Category Archives: Research Papers
Week 5- HIPAA Compliance Planning
Your company is a security service contractor that consults with businesses in the U.S. that require assistance in complying with HIPAA. You advertise a proven track record in providing information program security management, information security governance programs, risk management programs, and regulatory and compliance recommendations. You identify vulnerabilities, threats, and risks for clients with the end goal of securing and protecting applications and systems within their organization.
Your client is Health Coverage Associates, a health insurance exchange in California and a healthcare-covered entity. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) enables individuals and small businesses to purchase health insurance at federally subsidized rates. In the past 6 months, they have experienced:
- A malware attack (i.e., SQL Injection) on a critical software application that processed and stored client-protected health information (PHI) that allowed access to PHI stored within the database
- An internal mistake by an employee allowed PHI to be emailed to the wrong recipient who was not authorized to have access to the PHI
- Unauthorized access to client accounts through cracking of weak passwords via the company’s website login
Health Coverage Associates would like you to develop a security management plan that would address the required safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data from the attacks listed above and protect their assets from the vulnerabilities that allowed the attacks to occur.
Write a 1-page (minimum) high-level executive summary of the legal and regulatory compliance requirements for Health Coverage Associates executives. The summary should provide:
- Accurate information on the HIPAA requirements for securing PHI
- FISMA and HIPAA requirements for a security plan
- Scope of the work you will perform to meet the Health Coverage Associates’ requests
Compile a 1-page (minimum) list of at least 10 of the CIS controls that provide key alignment with the administrative (policies), physical (secured facilities), and technical safeguards required under HIPAA to protect against the attacks listed above. Include corresponding NIST controls mapped to the selected CIS controls.
Write a 1-page concise outline of the contents of the security management plan. Include
- Policies Health Coverage Associates will need to manage, protect, and provide access to PHI
- The recommended risk management framework Health Coverage Associates should adopt
- Key elements Health Coverage Associates should include in its plan of actions and milestones
Social Work Question
Evaluate current policies (or policy) to identify current deficits affecting black women in maternity healthcare including racial health disparity.
What is at the root of the issue?
What can the deficits be attributed to and why?
At what level of government? Private sector?
Is it an issue of affordability, accessibility, quality, availability?
Is existing policy discriminatory and if so, explain how?
Provide any recommendations for responding to the problems identified.
outline one Psychological disorder that is often seen in children and youth –
Outline the characteristics of the disorder
Explain how this disorder may be displayed in children deemed to display developmental or social challenges. Provide 5 examples of behaviour
Outline two treatments for this disorder and how these treatments can help with improvements in the behaviour outlined above
Introduction – Position and exceptions, if any, are clearly stated. Organization of the argument is completely and clearly outlined and implemented.
Research- Characteristics of the disorder 5 marks Examples 10 marks Treatments 5 marks Research selected is highly relevant to the argument, is presented accurately and completely – the method, results, and implications are all presented accurately; Theory is relevant, accurately described and all relevant components are included; relationship between research and theory is clearly articulated and accurate.
Evidence of Critical Thinking- Integrates relevant and explicit evidence of critical thinking in response to the question.
Conclusion is clearly stated and connections to the research and position are clear and relevant. The underlying logic is explicit.
Writing -Paper is coherently organized and the logic is easy to follow. There are no spelling or grammatical errors and terminology is clearly defined. Writing is clear and concise and persuasive.
Correct APA format- strict adherence to the 7 th edition.
PSYC 100 Evidence Worksheet 4
Module 5: Social and Personality Pillar – Social, Personality, Emotion, Multicultural, Gender, Motivation
Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 4
1. Choose ONE of the Claims above to evaluate. Which type of claim is it: Frequency, Association, or Causal? EXPLAIN your answer.
Claim 7: Opposites Attract.
This is a Casual type of claim. This is because casual claims stipulates that there is a relationship between two events. In this case the two parties are the tow opposite sides and their attraction.
2. Search for and read the entire article for ONE primary source of evidence related to this claim from within the past two decades (2000-2020)
The Evidence: The evidence was found in an article published by the media outlet: The Conversion. The Author is Viren Swami (Professor of Social Psychology: Anglia Ruskin University) and the Article was published in March 14 2017.
The Conversation. Swami, March 14, 2017. Why opposites rarely attract. Retrieved from: https://
3. WHAT did the evidence say? Briefly describe the researcher’s methods and conclusions. If you do not have access to the full article, briefly describe the Abstract for the article, in your own words.
