Category Archives: Research Papers
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9.2 Action Required: (Knowledge Application)
This activity is important because virtual employees are increasingly considered a normal part of the workforce. Virtual teams have their own special challenges as well as benefits. Managers should know how to promote teamwork and effective work processes in a virtual environment.
The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of teams, particularly in virtual environments, by reading a case and answering questions that follow.
Case Analysis (Remote Work Is Thriving at Dell)
Dell Technologies is considered one of the most progressive companies in the world for remote workforces. The company, which develops, sells and supports computers, was valued in 2019 at more than $36 billion and employs more than 150,000 workers worldwide. Check out the Dell career webpage that is devoted to flexible job opportunities and you’ll see the company’s pride in employees being able to choose “the work style that best fulfills their needs on the job and in their personal lives.”
Dell reports that its remote teams are as productive, if not more, versus in-person teams. The company uses team technology to connect with chats, content sharing and video conference calls. Video is credited as extremely important in engaging team members, including on executive teams. In fact, the company states that its remote team members are four times as likely to be engaged at work and two times as likely to want to stay at their current jobs.
Slack in one program was employed to facilitate collaboration with a centralized space for teams to work. Adobe Connect allows creation of information like training manuals and presentations in addition to conferencing. Skype is a go-to video conferencing software for many who work from their laptops, as well. In short, the market offers many ways for teams to collaborate virtually and maintain the ability to self-manage. Furthermore, the programs allow for highly complex team projects that can be more productive remotely when sharing documents, simulations and conducting real-time analysis.
Dell uses an extremely high level of ongoing connectiveness with coworkers, such as intra-company social media and chats. The ability to “follow” and chat with team members allows for solving issues that arise infrequently and unexpectedly. Finding and gathering your team can even be easier with remote work than in person because everyone is connected.
Due to Dell’s use of a remote workforce since 2009, the company estimates it has saved $12 million in fuel costs, not to mention the associated environmental benefits.
The future gets more remote for Dell. The company now plans that by 2020, employee global participation in remote work options will increase to 50% of its workforce.
9.3 Test your knowledge:(Questions)
1. This type of team can be very effective remotely because the members are working in their normal jobs and only come together when there is an issue.
2. What does Dell credit as being a critical factor to engagement in remote team meetings?
Interview article: Kama’āina: Kawai Strong Washburn Interviewed by Kathryn Savage :…
Reading and Writing assignment: Read the article linked above and answer the following questions based on the article and the novel.
“KS: “Is All Writing Environmental Writing?” In it, Dungy writes: “I can’t compartmentalize my attentions. If an author chooses not to engage with what we often call the natural world, that very disengagement makes a statement about the author’s relationship with her environment . . . What we decide matters in literature is connected to what we decide will matter for our history, for our pedagogy, for our culture.” (BOMB)
Question1:How do the following…choose 2 from the following: climate change, sustainability, and other environmental, social and political issues of our time figure in Kawai Washburn Strong’s novel “Sharks In The Time of Saviors?” Cite 2 example that support your answers from the reading (make sure to include the name and number of the chapter).
“KSW: Leaving Hawai’i for the continental United States can be a particularly jarring experience. You’re not coming from another country, but sometimes it feels like you might as well be. There are things you can’t take with you—the food, the atmosphere, the cultural predispositions—and things you can. Each of the characters take a different set of things with them, particularly their narratives of what they represent to their family, what their kuleana (responsibility) is…” (BOMB)
“KS: Nainoa, Dean, and Kaui, the children of Malia and Augie Flores, find success through their varied brilliances—Noa who heals, Dean a top athlete, and Kaui, a gifted student. Many of your novel’s characters carry the burden of their talent, of being exceptional,…” (BOMB)
Question2: The Characters: What do each of the 5 characters represent? What might they represent culturally? How are they representational of culture, culture lost, culture reclaimed and the more contemporary aspects of cultural navigation in contemporary Hawai’i? In what ways are the characters representational in a temporal sense? What is being said about their geographic history and present?, How do their ps
Competitive Markets
There are many distinct characteristics that classify a market as Perfectly Competitive including:
- Very large number of firms
- Homogenous products
- Entry and exit into the market free of barriers
- Perfect Information
- Individual firms are price takers
- Long run economic profits will be zero
Given these characteristics of a perfectly competitive market, select one of the characteristics listed. In your post:
- Fully explain what that characteristic means and what its importance is to classifying a market as perfectly competitive.
