Category Archives: Research Papers
Persuasive speech outline
- Your typed, complete preparation outline should:
- Include your topic, general purpose statement, specific purpose statement, and central ideas statement.
- Demonstrate the logical structure and organization of your speech.
- Be broken down into the three main sections of your speech: introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Indicate how you plan to transition from one section to the next. You must include a complete bibliography with your outline
For the overall structure, be sure to incorporate the following:
- A clear and logical organizational pattern throughout
- Effective, smooth transition sentences between sections
- The introduction should include:
- A creative and effective “attention-getter” or hook
- A statement relating the topic to yourself and your audience
- The overarching idea of your speech and a preview of your main points
- The body of the speech should be broken into logical main points that support the overall theme, topic, and purpose. This speech should effectively persuade your audience to follow a certain opinion or action. Use your evidence wisely (examples, statistics, testimony, and stories), cite all sources, and utilize vivid language
- Be sure to review and highlight the main points in your conclusion
I have attached a doc of exactly how long and what format the outline should be in.
Contrast the North American region with the Latin American region
Relate and Compare all of these aspects and more with the North America and Latin America, (Include Mexico in Latin America).
For introduction, define the NA and Latin America regions in terms of area, population and little bit history of each region.
How big
Why it’s called Latin America
Why US and Canada not part of Latin America
Size of Latin America
GDP and GDP per capita and add other economical factors
Climate comparisons
Drugs transportation
Religious beliefs
History: Colonial rules, Slavery and little about how the regions are formed
The conclusion should answer “What can i deduce from these differences?”. Maybe talk about the future of the regions and etc.
Please ADD 3 or 4 Graphs or pictures and try to cover as many themes as possible (More aspects than what I mentioned) to provide a lot of information between these regions.
In the United States, the management and auditors of publicly held companies must evaluate their internal controls annually. The purpose of the evaluation is to look for any control deficiencies. Doing so will help avoid any penalties such as the $10.5 million that the SEC imposed on Citigroup Inc. as a result of its internal controls failures. See the article from, Citigroup to Pay More Than $10 Million for Books and Records Violations and Inadequate Controls.
You are an external auditor hired by Citigroup to perform an audit. You will be reporting to Citigroup’s audit committee.
Write a 2–3 page report for the audit committee in which you:
- Critique Citigroup’s internal controls and the purpose they serve.
- Distinguish between operation and design control deficiency.
- Determine the reasons that led Citigroup Inc. to pay $10.5 million in penalties.
- Recommend techniques that will overcome the weaknesses of Citigroup’s internal controls; justify the recommendation.
- Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library, or review library guides.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Evaluate internal control as an indicator of effectiveness and accuracy of financial statements.
LAB 3 – Carbohydrates
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and cereal is the food of choice for many. In the U.S., we consume over two billion boxes of cereal annually. Cereal is not only consumed at breakfast as many also choose it as a snack.
Some perks of eating cereal at breakfast:
- Cereal can provide up to a third of your daily fiber needs.
- Cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals, therefore providing needed micronutrients in our daily intake.
In this lab, you will compare different dry cereals analyzing the amount of sugar, fiber, protein, and other nutrients in each. You will also calculate sugar as a percentage of total carbohydrates. Fiber content of each cereal will also be compared.
Objective: To make an informed choice between cereals using Nutrition Facts labels, ingredient lists, and noted health claims while deciding which one appears to be the healthiest.
Instructions: You will be analyzing Nutrition Facts Labels for various dry cereals and recording nutrient data in the tables provided. Using an online search engine (Google, Duck Duck Go, Bing, etc.), look up the provided cereals listed. is also a great site to find product labels. The actual product descriptions are provided, and it is important you find the same product (name and size) to have correct nutrient data and information.
Type in the exact name as below for each product followed by “nutrition facts” and you will get the nutrition information needed for this lab. (Ex: General Mills Raisin Nut Bran nutrition facts)
*Nutrient information used should be for the dry cereal only and not with milk!
