Category Archives: Research Papers

COP3530 Data structures

Purpose: This assignment has 4 main problems. These problems relate to some of the important topics covered in Modules 3, 4, and 5. Submitting Your Assignment: • Assignments must be turned in via Canvas. • Please follow these steps for every assignment:

1. You are allowed to upload only a single ZIP file and no other kinds of compressed files will be accepted 2. Please name your submission as 2_XXXXXXX.ZIP, where XXXXXXX is your seven-digit Panther ID number

3. Inside ZIP folder, there should be a separate folder for each question (i.e. Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3, etc)

4. For questions that require Java implementation: • The .java file must be inside the corresponding problem folder. DO NOT MIX ANSWERS. • ONLY SUBMIT .JAVA FILES. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR WHOLE PROJETC’S FOLDER!!! • If is required, each .java file should contain ITS OWN main method at the bottom of the file. Please add only one main method for EACH .java file.

5. For written questions: • Submit these files INSIDE the specific problem folder. • Each answer MUST be identified. It should be easy to tell which question and subsection you are answering! • Written questions must be only in PDF format

. 6. Please include the following header for each Java program: /************************************************************** Purpose/Description: Author’s Panther ID: Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. **************************************************************/

7. Submissions turned in after the due date and/or which don’t meet the established formatting rules will not be accepted.

 Failure to follow these simple directions may result in a loss of credit for the assignment. Problem #1: In this problem, you will write some Java code for simple operations on binary search trees where keys are integers.

Assume you already have the following code and assume that the method bodies, even though not shown, are correct and implement the operations as we defined them in class. public class BinarySearchTreeNode { public int key; public BinarySearchTreeNode left; public BinarySearchTreeNode right; } public class BinarySearchTree { private BinarySearchTreeNode root; public void insert(int key) { … } public void delete(int key) { … } public boolean find(int key) { … } }

(a) Add a method public int positiveKeySum() to the BinarySearchTree class that returns the sum of all non-negative keys in the tree. You will need an assistant/helper method.

(b) Add method public void deleteMax() to the BinarySearchTree class that deletes the maximum element in the tree (or does nothing if the tree has no elements).

(c) Add method public void printTree() to the BinarySearchTree class that iterates over the nodes to print then in decreasing order. So the tree… Produces the output “5 4 3 2 1”. Note: You will need an assistant/helper method.

(d) Add method public void printPostorder() to the BinarySearchTree class that prints out the nodes of the tree according to a “postorder” traversal. So the tree… Produces the output “1 3 2 5 4”.

Note: You will need an assistant/helper method.

Important Notes: • For this problem, you only need to submit the implementation of four methods in Java (positiveKeySum, deleteMin, printTree, and printPostorder). It is not required that you implement the main method.

Problem #2: (a) Show the result of every step of inserting the following sequence of elements into an initially empty AVL-tree: 10, 20, 15, 25, 30, 16, 18, 19.

(b) Show the resulting AVL-tree, after physical deletion (NOT a lazy deletion) of the record with the key 30 from the AVL tree that you got in the previous exercise.

(c) Show the result when an initially empty AVL-tree has keys 1 through 7 inserted in order (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).

(d) Draw an AVL-tree of height 4 that contains the minimum possible number of nodes.

(e) The following items are inserted into an AVL tree: 1, 2, 3, 8, 6. How many and what type of rotations are performed? Justify.

Note: We assume that double rotations count as one rotation. Important Notes: • For this problem, you don’t need to submit any implementation in Java. • For all parts of this problem, you must draw the AVL-trees using the appropriate graphics tools at your convenience. AVL-trees that were drawn by hand will be not accepted.