The claim that opposite attracts is refuted by this article. In fact the author stipulates that the opposite is true. Opposite rarely attract, people who have similar attributes are likely to be attracted to each other, as opposed to people with different attributes. Therefore concluding that the claim: opposite attracts is a myth.
4. What TYPE of evidence was it? Place an “X” before the types of evidence the researcher produced.
Case study Survey
Correlational study
Quasi-experimental study
Longitudinal study
Controlled Experimental study
Systematic review or meta-analysis of many studies: X
5. Evaluate whether the types of methods used in the study (descriptive, correlational, or experimental) appropriately matched the type of claim (frequency, association, or causal).
As Identified before, the research claim was casual and the researcher utilizes the meta-analysis of many studies to come up with an answer. This type of method appropriately matches with the type of claim. This is because the claim has been studied by various author for ages, therefore making it easy to combine the insights from different studies to come up with an answer.
6. RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating.
The Rating: 9
The reason for this rating, is that the author has utilized different evidence from different studies to come up with a conclusion. It is obvious that having different people pointing towards the same answer/explanation, it means that the conclusion is correct. There is strength in numbers, and the author has used his insights and the insights of other researchers to conclude that opposites do not attract.
PSY 215 Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric
In this journal activity, you will discuss the biopsychosocial causes of abnormal behavior, as well as challenges that clinicians face when addressing behaviors shared among psychological disorders.
As Jamal researched the factors that cause atypical patterns of human thought, emotion, and behavior, he had a revelation: Abnormal behavior is more complicated than many of us realize. For example, Jamal discovered that abnormalities in behavior can be caused by biological factors (e.g., genetics, neurophysiology, biochemistry). Also, abnormal behavior can be caused by psychological factors (e.g., severe emotional distress, grief, trauma). Finally, Jamal discovered that abnormalities in behavior can be caused by sociocultural factors (e.g., social norms, familial values). Of the many valuable takeaways of his research, Jamal found that abnormal behavior is a complex phenomenon that can have biological, psychological, and sociocultural causes. In many cases, it is not the result of one causal factor, but of several co-occurring, interdependent factors.
Given the dynamic interplay between biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors, the behaviors of various disorders often overlap, making the accurate diagnosis of psychological disorders a challenge for clinical professionals.
Disorder/Behavior List
Bullet Bullet
Anxiety: A psychological response to a stimulus that is perceived as threatening
Bullet Bullet
Example: Avoiding interaction at a party due to discomfort in social situations
Bullet Bullet
Depression: A persistent feeling of sadness and despair that can result in a loss of interest in various life activities
Bullet Bullet
Example: Excessive crying
Bullet Bullet
Dissociation: A psychological detachment and separation from self and environment
Bullet Bullet
Examples: Daydreaming, highway hypnosis
Bullet Bullet
Mania: A period of intense energy expenditure that may involve delusions and engagement in high-risk behavior
NURS 696L Acute Care Adult and Geriatric Patient: Practicum I
Case scenario:
Mr. X is a 42-year male with PMH of GERD who presents with a chief complaint of diffuse abdominal pain onset one day ago. The patient reported that he ate spicy yesterday, triggering the abdominal pain. He took OTC Prilosec 2 pills with no relief. He had one episode of NBNB vomiting since coming to the ED. He endorses subjective fever. He reports taking sucralfate as needed and just started on pantoprazole. Denies smoking, alcohol, and drug use.
Pertinent negative: fever, chills, CP, SOB, palpitations, headache, dizziness, orthopnea, diaphoresis, diarrhea, constipation and urinary symptoms.
Initial workup revealed lactate 2.7, WBC 12.8, neutros abs 10.24. UA with ketones. Unremarkable electrolytes, LFT. CT A/P with mild abdominal thickening and right lung sub-5 mm nodules. Pt was medicated with sucralfate, Zofran, Haldol, and NS bolus. Pt was admitted for the management of abdominal pain, intractable nausea, and vomiting.
You are working with your preceptor who is working with the admitting hospitalist team. Prepare a Problem-Focused SOAP Note based on the information given in the case scenario.
Problem-Focused SOAP Note Format
Demographic Data
- Patient initial (one initial only), age, and gender must be HIPAA compliant.
- Chief Complaint (CC)
- History of Present Illness (HPI) in paragraph form (remember OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment)
- Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, Immunizations, and preventative health maintenance
- Family Hx
- Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc.
- Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy)
- Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form
Assessment (the diagnosis)
- Three (3) differential diagnosis (if applicable) with rationale
- Final diagnosis with rationale and pathophysiological explanation
- Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)
- Tx Plan (meds)
- Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points
- Referral/Follow-up
- Health maintenance (including when screenings, immunizations, etc., are next due):
- Compare care given to the patient with the National Standards of Care/National Guidelines. Cite accordingly.
Marketing 101
1. BestBuy recently changed their return policy, and returns can only be made on the next day of purchase during Black Friday. Alice, Kelly, and Billy went to BestBuy on Black Friday to take advantage of the sales. While visiting the store, they ran into their friend, Taylor Swift, who had been shopping with her best friends, Maggie and Roger, the entire day. Taylor Swift was so excited to see her friends that she forgot all about why she was in the store in the first place. She left without making a purchase, but as soon as she exited the store with Alice and Billy – she remembered that she still needed to pick up her preordered Wii system, and she immediately returned to the store the next day. Taylor was the last person in line, and according to her count, she was #20 in line for a new purchase, 50 customers in the customer service window, and they had 30 people in line for returns. How many visitors did they have in store on Black Friday and after Black Friday?
2. What contributed to the increase in site traffic and online sales? What is the total number of people who made a purchase online? What is the total sales revenue? BestBuy sent out an email blast about their Black Friday deals on November 27th, 2018, to 3,500 people on their list, of which 85% opened the email and made a purchase. When their analyst ran the analytics report, he noticed that traffic to the site increased by 25% and sales increased by 15% compared to last year’s results. The website’s average visits are about 55,000 visits per month, average sales are $45,000, and the average order value went from $20 to $30 for that reporting period compared to the previous year. During the same period, there were other marketing promotions, including TV ads, Billboard ads, and online display ads that also promoted the Black Friday deals at BestBuy.
3. BestBuy is looking to improve the level of “online engagement” and “online sales”. Which one of these tests do you recommend and why? A/B Testing or Value Spectrum Analysis? Explain your answers.
4. 4. Last year, UCLA ran their analytics report and discovered that 50% of student registrations were completed online, 35% of student registrations were completed through an email campaign, 15% of student registrations were completed with an academic advisor (in which the advisor added 50% of those entries), and there were some mailed-in registrations as well that was added to the website. If the total revenue generated from student registration was $250,000, what is the total revenue generated online? Explain your answer.
5. UCLA is looking for where to invest its marketing budget in order to boost student enrollment. One area of steady growth is foreign students however, their online engagement is relatively low, non-international students have better online engagement, but low enrollment. If UCLA is trying to understand why this is happening and if they need to change their overall marketing strategy, what report do you recommend? and why?
Health & Medical Question
As part of an orientation program for new managers, HR has developed a section of the orientation designed to help new managers learn more about HR’s functions and role in helping them become more effective in handling their HR responsibilities.
Using the course readings and articles, address the role of human resource management. Support your analysis with a minimum of three credible sources of research. (Keep in mind this document is meant for an orientation. The new managers may or may not have a strong understanding of the role of HR in health care.)
Write an informational, 2 pages handout that addresses the following:
- Determine the key roles that human resource management plays in today’s health care organizations.
- Evaluate three to five core functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to a health care organization.
- Justify which HR function you believe is the most important in helping a health care organization achieve its strategy.
- Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan.
- Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Analyze the role and functions of human resources within health care organizations.
Educational Psychology – D094
- Select and watch a video from the “Elementary School” section of the “Video Observation List” in the Supporting Documents. Identify the video titleand case number.
- Identify the following elements of the student population from the video identified in part A:
- approximate age
- grade level
- quantity of students
- Identify onedevelopmental stage of the student population in the video from part A.
Note: Developmental stage refers to a level within one of the four domains: cognitive, social-emotional, physical, or language.
- Describe how the age, grade, or developmental needs or characteristics of the students align with the developmental stage identified in part A2.
- Explain how an example from the video demonstrates the alignment described in part A2a.
- Identify onelearning theory that aligns with the teacher’s approach in the video identified in part A.
- Describe oneexample of an instructional strategy the teacher uses in the video.
- Explain how the strategy in part A3a aligns with the identified learning theory in part A3.
- Select and watch a video from the “Middle School” section of the “Video Observation List” web link. Identify the video titleand case number.
- Identify the following elements of the student population from the video identified in part B:
- approximate age
- grade level
- quantity of students
- Identify onedevelopmental stage of the student population in the video from part B.