- If you have noticed this characteristic in a certain market, explain where you have seen it before or provide your own example.
- Would you see the characteristic you are discussing in any of the other three market structures – monopolistic competition, oligopoly or monopoly?
- Why or why not?
Where appropriate, cite examples from your text or other readings.Rubric says:
Post includes substantial and thoughtful content with appropriate terms and concepts learned in the course utilized. Post addresses fully the topic question.
Safety of care improvement Plan for hip/Knee replacement
Hospital needs to improve their CMS rating (from 2 to 3) on safety of care. Their main focus is to decrease Rate of complications for hip/knee replacement patients
1. Detail the plans, initiatives, or projects the hospital should implement to meet the
target of each of the measures and why.
2. Explain how we will measure and evaluate the success of your plans.
ECON 371 International Economics: Trade
This assignment relates to the Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model. Carefully follow the guidelines below:
- You must answer ALL questions.
- You must explain ALL of your answers.
- For mathematical questions, show the intermediate steps that lead you to your final results.
- Always label your axes.
- Don’t overload a diagram. If there is too much content on one chart, do not hesitate to use a new one.
- You should use all resources from this class to complete your homework (notes, slideshow, textbook).
The Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) Model
Consider a Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model in which the two countries are the US and Colombia. For the sake of simplicity, assume the US is the home country. The two factors of production are labor and capital. Workers and capital owners receive earnings W and R, respectively. Factor earnings are denominated in US dollars ($).
In this economy, two goods are produced: smartphones (S) and coffee (C). We assume that the US is abundant in capital and Colombia is abundant in labor.
Finally, we assume that technologies in both countries are identical and that the production of smartphones is capital intensive while that of coffee are labor intensive.
- What does factor abundance mean for a country? Does it mean that Colombia has a workforce larger than that of the US?
- Describe the meaning of the assumption: smartphones are capital intensive while coffee is labor intensive. Draw on the same chart isoquants for the US production of smartphones and that of coffee. (Note that these will be the same for Colombia as we assume identical technologies). Recall that isoquants represent all combinations of factors of production used for a given level of production. Add on this diagram the cost constraints (or cost functions) which are tangent to the isoquants. What is the slope of the cost constraint? On this chart, use labor on the X-axis and capital on the Y-axis.
- Let us first assume that both economies are closed.
- On a diagram, draw the production possibility frontier (PPF) of the US. Show point A, i.e., the no-trade equilibrium, by adding the highest community indifference curve that can be reached in the US. On this chart, use the quantity of coffee on the X-axis and the quantity of smartphones on the Y-axis. You do not have to give any specific quantities.
- On a different diagram, display the PPF of Colombia and the no-trade equilibrium, point A*.
On your charts and answers, use the following symbols and abbreviations:
: quantity of smartphones produced in the US
: quantity of coffee produced in the US
: quantity of smartphones consumed in the US
: quantity of coffee consumed in in the US
: price of smartphones in the US (in $)
: price of coffee in the US (in $)
: quantity of smartphones produced in Colombia
: quantity of coffee produced in Colombia
: quantity of smartphones consumed in Colombia
: quantity of coffee consumed in Colombia
: price of smartphones in Colombia (in $)
: price of coffee in Colombia (in $)
- Compare the relative price of coffee in the US and Colombia. Explain.
- Let us assume now that both countries open up to trade. Prices of coffee () and smartphones () are determined on international markets. Let us assume that:
- If there is free trade between the US and Colombia, how will the two countries specialize (which country will export which good)? Explain.
