution of crp. Is it unimodal, bimodal, multimodal, or uniform? Is it symmetric, right skewed or left skewed?

Note: For all R work, show both your R commands and results. For any plots/graphs, please use the Zoom button to expand your graph (as we saw in class) and then paste the zoomed version to your homework.

PBHL-B301 Homework #2


  1. Follow the directions shown in the second R Lab, “Introduction to Data”, on the website to load the CDC dataset:

> source(“”)

Using this CDC dataset in R, do the following:


  • Using R and its table() command, make a contingency table of “genhlth” (5 General Health categories) by smoke100 (whether the respondent has smoked 100 cigarettes in their life).
  • Using the above contingency table, calculate the proportions of those who have smoked for each of the 5 General Health categories.
  • As shown in the R Lab, create 2 separate subset data sets for the males and the females.
  • Use the above subset data sets to find and report the means and standard deviations of the age, height, weight, and desired weight separately for the males and females. Make a table (by hand) reporting these statistics for each group.
  • Make a scatterplot of (X) age versus (Y) weight for the males. Yes or no, do you see an association between these variables, or do they look independent?

Note: For all R work, show both your R commands and results. For the last plot/graph, please use the Zoom button to expand your graph and then paste the zoomed version to your homework.



Week 5 individual

Explain basic concepts of quality improvement in the health care industry.

Imagine you are a quality leader for a health care organization, and you have been asked to create a document for new employees to introduce the basic concepts of risk and quality management.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Explain basic concepts of quality improvement in the health care industry.

  • Explain the concepts of risk management in the health care industry.

  • Analyze the information needed for decision-making processes in risk and quality management in the health care industry.

  • Analyze 4 risk-and quality-management tools used in the health care industry by considering the following:

  • What are the risk- and quality-management tools used in health care?

  • What is the purpose of each tool?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the tools selected?

  • Explain challenges in making risk- and quality-management decisions in the health care industry.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.



human resource management in health care

human resource management in health care

Among those who took the US Civil Service Exam, Ms. Imelda received the highest score on the written portion. Feeling confident, she applied for a position with the city of Cary, NC. The position required the preparation of written reports and the handling of complaints from the public, either by telephone or face-to-face. Ms. Imelda is a native of the Philippines and English is her second language. When she was interviewed for the position, the interviewers had difficulty understanding her because of her thick Filipino accent. The city of Cary decided not to hire Ms. Imelda because the interviewers believed that her heavy accent would impede her verbal capability to respond to complaints, which was an integral part of the position.

Upon learning that she did not receive the job, Ms. Imelda appealed through a number of channels. When these appeals proved unsuccessful, she filed an action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. She claimed that she was discriminated against because of her accent and thus by her national origin.

Answer the following questions about the case. I suggest doing additional research. Be sure to cite your sources.

  1. Is the city of Cary liable for discriminatory employment? Explain.

  2. What could the city of Cary have done to mitigate the risk of this claim?

  3. What legal defenses do you believe are available to the city of Cary?



Assignment 1—Article Critiques

Assignment 1—Article Critiques


From the selection of articles provided and available through the library via FLO, identify one refereed journal article that employs a quantitative approach and one that uses a qualitative approach (i.e. select two articles).

Note: The reviews should be undertaken only from the articles provided.



On a title page include your name and student ID and correct APA citations for each of the articles that you are reviewing.



Write a critique of each article to reveal your understanding of the strengths and limitations of each article relating to: It is suggested that the following sections A-H be used as the subheadings of each review)


The key points in a-h need to be discussed one by one. First of all, what should be done in Creswell’s book? What did the author of this article do? Then, how did the author evaluate the quality of the work? What are the advantages and disadvantages)



  1. the overall research topic, the research problem, justification of the problem and the central phenomenon or research question(s) and hypotheses (if included) addressed.


  • research questions means specific research issued,hypotheses generally occurs in quantitative studies.)



  1. the scope and construction of the literature review.