- General Mills Raisin Nut Bran (3/4 cup is a serving at 49 grams)
- General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios (1 cup is a serving at 37 grams)
- Kellogg’s Krave Chocolate (1 cup is a serving at 41 grams)
- Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries (1 cup is a serving at 39 grams)
- Kellogg’s Raisin Bran (1 cup is a serving at 59 grams)
- General Mills Fiber One Honey Clusters (1 cup is a serving at 54 grams)
You will record nutrient data for one serving and remember, NOT with milk!
LABEL INFORMATION | GM Raisin Nut Bran | GM Honey Nut Cheerios | Kellogg’s Krave | Kellogg’s Special K | Kellogg’s Raisin Bran | Fiber One Honey Clusters |
Serving Size
3/4 cup
49 grams |
1 cup
37 grams |
1 cup
41 grams |
1 cup
39 grams |
1 cup
59 grams |
1 cup
54 grams |
Total Calories per serving
Total Carbohydrate (grams) | ||||||
(grams) |
Total Sugars
(grams) |
Added Sugars
(grams) |
(grams) |
Vitamin D
(micrograms) |
(milligrams) |
(milligrams) |
(milligrams) |
*If there is nothing listed for a nutrient then state as “none listed”.
- List the first five (5) ingredients of each food item:
Cereal | Ingredients |
General Mills
Raisin Nut Bran |
General Mills
Honey Nut Cheerios |
Krave Chocolate |
Special K Red Berries |
Raisin Bran |
Fiber One
Honey Clusters |
IMPORTANT: Ingredients in parenthesis are part of one main ingredient and are not listed individually. EX: milk chocolate (cocoa, sugar,…) Only list the milk chocolate!
- Look at the cereal label for any health claims noted on the label. If the product contains no health claims, then note “none listed”.
EX: “This cereal contains soluble fiber which may lower your cholesterol.”
Cereal | Health Claims |
General Mills
Raisin Nut Bran |
General Mills
Honey Nut Cheerios |
Krave Chocolate |
Special K Red Berries |
Raisin Bran |
Fiber One
Honey Clusters |
- Using the above nutrient data, compare the cereals based on fiber and added sugar in each. Do cereals with higher amounts of fiber contain less ADDED sugar or more? Discuss!
- Calculate sugar as a percentage of total carbohydrate for each food item listed.
Calculation: % of total carbohydrate = grams of total sugar divided by grams of total carbohydrate x 100
EXAMPLE: 10 grams total sugar, 25 grams carbohydrate
10 grams total sugar/25 grams carb = .40 x 100 = 40%
Cereal | Calculation (Must show your work for full credit.) |
General Mills
Raisin Nut Bran |
General Mills
Honey Nut Cheerios |
Krave Chocolate |
Special K Red Berries |
Raisin Bran |
Fiber One
Honey Clusters |
- It is recommended that total sugar be less than 50% of total carbohydrate. Which of the cereals meets that recommendation?
- Use the nutrient data, ingredients, calculations, and health claims to choose which of the cereals would be the best choice for breakfast? Discuss your reasoning in detail!
Machine learning CS688- python code
1 (40 points) Regularized Logistic Regression Let D = {(x1, y1),(x2, y2), . . . ,(xn, yn)}be the training examples, where xi ∈ R d and yi ∈ {−1, +1}. The negative log-likelihood of the regularized logistic regression, denoted by L(w) is written as L(w) = C Xn i=1 ln(1 + exp(−yiw⊤ i x)) + 1 2 ∥w∥ 2 , where C is a parameter that controls the balance between the loss and the regularization. The optimal solution for w ∈ R d is optimized by minimizing L(w). • Show that wk = wl for the optimal solution w if two attributes k and l are identical, i.e., xi,k = xi,l for any training example xi . • Train and test a regularized logistic regression model one two data sets, namely the breast cancer and sonar data sets which are available here” class=”redactor-linkify-object”> libsvmtools/datasets/binary.html#breast-cancer and here tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/binary.html#sonar. We will use the scaled version for our experiment. A copy of them is also enclosed in this homework. Use the provided training/testing splitting. In particular, the file “xxx-scale-test-indices.txt” contains the indices of examples in the original file for training, and “xxx-scale-test-indices.txt” contains the indices of examples in the original file for testing. – Use the 5-fold cross validation method to decide the best value of the parameter C. The candidate values for C are 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000. For each C, report the training error and validation error. Choose the best C that yields the lowest validation error. – Use the selected best C value to train a logistic regression model on the whole training data and evaluate and report its performance (by error rate) on the testing data. 1 – Report the results on the two data sets. Note: To train a regularized logistic regression by liblinear library, you can use the option “-s 0”.