- On a new diagram similar to that used in question 3, draw point B, i.e., the new equilibrium for production, and point C, i.e., the free trade equilibrium in the US. On the chart, show exports and imports.
- On this chart, highlight the trade triangle.
- What is the factor that determines trade patterns in the HO model?
- Does trade generate welfare gains at the aggregate level?
- On a new diagram, plot the export supply and import demand for coffee. Be sure to indicate the vertical intercepts of both curves and which country is associated with each curve. On this diagram, use the quantity of coffee on the X-axis and relative price of coffee on the Y-axis.
- Let us concentrate on the distributional effects of trade in the US.
- Draw the curves representing the relative demand for labor in each industry (and ) as well as the relative demand for labor (RD) economy wide.
On this chart, use the ratio (i.e., the ratio of unskilled workers to skilled workers) on the X-axis and the ratio (i.e., the wage-rental ratio) on the Y-axis.
HINT: recall the equation that equalizes relative supply and relative demand:
- On this chart, show the wage-rental ratio at the equilibrium in autarky. Show the factor intensity (i.e., the labor to capital ratio) for each industry in autarky.
- On the same chart, highlight the change in relative demand for labor economy wide once the US opens up to trade. What happens to the wage-rental ratio? How is the factor intensity (i.e., the labor to capital ratio) affected in each sector?
- Describe how real wages for workers and capital owners are affected by trade in the US. Who is better off? Who is worse off?
- In your opinion, will income distribution be more equal or more unequal in the US following trade liberalization? What about in Colombia? To answer this question, apply the Stolper-Samuelson theorem. For simplicity, you may assume that increases (while remains constant) in the US and that decreases (while remains constant) in Colombia.
This third assignment relates to the Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model. Carefully follow the guidelines below:
- You must answer ALL questions.
- You must explain ALL of your answers.
- For mathematical questions, show the intermediate steps that lead you to your final results.
- Always label your axes.
- Don’t overload a diagram. If there is too much content on one chart, do not hesitate to use a new one.
- You should use all resources from this class to complete your homework (notes, slideshow, textbook).
The Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) Model
Consider a Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model in which the two countries are the US and Colombia. For the sake of simplicity, assume the US is the home country. The two factors of production are labor and capital. Workers and capital owners receive earnings W and R, respectively. Factor earnings are denominated in US dollars ($).
In this economy, two goods are produced: smartphones (S) and coffee (C). We assume that the US is abundant in capital and Colombia is abundant in labor.
Finally, we assume that technologies in both countries are identical and that the production of smartphones is capital intensive while that of coffee are labor intensive.
- What does factor abundance mean for a country? Does it mean that Colombia has a workforce larger than that of the US?
- Describe the meaning of the assumption: smartphones are capital intensive while coffee is labor intensive. Draw on the same chart isoquants for the US production of smartphones and that of coffee. (Note that these will be the same for Colombia as we assume identical technologies). Recall that isoquants represent all combinations of factors of production used for a given level of production. Add on this diagram the cost constraints (or cost functions) which are tangent to the isoquants. What is the slope of the cost constraint? On this chart, use labor on the X-axis and capital on the Y-axis.
- Let us first assume that both economies are closed.
- On a diagram, draw the production possibility frontier (PPF) of the US. Show point A, i.e., the no-trade equilibrium, by adding the highest community indifference curve that can be reached in the US. On this chart, use the quantity of coffee on the X-axis and the quantity of smartphones on the Y-axis. You do not have to give any specific quantities.
- On a different diagram, display the PPF of Colombia and the no-trade equilibrium, point A*.