Note: Developmental stage refers to a level within one of the four domains: cognitive, social-emotional, physical, or language.
- Describe how the age, grade, or developmental needs or characteristics of the students align with the developmental stage identified in part B2.
- Explain how an example from the video demonstrates the alignment described in part B2a.
- Identify onelearning theory that aligns with the teacher’s approach in the video identified in part B.
- Describe oneexample of an instructional strategy the teacher uses in the video.
- Explain how the strategy in part B3a aligns with the identified learning theory in part B3.
- Select and watch a video from the “High School” section of the “Video Observation List” web link. Identify the video titleand case number.
- Identify the following elements of the student population from the video identified in part C:
- approximate age
- grade level
- quantity of students
- Identify onedevelopmental stage of the student population in the video from part C.
Note: Developmental stage refers to a level within one of the four domains: cognitive, social-emotional, physical, or language.
- Describe how the age, grade, or developmental needs or characteristics of the students align with the developmental stage identified in part C2.
- Explain how an example from the video demonstrates the alignment described in part C2a.
- Identify onelearning theory that aligns with the teacher’s approach in the video identified in part C.
- Describe one example of an instructional strategy the teacher uses in the video.
- Explain how the strategy in part C3a aligns with the identified learning theory in part C3.
- Select and watch a video from the “Students with Unique Needs” section of the “Video Observation List” web link. Identify the video titleand case number.
- Identify the following elements of the student population from the video identified in part D:
- approximate age
- grade level
- quantity of students
- developmental need or characteristic of students
- Identify onedevelopmental stage of the student population in the video from part D.
Note: Developmental stage refers to a level within one of the four domains: cognitive, social-emotional, physical, or language.
- Describe how the age, grade, or developmental needs or characteristics of the students align with the developmental stage identified in part D2.
- Explain how an example from the video demonstrates the alignment described in part D2a.
- Identify one learning theory that aligns with the teacher’s approach in the video identified in part D.
- Describe one example of an instructional strategy the teacher uses in the video.
- Explain how the strategy in part D3a aligns with the identified learning theory in D3.
- Explain why understanding psychology and human development is important for all teachers. Support your explanation with a specific example.
- Explain how understanding the differences in developmental levels of individual students will inform your teaching practice. Support your explanation with a specific example.
- Explain how your understanding of learning theories will inform your teaching practice, including onespecific example for an identified learning theory.
- Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
- Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
Communications Question
We hear a good deal about misinformation and related buzz word cousin “Fake News.”
In these conversations we often get the hot take that what we need is to teach people “digital literacy” people just need to be taught how to “critically think about the messages they receive.” Or we get the take that social media platforms are manipulating us into believing false things for clicks, this is kinda where the documentary we watched at the beginning of class lands. Of course as should be obvious by now, my take is always that hot takes are bad and that you want a more nuanced approach to the problem. So lets try to get one.
Read:Start with this article on Qanon. “QAnon shows that the age of alternative facts will not end with Trump.” Links to an external site.Keep in mind this is written before the November election or the January insurrection. But regardless it is a good explanation of the world of Qanon.
Next read this piece, “Lizard People in the Library.” Links to an external site.This is a dense read for a web article so schedule time accordingly, although not long you will want to read it twice. At the core of Fister’s argument is the idea of an “epistemological rift” you want to make sure you understand what she means by this.
To do:
First the facts: Vaccines are effective and safe. There is no debate about this. There have been established clinical trials and real world use that confirms this.
Yet, people still believe a lot of not true things about vaccines and are thus hesitant to get vaccinated.
Your task here is to both explain what people who are vaccine hesitant or anti-vaxxers believe. No need to dictate everything in fact you are better served by finding one specific objection people have to getting vaccinated. Then answer the following:
- What is it that they believe?
- What makes them believe this?
- Find something online that backs up this viewpoint, screenshot the article, or link to it and post it here.
Okay so misinformation is clearly a problem, I mean from a public health standpoint this vaccine mis-information is a nightmare and will literally kill people, and QAnon and the Insurrection led to deaths at the capital.
Think of a solution to this misinformation problem. You might want to consider technical solutions (like what the platforms could do), legal ones, or social ones. Everything is fair game here, just make it a serious solution that you think would help solve this problem. Make a case for why this solution would be a good one, explain how it would help. And then, argue the reverse, explain why that solution wouldn’t work. (If you have trouble with the second half of this question you can do some research online and see what concerns people have about your chosen solution.)