L1 : 10 different paragraphs, each paragraph consists of at least 11 sentences, with conditions applied | NEW ANSWER

In this assignment, you are going to write a paragraph about a job. As
you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit Question, “What is a
good job ”?
10 jobs were selected to train professional jobs in a title in the Joe area
paragraph. What is required is the use of 6 vocabulary words and 3
grammar as shown below. Each paragraph must include 12 sentences in
the form of an article used. Underline or highlight vocabulary and
Write a paragraph about Talk about every job like it’s your dream job. Describe
the job responsibilities. Explain why the job is right for you.
1- First title: Lawyer
2- Second title: Judge
3- Title Three: Legal Adviser
4- Title Four: Criminal Lawyer
5- Title Five: Doctor
6- Sixth title: Teacher
7- Title VII: Policeman
8- Eighth title: Nurse
9- Title IX: Civil Engineer
10- Title Ten: Accountant
1) Read, understand and write according to the given rubric (see below) .
2) You MUST use 8 words from the unit’s vocabulary list in every paragraph
(see below) .
3) You MUST USE THREE grammar skills taught in the unit in every
paragraph (see below). ( GRAMAR ” like / want / need .. ” )
4) Follow the model essay in every paragraph .
5) Read your essay at least TWO TIMES BEFORE submitting it to avoid errors.
6) DO NOT COPY from the Internet. Write the essay in your own words .
7) You need at least 12 sentences in every paragraph
8) Avoid plagiarism from any source and write from your imagination, taking
into account the specified conditions
9) Each topic is in a different paragraph, and a title must be written for each
10) 8 of the accompanying words should be used in each paragraph (Use
11) Grammar rules must be used in at least three sentences per paragraph (Use
12) Each paragraph should consist of 12 useful sentences


Foundations Assignment 7: Drafting of Discovery (Party) (60 points)



  1. Circuit Number
  2. County Name
  3. Division
  4. Case Number (same as Complaint)
  5. Plaintiff(s) Name
  6. Defendant(S) Name
  7. Shortened Reference
  8. Applicable Procedural Rule
  9. Time Frame
  10. Instructions
  11. Definitions of key litigation terms
  12. Statements to admit or deny (15 minimum)
  13. Date Sent
  14. Party being served with the request
  15. Party sending the request (signature line, name, address, phone, fax, email)





2._________ COUNTY, FLORIDA


3._________ DIVISION


CASE NO: 4. ___________


  1. ____________________,





  1. ____________________,





5._____________FIRST REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS TO 6.____________


COMES NOW, 5. _____________, hereinafter referred to as “7.____________”, by and through the undersigned counsel, pursuant to 8.____________, propounds the attached Request for Admissions to  6. _____________, hereinafter referred to as “7.____________”, to be answered, in writing, under oath, within 9.____________, from the date of service:


  1. Instructions to the receiving party (separately numbered paragraphs)



  1. Delineate and define key litigation terms (separately numbered paragraphs)


Requests for Admissions

  1. Narrow statements for the Defendant to admit or deny, focusing on material facts, cause of action elements, and the basis for the claims for relief (minimum of 15)



I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing was faxed and mailed this 13. ____ day of _________, 20_____ to 14. _______________


  1. ___________________________





  1. Circuit number
  2. County name
  3. Division
  4. Case number (same as Complaint)
  5. Plaintiff(s) name
  6. Defendant(s) name
  7. Shortened reference
  8. Counsel for Plaintiff
  9. Time frame
  10. Applicable procedural rule
  11. Instructions
  12. Definitions of key litigation terms
  13. Production requests (8 minimum)
  14. Date sent
  15. Party being served with the request





2._________ COUNTY, FLORIDA


3._________ DIVISION


CASE NO: 4. ___________


  1. ____________________,





  1. ____________________,





5._____________FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION TO 6.____________


COMES NOW, 5. _____________, hereinafter referred to as “7.____________”, by and through the undersigned counsel,  and requests the following documents for inspection and copying at 8._____________, within 9._____________ days of this request pursuant to 10._____________.  In the alternative, Defendant may provide defendant with legible copies of the requested information.


  1. Instructions to the receiving party (separately numbered paragraphs)



  1. Delineate and define key litigation terms (separately numbered paragraphs)


Requests for Production

  1. Items to be produced (minimum 8)



I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing was faxed and mailed this 14. ____ day of _________, 20_____ to 15. _______________


  1. ___________________________





ASB 300: Food and Culture Module 1 Comprehension Check

Comprehension Checks are designed to gauge your understanding of the material presented in Module. To complete the Comprehension Check, download the template, select which questions you would like to answer, type up your responses in the template, and submit the assignment through the link provided here. You are required to use the template as provided. Simply insert your responses into the appropriate space on the template.