On your charts and answers, use the following symbols and abbreviations:
: quantity of smartphones produced in the US
: quantity of coffee produced in the US
: quantity of smartphones consumed in the US
: quantity of coffee consumed in in the US
: price of smartphones in the US (in $)
: price of coffee in the US (in $)
: quantity of smartphones produced in Colombia
: quantity of coffee produced in Colombia
: quantity of smartphones consumed in Colombia
: quantity of coffee consumed in Colombia
: price of smartphones in Colombia (in $)
: price of coffee in Colombia (in $)
- Compare the relative price of coffee in the US and Colombia. Explain.
- Let us assume now that both countries open up to trade. Prices of coffee () and smartphones () are determined on international markets. Let us assume that:
- If there is free trade between the US and Colombia, how will the two countries specialize (which country will export which good)? Explain.
- On a new diagram similar to that used in question 3, draw point B, i.e., the new equilibrium for production, and point C, i.e., the free trade equilibrium in the US. On the chart, show exports and imports.
- On this chart, highlight the trade triangle.
- What is the factor that determines trade patterns in the HO model?
- Does trade generate welfare gains at the aggregate level?
- On a new diagram, plot the export supply and import demand for coffee. Be sure to indicate the vertical intercepts of both curves and which country is associated with each curve. On this diagram, use the quantity of coffee on the X-axis and relative price of coffee on the Y-axis.
- Let us concentrate on the distributional effects of trade in the US.
- Draw the curves representing the relative demand for labor in each industry (and ) as well as the relative demand for labor (RD) economy wide.
On this chart, use the ratio (i.e., the ratio of unskilled workers to skilled workers) on the X-axis and the ratio (i.e., the wage-rental ratio) on the Y-axis.
HINT: recall the equation that equalizes relative supply and relative demand:
- On this chart, show the wage-rental ratio at the equilibrium in autarky. Show the factor intensity (i.e., the labor to capital ratio) for each industry in autarky.
- On the same chart, highlight the change in relative demand for labor economy wide once the US opens up to trade. What happens to the wage-rental ratio? How is the factor intensity (i.e., the labor to capital ratio) affected in each sector?
- Describe how real wages for workers and capital owners are affected by trade in the US. Who is better off? Who is worse off?
- In your opinion, will income distribution be more equal or more unequal in the US following trade liberalization? What about in Colombia? To answer this question, apply the Stolper-Samuelson theorem. For simplicity, you may assume that increases (while remains constant) in the US and that decreases (while remains constant) in Colombia.
it403 assignment2
The clinic has several dentists. Each dentist has a unique Number, name, nationality, multiple room-number, salary, birth-date and home-address (Box, City, Zip).
Each client (patient) has a unique Code, name, home-phone, work-phone, address, and birth-date. Each client is assigned to one dentist. All future visits will be to the same dentist. A client can be insured or self-paying. An insured client should have an insurance company-name, and company-Phone, while a self-paying client must have a bank-name and a bank account. Each visit of a client is described by a date, type, action, fee, and date-of-next-appointment. |
Design an ER diagram for the following Dental Clinic database. Your diagram should have all the needed details. You may make any reasonable assumptions but you have to state them clearly.
- Design an Entity Relationship (ER) Model to represent the above requirements. (2 Marks)
- Convert the ER Diagram that presented in part-1 to Rational Schema. (2 Marks)
1 Mark |
Learning Outcome(s):
Explain the concepts and architectures involved in database development.
Question Two
Explain and distinct between disjoint and overlapping constraints. (0.5 Mark)
Illustrate your answer with suitable examples for each constraint. (0.5 Mark)
1.5 Mark |
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3 Create Entity-Relationship model, Relational model, and write SQL queries.
Question Three
Define Cardinality Ratios for binary relationship? What are possible Cardinality Ratios for Binary Relationship? Suppose in SEU, there are some departments consist of many employees. ( 1 Mark)
What is the cardinality ratio for DEPARTMENT:EMPLOYEE? (0.5 Marks)
1.5 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3 Create Entity-Relationship model, Relational model, and write SQL queries.