Scope refers to whether the field of vision of literature review is broad and whether the content is comprehensive; construction refers to whether the writing structure is reasonable and logical, if only lack of relevant literature accumulation, it needs to be criticized. Again, please refer to the requirements in Creswell’s book



  1. the specific research design, e.g., experimental, grounded theory, correlational, ethnography. Include a brief explanation for your selection of design.


(The specific research design in this part can be ignored because we did not talk about it. It can only be explained that the article is a quantitative or qualitative study)


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BCO324 Cases in Marketing

BCO324 Cases in Marketing

Instructions and Grading Criteria
The document should be 2,500 words maximum and address the following points listed below.
Student must develop a case study analysing a real marketing problem situation where existing problem need to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation;
Synopsis/Executive Summary
• Outline the purpose of the case study.
• Describe the field of research.
• Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details.
• Identify the theory that will be used
• Identify the problems found in the case by: analysing the problem, supporting your findings with facts given in the case, the relevant theory and course concepts.
searching for the underlying problems
• Summarise the major problem/s.
• Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s.
• Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages
Graduate Program
Assessment Brief
Academic Year 2019-2020

BCO324 Cases in Marketing

• Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.
• Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s.
• This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive.
• Here integration of theory and coursework is appropriate.
Make sure all references are cited correctly.


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MA 613 Taxation Law Individual Assessment

MA 613 Taxation Law Individual Assessment

Advice Jordan the assessability and deductibility of the below transactions. Show calculations and support your advice by reference to relevant tax legislation and tax cases.

Advice Jordan on the tax implications regarding the deductibility, FBT and GST associated with the $2,000 gym membership. Show calculations and support your advice by reference to relevant tax legislation and tax cases.

Jordan does not operate a business, but has shares in Australian listed companies and owns one rental property at Coogee. Jordan is a full-time employee of Bendigo Bank and works as an assistant manager at the Sydney office on a salary of $75,000 per year.


Question 1 (2 Marks)

Jordan  is interested in purchasing investment properties in regional Melbourne, in Bendigo  because of the better value  for money for properties  compared to Central Melbourne or Sydney. After being introduced to a real estate agent in Bendigo, Jordan flies to Melbourne early on Saturday and returns back to Sydney on Monday morning. The real estate agent picks Jordan up from the airport and drives to Bendigo. The agent pays for the hotel accommodation and drives Jordan  around the properties. Jordan incurs $700 in airfares from Sydney to Melbourne and incurs a $120 taxi fare from the airport to Bondi. Jordan decides to purchase one of the properties the real estate showed him for $450,000. The purchase was settled on the 20 December 2019 and the exchange of contracts was on the 11 November 2019 and has begun  receiving rent from tenants from the 21 December 2019. The interest on the loan was $15,000 for the 2019-2020 income year. The rent received from renting the property was $30,000 for the 2019-2020 income year.

Question 2 (2 Marks).

Jordan arranges for a concrete ramp to be placed at the back of the Coogee property as his elderly relatives s requested to have it as the stairs are steep and dangerous, going from the house to the backyard. The cost of installing the concrete ramp at the property was $4,000 and the contractors started work on the 21 August 2017 and the ramp was completed on the 30 August 2017.  Jordan and his relatives were very happy with the concrete. Jordan  purchased the property back in December 2017 for $350,000.


Question 3 (2 Marks).

Jordan decides to sell the Coogee property because the elderly relatives would have to go to a nursing home as they are elderly, his uncle is 96 and his auntie is 95. Jordan advertises the property for sale and sales it shortly after to an investor for $400,000. Exchange of contracts take place on the 25 May 2019 and settlement occurs on the 15 August 2019, due to the sickness of his solicitor. The real estate agent’s commission on the sale was $6,000 and the solicitor’s fees for the sale were $4,500.


Question 4 (2Marks).