2 (30 points) Support Vector Machine • Repeat the same experiments as in Problem 1 by using linear SVM. To train a linear SVM by liblinear you can use the option “-s
3”. • Repeat the same experiments as in Problem 1 by using kernel SVM. To train a kernel SVM by libsvm you can use the option “-s 0”. Use the optional “-t ” to choose different types of kernels. Try polynomial kernel and RBF kernel with default values of parameters. • Compare the test error given by Logistic Regression, Linear SVM and Kernel SVMs. 3 (30 points) The Constrained Version of Ridge Regression In class, we have mentioned the constrained version of ridge regression: min w∈Rd ∥Φw − y∥ 2 s.t. ∥w∥2 ≤ s, (1) where Φ ∈ R n×d and y ∈ R n . Answer the following questions. • (10 points) Prove that this problem is a convex optimization problem. • (20 points) Does strong duality hold? If yes, derive the KKT condition regarding the optimal solution w∗ for the above problem. • (Extra credit: 20 points) Does a closed-form solution exist? If yes, derive the closed-form solution. If not, can you propose an algorithm for computing the optimal solution (describe the key steps of your algorithm)?
•Identify and explain several ways antitrust laws
have been applied to online activities.
•Describe laws that protect privacy in
•Interpret and summarize common security
issues that arise in an e-commerce transaction.
•Privacy means different things to different individuals and in
different contexts.
•Its importance varies from individual to individual, community to
community, organization to organization and government to
•Technology combined with social, economic and political factors has
raised concerns for those concerned with government, enterprise
and personal freedom.
•Freedom of expression and communication of ideas has
been deemed a universal human right.
•The right to privacy and the confidentiality of
communications in addition to protection of honor must
also be protected.
•Electronic communication and storage of data have greatly
impacted these rights.
•Gone are the days of paper data storage and
consideration of practicality issues regarding the
amount of room needed to store data.
•Digital Age: data can be stored in operating systems.
•Ease of storage allows public and private bodies to
collect and store a larger amount of data (and
personal information) than ever before.
What is information freedom? Please answer in
1-2 sentences. You have 5-7 minutes to
type your response in the chat box
1. Information privacy: refers to the ways in which information is
gathered, recorded, accessed and released.
• The multitude of recording and storage options has become
a serious issue for regulation and control
2. Personal privacy: refers to privacy of the person
• Can be invaded by those seeking to photograph, film and
record in public and private places
Privacy is an aspect of freedom and human rights. The
development of technology together with social economic and
political actors has raised the antennas of those concerned
with interference from governments enterprise and others on
personal freedoms. Historically, governments pursued
increasing and systemic invasions of privacy in the name of law
and order, fighting crime and terrorism.
However, their role is in fact to ensure and balance security
issues and the proper protection of the privacy rights of the
In the 1990s the Clipper Chip was proposed by the US
government ostensibly for the purpose of allowing the
government to override individual encryption to protect society
from gangsters, terrorists, and drug users. Such a process
would have allowed the government to access and decipher all
encrypted files.
Search engines such as Google use sophisticated programs
called spiders, robots and wanderers to use the internet
gathering data on several billion websites, creating an index
that handles several million enquiries per day. Individuals are
surprised by the digital persona visible when their name is
searched. This challenges notions of fundamental human
rights, including privacy.
What is google? Please answer in 1-2 sentences. You have 5-7
minutes to type your response in the chat box
False, distorted and damaging information may be compiled. A
consequence of this massive index of the internet creates datasurveillance. Privacy is only one attribute of the internet in
which challenges arise for established values.
Organized crime, terrorism, intellectual property rights, the
integrity of financial markets and tax systems and cultural and
sovereign diversity are others.