Question Four
In SEU, identify Cardinality ratios between the following entities:
Entity 1 Cardinality Ratio Entity 2
CLASSROOM ______________ PODIUM
STUDENT ______________ CLASS
ROOM ______________ BRANCH
STUDENT ______________ TEACHER
INSTRUCTOR ______________ DEAN
MKT 300 Week 8 discussion: Competitive Advantage
Consider each of the brands below. Review the list of potential sources of differential competitive advantage (differentiation) highlighted in chapter 8 , Disruptive Innovation. For each: a) indicate which one differentiation source you believe is the most important to them currently and, b) indicate which other differentiation sources you believe might hold promise for development for them in the near future and why:
- Norwegian Cruise Line
- Sears Craftsman Tools
- Avon
- Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores
- The Salvation Army
mgt321assignment 2
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss the reasons and methods of governments’ intervention in trade (CLO: 1.2)
- Analyze the effects of culture, politics and economic systems in the context of international business (CLO: 2.1)
- Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the international business context (CLO: 3.6)
Report Writing
Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write a (minimum of 2000 word) report covering the following points:
- Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. (minimum words: 500, marks: 3)
- Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and internal environment of your selected company. (minimum words: 900, marks: 7)
Strengths: Explain the strengths of the selected company;
Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;
Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;
Threats: Discuss the external threats to the business company’s success.
- Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis). (minimum words: 600, marks: 5)
Question 1 (25 points)
The pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and excretion of Compound A, a MEK inhibitor, were characterized in healthy male
subjects (n = 6) following a single 20 mg (200 PCi) oral dose. Unchanged Compound A and metabolites were identified by
LC-MS. Compound A accounted for 21% of the drug-related material in plasma up to 48 hours postdose; it had a
terminal plasma half-life of 75.5 h. Multiple hydroxylated and glucuronidated metabolites were identified in plasma,
urine and feces, with only 2% and 6% unchanged Compound A in urine and feces, respectively (Fig 1).
Fig 1: Structures of Compound A and its metabolites
Fig 2A shows the concentration-time profiles of total radioactivity (solid squares) and Compound A (open diamonds) in
plasma following a single oral dose of [14C]Compound A (20 mg, 200 PCi). Fig 2B shows the recoveries of radioactivity in
urine (open diamonds), feces (open squares) and total recovery (black squares).
The fraction of administrated 14C absorbed was 88%, while the absolute bioavailability of Compound A was determined
to be 28%. Notably, a PK modeling program gave a good fit for the plasma concentrations of Compound A after IV
administration but did not adequately model the oral data (Fig 3).
Fig 3: Panel A illustrates the observed PK profile of Compound A in plasma (data points) after IV administration of 2 mg
and the computed fit (red line). Panel B shows the plasma concentrations after 20 mg oral dose (data points) and the
computed fit (black line).
A. How would you account for the effective absorbance of radioactivity in this oral administration study, compared
with the relatively low bioavailability (28%) of Compound A. Specify what may be happening and what may be
causing it (8 points)
B. How would you account for the extensive metabolism of Compound A in comparison to its long plasma half-life?
Based on the data provided, provide a quantitative estimate of the clearance from plasma. (8 points)
C. Design in vitro experiments to further the understanding (mechanistic basis) of Compound A pharmacokinetics in
vivo. (9 points)
Week 9 Interactive Activity-LAW101
Choose one of the following cases, then analyze the cases in the Questions and Problems.
Case A: Chapter 35 (6 and 7), Chapter 36 (9 and 10) in Dynamic Business Law
Case B: Chapter 35 (4 and 5), Chapter 36 (7 and 8) in Dynamic Business Law
For each assigned case, write an analysis of the issue based on the following criteria:
Identify the parties involved in the case dispute (who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant).
Identify the facts associated with the case and fact patterns.
Develop the appropriate legal issue(s) in question (i.e., the specific legal issue between the two parties). Provide a judgment on who should win the case – be clear.
Support your decision with an appropriate rule of law.
Be prepared to defend your decision and objectively evaluate the other points of view.