All staff at Bendigo Bank at assistant manager level and above, are entitled to receive one year of a  gym membership on top of the normal salary. The value is not to exceed $2,000 and Jordan has decided to have the annual gym membership paid for and join “Fitness A” gym and attend classes 3-4 times per week. Bendigo Bank paid for the gym membership on the 1 March 2019 the amount of $1,800.  Bendigo Bank and Fitness A are registered for GST.


Q5 (2 Marks).

Jordan decides to open a restaurant in the main street of Coogee Beach as it is busy with young tourists.  The restaurant opened on 15 December 2019 and will be managed by his friend John as Jordan has a full time job. Jordan is planning to manage the restaurant on the weekends. The premises are leased, and the rent is $1,000 per week.




Five components of physical fitness

Five components of physical fitness

“Physical fitness refers to the capacity of the heart, blood, vessels, lungs and muscles to function at a high level of efficiency. One who is physically fit has an enhanced functional capacity that allows for a high quality of life.”

Five Components of Physical Fitness:

1)Muscular Strength: The maximal force a muscle or muscle group can exert during contraction.

2)Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force against resistance over a sustained period of time. Muscular endurance is assessed by measuring the length of time (duration) a muscle can exert force without fatigue, or by measuring the number of times (repetitions) that a given task can be performed without fatigue.

3) Cardiovascular or Cardio Respiratory Endurance: (sometimes referred to as aerobic fitness). The capacity of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles and tissues during sustained exercise and to remove the metabolic waste products that would result in fatigue. Efficient functioning of the cardio respiratory system is essential for optimal enjoyment of various physical activities, such as running, swimming, and cycling. The performance of regular, moderately intense aerobic exercise is the key to developing and maintaining an efficient cardio respiratory system.

4)Flexibility: The ability to move joints through their normal full range of motion. (ROM). An adequate degree of flexibility is important to prevent injury and to maintain body mobility.

5.Body Composition: Body composition refers to the makeup of the body using the concept of two-components, lean body mass and body fat. The lean body mass consists of the muscles, bones, nervous tissue, skin, blood and organs. These tissues have a high metabolic rate and make a direct, positive contribution to energy production during exercise. Body fat or adipose tissue represents that component of the body whose primary role is to store energy for later use.



Vera Bradley Case Entrepreneurial Process Review

Vera Bradley Case Entrepreneurial Process Review

Review the Vera Bradley Case Study at the end of Chapter 2.

Compose a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the Vera Bradley Case Study.

  • Examine what resources were critical to getting the company off the ground.
  • Elaborate on what conclusions you can draw about the market research and the level of analysis and planning employed by Barb and Pat.
  • Explain your opinion of the company’s sales and distribution strategy, and its production strategy. Identify feasible alternatives to these, given Vera Bradley’s resources.
  • Explain your opinion of Vera Bradley’s initial focus on middle-aged and older women and whether this decision will lock it out of expansion to a younger demographic market.
  • Discuss your opinion of whether Barb and Pat’s focus on company culture is advisable during this early stage of company development and growth. Examine what would happen to the sustainability of that culture if and when the company experiences major growth. 
  • Vera Bradley Case Entrepreneurial Process Review

Cite a minimum of 1 peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library and a minimum of 1 reference from Chapter 2 of Entrepreneurship.

Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Week Four Lecture Review Questions

Week Four Lecture Review Questions

Using the knowledge gained from the lecture slides and the videos shown, please explain the scientific understanding of how life emerged within the early ocean and the transition from prokaryotic cells to multicellular cells.

Explain the difference between harmful, benign, and helpful mutations. Also, please describe how helpful mutations can lead to a populations genetic make-up changing over time.
Question 3:
Explain co-evolution and provide an example from the ocean environment that is different from the example I provided in lecture. (note: you will need to do some research on this one)
Question 4:
Pick a phyla that interested you in lecture and find a marine organism that belongs to that phyla then teach me about it. Make sure it’s different than one I spoke about in the slides and provide as much information as you can – pictures too =).

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