Information wants to be free-The absence of a controlling and
enforceable law facilitates free expression, the communication
of ideas and notions of individual liberty which are themselves
important human rights
Electronic communication and storage of data have a real
impact on issues of privacy and censorship. Previously, many of
the safeguards of our privacy were in fact only the costs of
retrieving personal information. Retrieving data stored in
hardcopy form involved time and expense.
Data could be lost, destroyed, or misfiled. Hardcopies could
deteriorate. Many data collections were incompatible.
Considerable time could be spent gaining access. Our privacy
was protected only by the fact that methods of data storage were
impractical and inconvenient.
Data is now stored in compatible operating systems. Due to the
ease of storage, bodies both public and private are collecting a
greater amount of personal material than ever before.
What is data? Please answer in 1-2 sentences. You have 5-7
minutes to
type your response in the chat box
This is a side of globalization that is both irreversible and
inevitable. Individuals now have a virtual existence in
cyberspace, a digital persona made up of a collection of
otherwise unconnected and previously un-connectable data,
and the quantity of personal information in cyberspace is likely
to increase.
Privacy and regulation-Privacy can be divided into broad
categories: information privacy and personal privacy.
Information privacy refers to the ways in which information is
gathered, recorded, accessed and released. In the digital age
there are multitudes of records of individuals on databases.
Information privacy-Modern concepts of information privacy
emerged in the late 1970s and the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) set up an international
Experts Group to draft Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy
and Trans-border Flows of Personal Data.
Electronic commerce law is about the need to find solutions for
novel circumstances.
The OECD guidelines noted that it was the increase in
international data transmission that had made it necessary to
address privacy protection in relation to personal data. The
OECD observed that privacy protection laws have been
introduced in many countries.
•OECD guidelines noted that the increase in international data
transmission has made it necessary to address privacy in relation to
personal data.
•require that personal information cannot be collected unless the
person concerned consents or is informed of why it is being
collected, who will use it, and in what way it will be used.
What is information privacy? Please answer in 1-2 sentences.
You have 5-7 minutes to
type your response in the chat box
The OECD Guidelines require that personal information not be
collected unless the person concerned either consents to its
collection or is informed of why it is being collected and is
informed of who will use it and how the person may access and
correct it.
The Basic Principles of Part Two of the OECD Guidelines
include the following provisions:
(a) Collection Limitation Principle which states that there
should be limits to the collection of
personal data which should be obtained by lawful and fair
means with consent.
(b) Data Quality Principle-Personal data should be relevant to
the purposes for which they are to be used.
(c) Purpose Specification Principle-The purposes for which data
are collected should be specified not later than at the time of
data collection.
Australian Telecommunications Act 1997 prohibits carriers,
carriage service providers and others of disclosing
information obtained as a result of normal business
activities yet requires carriers to have wiretapping
capabilities in place for ‘lawful’ surveillance.
An increase in the amount of data collected and
stored also leads to an increase in mistakes.
•There have been numerous incidents where privacy
has been invaded and wrongful information made
public at the expense of the individual’s integrity. To
name a few incidents resulting from privacy abuse,
it has caused wrongful lawsuits, loss of
employment, false allegations against reputation.
A process where information from personal computers is
sent to the hosts of websites visited.
• a small text file placed on the user’s hard drive, often
without the user’s knowledge, acting like an
identification card but cannot be executed as code or
transmit viruses.
Objects embedded in web pages or email used to
monitor use.
•Provide the IP address of the computer that
procured the web bug, the URL of the web page
with the web bug, the URL of the web bug image
and the date the web bug was viewed in addition
to the type and version of the browser and any
cookie information related to the website where
the bug was located.
As cyberspace grows at a
prodigious rate, so does the
potential for privacy abuse.
What are web bugs? Please answer in 1-2 sentences. You have
5-7 minutes to type your response in the chat box
Minimization of future privacy abuse entails
monitoring changes occurring in national and
international legal environments.
Should progress in a way that includes national
governance with respect to fundamental human
rights. They should also respect human diversity
with respect to global values.
parametric statistical testing
Discuss the assumptions of parametric statistical testing versus the assumptions of nonparametric tests. Discuss why a researcher would select a nonparametric approach based on the data and when they would select parametric tests for their data set. Does it matter what type of variables have been collected in the dataset?
Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (which require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Use University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Calc – 312 – 8045
- Define different perspectives and concepts of problem solving in diverse contexts and business situations. (C.L.O :1.2)
- Demonstrate effective leadership skills and teamwork capacity for efficient decision making with the problem owners and other stakeholders as either a team member or a team leader. (C.L.O :3.1)
- Analyze ethical issues and dilemmas that businesses often face and employ ethical standards in all manners and circumstances. (C.L.O :3.2)
Assignment Instructions for Part-I:
- Log in to Saudi Digital Library (SDL) via University’s website
- On first page of SDL, choose “English Databases”
- From the list find and click on EBSCO database.
- In the search bar of EBSCO find the following article:
Title: “Case Study: When Two Leaders on the Senior Team Hate Each Other”
Author: Boris Groysberg and Katherine Connolly Baden
Date of Publication: January–February 2019
Published: Harvard Business Review
Assignment Question(s): (Marks 15)
Read the case study titled as “When Two Leaders on the Senior Team Hate Each Other” by Boris Groysberg and Katherine Connolly Baden published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions:
- Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 1]
- Identify the causes of problem based on the following techniques? [Marks 3]
- Cause of the problem- 5 Why Technique
- Why-1
- Why-2
- Why-3
- Why-4
- Why-5
- Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram
- What information should you gather, that would be helpful to know before making decision? [Mark 1]
- Develop a mind map for decision making, [2 Marks]
- Write all the alternative choices of your decision. As HR Manager, what will be your decision to resolve this issue and why? [Mark 2]
- Weighing the alternatives [Marks 2]
When weighing the various alternatives, how well each alternative fulfills the variables to consider can be expressed as scores. A different rating scale will be used to assess each alternative:
+2 very suitable
+1 quite suitable 0 neither suitable nor unsuitable -1 not quite suitable -2 not suitable at all |
Note: Positive numbers (+2 or +1) indicate that the alternative is able to fulfill the variables, whereas negative numbers (-2 or -1) denote the opposite.
- Write the conclusion and overall assessment. [Marks 2]
- HR Manager may face Ethical dilemma in resolving the issue and finding solutions. What could be possible ethical issues in the above case? [Marks 2]
Entrepreneurship and small business (MGT 402-2)
Should Tom Pastorius buy Penn Brewery? Explain. (3 marks)
2. Tom Pastorius says, “I’m not a good employee.” What does he mean? Do you think the same is true of most entrepreneurs? (4marks)
3. What challenges does selling the businesses they create pose for entrepreneurs? (4 marks)
4. If Pastorius decides to buy the brewery, what steps should he take before closing the deal? (4 marks)
The Answer must follow the outline points below:
• Each answer should be within 200 to 500 range of word counts.
Strategic Management (MGT 401 – 2)
Case study
Assignment Question(s):
Read carefully the mini case No 18 from your textbook(entitled ‘Tesla Motors Inc.) and briefly answer the following questions: (1 mark for each question)
1. What is the competitive strategy used by Tesla Motors company?
2. Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the industry that “Tesla Motors”belongs to.
3. Describe the different functional strategies of the Tesla Motors company.
4. Describe the relationship of Tesla Motors with its primary stakeholders.
5. Describe the market position of Tesla Motors.
6. Describe the core competency of Tesla Motors.
7. Describe anystrategic alliance (acquisition, outsourcing, joint venture, ….) used by Tesla Motors?Was it successful? justify.
8. What are the main challenges that Tesla Motors faced?
9. Assess the competitive advantage of Tesla Motors in its market.
10. Recommend solutions for Tesla Motorsto improve its competitive advantage.
II. Mini-project
From real national/international market, choose an example of acquisition and answer the following questions:(1 mark each question)
1. Briefly introduce your chosen firms, and partners of the acquisition (industry, nationality, size, market position…). Max 100 words
2. Explain the different reasons for this acquisition.
3. What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage its culture after acquisition? underline the pros and cons of this method.
4. Is this acquisition successful? Justify.
5. Give three challenges that can face a firm that uses anacquisition strategy.