You must provide an answer to a question in each of the five question sets (for a total of five questions answered). Each question is graded out of six points for a total of 30 points. Each of your answers should be between about 50 and 100 words and should be written in full sentences. Responses should be primarily written in your own words. Direct quotations should be used very sparingly and if used, should make up less than 20% of your response. You should list which course resource(s) you used to answer the question within the response box. Any citation format is acceptable and you do not need to provide a full references list as it is expected you are only using course sources.* Please see the General Guidelines for Completing Written Assignments for tips on how to paraphrase and avoid plagiarism.

Each student needs to complete their own Comprehension Check. You can study with each another student but you need to complete the Comprehension Check alone.You may NOT share Comprehension Checks with other students and you may NOT upload Comprehension Checks to websites such as CourseHero. Doing so is considered academic dishonesty and is punishable by a grade of 0/30 on this assignment and/or a course grade of XE (failure due to academic dishonesty). Grades can and will be changed retroactively, even after the end of the course.

*You should not use an internet search engine to find answers. All answers are available in the course material and you should rely on these sources.


This example presents questions that are not covered in the currently assigned lectures and readings. However, the example illustrates how to properly format your response with (1) using the number of the question answered at the beginning of the response, (2) as appropriate word count, and (3) a citation of the source material. Each response MUST have an in-text citation. This does not mean you should be relying on direct quotations, which in fact, should be used sparingly. You can delete this example from your submission or keep it in.

Questions –

Select one of the two questions listed to answer. Make sure to start your response with the number of the question you are answering.

1. What are starvation foods? Provide an example. 2. What is the myth of nutrition?
Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.


1. Starvation foods are “foods” that are typically eaten as a last resort. I put foods in quotation marks because sometimes starvation foods aren’t things that we would typically consider as food, such as cardboard. Sometimes though starvation foods are just less-preferred items that would be culturally considered food but wouldn’t be eaten unless desperate. Often these foods are transformed to look like more culturally acceptable food. An example of a starvation food is cardboard prepared to look like pasta (Messer 2007, p. 55).























QUESTION #1 (6 points)

Questions –

Select one of the two questions listed to answer. Make sure to start your response with the number of the question you are answering. If answering #2, make sure to include the name of the theoretical approach and the letter in your response.

1.   How do anthropologists define the concept of cuisine? How is this definition relevant to the anthropological study of food? 2.   Select one of the theoretical approaches to studying food listed below (and discussed in the lecture). Explain how that approach structures how food is analyzed.

(a)    Symbolic

(b)   Structural

(c)    Political economy

(d)   Evolutionary

Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.




QUESTION #2 (6 points)

Questions –

Select one of the two questions listed to answer. Make sure to start your response with the number of the question you are answering.

1. What is the original omnivore’s dilemma? What is the modern omnivore’s dilemma. How are they similar and different? 2. What are the three sources of information needed to solve the original omnivore’s dilemma? Which has been argued to be the most important and why?
Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.




QUESTION #3 (6 points)

Question –

Select one of the methods listed to explain. Make sure to include the name of the method and the letter in your response.

Select one of the following research methods and explain how anthropologists use it to learn about food practices in the past or the present.

(a)    Microwear analysis

(b)   Isotope analysis

(c)    Residue analysis

(d)   Participant observation

(e)    Preload test meal procedure

Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.




QUESTION #4 (6 points)

Questions –

Answer the provided question.

Counihan (1992) discusses her students’ perceptions of “good” and “bad” foods. How do most students define these categories and why? Counihan (1992) argues that U.S. college students’ food rules and the underlying ideologies that lead to these rules, reflect and maintain class, race, ethnic, and gender boundaries. Select one line of evidence that she uses to support this argument and describe it (in your own words).
Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.





QUESTION #5 (6 points)

Question –

Answer the provided question.

What is cultural relativism? How is it relevant to the study of food?
Your answer –

Remember that responses should be about 50-100 words and direct quotations should be used rarely.




Solving Linear Programming Applications with Excel’s Solver tool

Solving Linear Programming Applications With Excel’s Solver Tool
Instructions: Use Excel’s Solver Tool to solve each application.  Each problem should consist of the following
components (outlined in the comment boxes below) and look similar to the following example.
There are 8 problems, each one located on an individual worksheet in this file.
Problem — Manufacturing:  Production Scheduling  A furniture company has two plants
that produce the lumber used in manufacturing tables and chairs.  In one day
of operation, plant A can produce the lumber required to manufacture 20
tables and 60 chairs, and plant B can produce the lumber required to
manufacture 25 tables and 50 chairs.  The furniture company needs enough
lumber to manufacture at least 200 tables and 500 chairs.  It costs $1,000 to
operate plant A for one day and $900 to operate plant B for one day.  How
many days should each plant be operated to produce a sufficient amount of
lumber at a minimum cost?  What is the minimum cost?
Solution: Let A = the number of operating days for Plant A to produce the necessary lumber
Let B = the number of operating days for Plant B to produce the necessary lumber
Objective Function:
Minimum Cost, C = 1000A + 900B
20A + 25B >=200 <—Number of required tables
60A + 50B >= 500 <—Number of required chairs
A >= 0
B >= 0
Using the Solver tool
Objective Function 8600
Decision Variables
number of operating days for Plant A to produce the necessary lumber (A) 5
number of operating days for Plant B to produce the necessary lumber (B) 4
Number of required tables 200 200
Number of required chairs 500 500
nonnegativity for A 5 0
nonnegativity for B 4 0
Minimum costs will occur to fulfill the required amount of lumber when Plant A operates for
5 days and Plant B operates for 4 days.  The minimum cost will be $8600.


  • Describe the components of a bootstrap marketing plan and explain the benefits of preparing one.
  • Explain how small businesses can pinpoint their target markets.
  • Explain how to determine customer needs through market research.
  • Outline the steps in the market research process.
  • Describe the bootstrap marketing strategies on which a small business can build a competitive edge in the marketplace.
  • Discuss the “four Ps” of marketing—product, place, price, and promotion—and their role in building a successful marketing strategy.


6.2 Action Required:

  • Watch the short video at the following link:


6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):


  • What is the value of market research to the small business owner?


6.4 Instructions


  • Answer the question available in the “Test your Knowledge” section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below

(Week 6: Interactive Learning Discussion


Writing a reference in APA format



6.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Illustrate the research design and measurement issues associated with evaluating organization development (OD) interventions. (MLO 9.1)

6.2 Action Required:

  • Required Readings:

Chapter 9: Evaluating and Institutionalizing OD Interventions.

TEXTBOOK: Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

  • Recommended Readings:

Church, A. H. (2017). The art and science of evaluating organization development interventions. Od Practitioner, 49(2), 26-35.‏

The Art and Science of Evaluating OD Interventions

Head, T. C., & Sorensen Jr., P. F. (2005). The Evaluation of Organization Development Interventions: An Empirical Study. Organization Development Journal, 23(1), 40–55.

6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  1. Discuss some of the issues faced by organizations in Evaluating OD Interventions.

6.4 Instructions

Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week6: Interactive learning Discussion)


Writing a reference in APA format


postsecondary institution

Describe what it takes to be an effective budget officer in a postsecondary institution. Are there specific experiences, education, knowledge, and skills required for somebody in this position? What are some biblical principles that should guide a Christian budget officer?

Support your discussion from a biblical worldview with specific Scripture passages. The paper must include at least 3 references in addition to the Bible. Be sure to clearly identify major parts of your paper using section headings.The body of the paper must be 1,000–1,200 words.

This assignment must reflect current APA style, which includes, but is not limited to, using one inch margins on all sides, 12point Times New Roman font, consecutive page numbers in the upper right corner of the header, a title page, an abstract, and references page.

Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility (MGT 422)

The W. R. Grace Company was founded by, yes, a man named W. R. Grace. He was Irish and it was a shipping enterprise he brought to New York in 1865. Energetic and ambitious, while his company grew on one side, he was getting civically involved on the other. Fifteen years after arriving, he was elected Mayor of New York City. Five years after that, he personally accepted a gift from a delegation representing the people of France. It was the Statue of Liberty.

The W. R. Grace Company was founded by, yes, a man named W. R. Grace. He was Irish and it was a shipping enterprise he brought to New York in 1865. Energetic and ambitious, while his company grew on one side, he was getting civically involved on the other. Fifteen years after arriving, he was elected Mayor of New York City. Five years after that, he personally accepted a gift from a delegation representing the people of France. It was the Statue of Liberty.

In 1945, grandson J. Peter Grace took control of the now worldwide shipping company. A decade later, it became a publicly traded corporation on the New York Stock Exchange. The business began shifting from shipping to chemical production.

By the 1980s, W. R. Grace had become a chemical and materials company, and it had come to light that one of its plants had been pouring toxins into the soil and water underneath the small town of Woburn, Massachusetts. The poisons worked their way into the town’s water supply and then into the townspeople. It caused leukemia in newborns. Lawsuits in civil court, and later investigations by the Environmental Protection Agency, cost the corporation millions. J. Peter Grace retired as CEO in 1992. After forty-eight years on the job, he’d become the longest-reigning CEO in the history of public companies. During that time, he also served as president of the Grace Institute.

The nonfiction novel A Civil Action came out in 1996. The best-selling, award[1]winning chronicle of the Woburn disaster soon became a Hollywood movie. The movie, starring John Travolta, continues to appear on television with some regularity. To honor the Grace Institute, October 28 was designated “Grace Day” by New York City in 2009. On that day, the institute defined its mission this way: “In the tradition of its founding family, Grace Institute is dedicated to the development of the personal and business skills necessary for self-sufficiency, employability, and an improved quality of life.” “Our Mission,” Grace Institute, accessed June 1, 2011,



  1. a. How are business leaders meant to organize the four responsibilities? Which ones take precedence over the others and why? (4 marks)
  1. Judging the man named W. R. Grace through the lens of CSR, how well did he respond to his obligations? Explain. (2.5 marks)
  2. Judging the company’s more recent activities in the 1980s through the lens of CSR, how well did it respond to its obligations? Explain. (2.5 marks)
  1. The W. R. Grace company has a long history. From the information provided, what are some of the steps the company has taken to become economically sustainable? What are some of the steps the W. R. Grace company has taken to promote social sustainability? Explain. (6 marks)
















The traveling salesman problem

  1. The traveling salesman problem consists of solving the order in which a person must visit each and every one of the defined cities only once, with the aim of minimizing the distance traveled. The problem definition includes a matrix of distances between the cities.



  Frederick Hagerstown Germantown Shepherdstown
Hagerstown 25.1      
Germantown 21.9 44.9    
Shepherdstown 31.7 18 50.7  
Washington D.C 45.5 68.6 27.7 74.4


  1. Create a code in any programming language and get the output to implement your solution.

CNL-525 Topic 6 Career Counseling Resources Short Answer Worksheet

Review and answer each of the questions below. Include in-text citations when appropriate. For each question, your response should be between 75-125 words. Please be specific and provide details in your explanation.

1. Find three resources (other than Indeed) that you would give to clients who need to update their resume, fill out an application that stands out, and compose a cover letter. List the resources.

2. Look for and review different online job-search platforms. What services do they offer? What services stand out to you and why?

3. Name at least two places in your city, or one nearest you, that can help people in their job searches. These can be government agencies, disability outreaches, churches, counseling agencies, etc. Briefly describe how they can help.

4. Briefly explain how paid professional career coaches, recruiters, and headhunters can help people get hired.

5. Read “How to Ask for an Awesome Letter of Recommendation (and Actually Get One)” and discuss the importance of clients obtaining reference letters.

6. Read “How to Develop Your Skill Set to Advance Your Career” and discuss ways you could help a client explore options to gain skills in finding a better job.

7. Discuss what you know about how to help someone find a military recruiter or apply for a state or federal job.

8. How can you help a midlife client transitioning to a new job learn more about the technological requirements of the job and the possibility of working from home (remotely)?

9. How might a retired individual need assistance in looking for an avocation, volunteer work, or part-time job?

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